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Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 26-05-2012 14:09
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Btw,i have updated the conditions with more details:

For Better Engine Performance
•MP Engines are played between each other using 6 physical cores
•Perfect 2012b’s opening lines are frequently tuned/optimized
•Adapters (Polyglot,Wb2Uci…) are not planning to be used
•Multiply Matches (running several GUIs on same PC) are not allowed
•LIVE Broadcasting Tools-Publish Tournament on WEB are not allowed
•During Matches:No any external software is running in the background
•It’s not installed any programs to tray in the Taskbar (Startup)
•The SCCT Tournament Computers are daily ShutDown
•Internet is disabled as protecting from any kind of threads
•No clicking with mouse,no typing…(when the tourney is active)

SCCT Rating’s Disadvantages
•Chess Engines are played with Ponder OFF (NON-Auto232 mode)
•Some opening lines of Perfect 2012b book still needs optimization
•Blitz time control has RVOTAn used (not many high-quality games)
•For more reliable rating, more engines and games are needed
•No LIVE Broadcasting (external PC and webcam is missing)

SCCT Rating’s Advantages
•Engines are played with same time control on latest fast machines
•64 bit / SSE Engine versions have RVOTAn played,using 6 physical cores
•It’s true that Ponder ON is better for Chess Engines,but note also that:
-Ponder OFF 6 core is approx. 140 Elo stronger than Ponder ON 1 core
•During matches:no external software is running (e.g LIVE tools or several GUIs…)
•As far as possible, the strongest modern openings are preferred and used

Time Control
•All games are played with same time control: 3 Minutes/Game + 2 Seconds/Move
*One of the most preferable blitz time controls, used in latest Chess Championships
•The overall time duration game length:equals to average 11 minutes per game
•Personally I’m not a big fan testing the engines with fast time controls
•Blitz games are less important and the results cannot be taken as very seriously
•But however, blitz is the most used and played time control in chess
•The main reason i use this blitz time control for the current rating is very simple:
-As a single tester,I have no enough free cpu time to create a reliable slow rating
•Plus blitz chess offers more possibilities to test many different engine versions

For more details:

Best Wishes,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 26-05-2012 14:11
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 29-05-2012 03:00
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Engine Update:
Ivanhoe B46fE.02

More games are needed for better conclusion

But however,Ivanhoe B46fE.02 x64 seems to be a very strong compile

As we see, the current Ivanhoe B46fE.02 results are impressive so far

My Congratulations to Ivanhoe team and Izak Pretorius!

For Current Standings:

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 31-05-2012 01:49
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

More Ivanhoe B46fE.02 x64 6c games are added

The current Ivanhoe version's start was impressive (up to 200 games),but unfortunately was not so lucky in the last 250 games

But however,as a freeware engine-very good results !

For SCCT Rating List:

Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 06-06-2012 12:57
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce:
- Very soon, Deep Fritz 13 and Houdini 2.0z will be started testing under SCCT:

Some Notes:
-Houdini 2.0z is a new modified version by Salvador,for more details:
-Deep Fritz 13 is the latest release by ChessBase (Frans Morsch/Mathias Feist):
-I hope to publish the current engine results in 10 days period of time

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-06-2012 16:24
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Dear Friends,

I have run a new testing-played by Fruit 2.0 vs Engines (released around 2004 year)

Some Notes (if we test the engines without books):

1)Fruit 2.0 test (no books):
*Fruit 2.0 and Zappa 1.0 (when Zappa is with Black pieces) have similarities in openings
*Fruit 2.0 vs Fruit 2.0, both same versions have identical opening playing style
*The rest engine openings are almost different than Fruit 2.0 opening playing style

2)SCCT SSE/Non-SSE test (no books):
*There are some similarities in openings, played by the Top chess engines:
- Houdini / Strelka / Komodo / Rybka / Ivanhoe / Critter / Stockfish

3)SCCT 3 Type Tournament (no books):
*Some engines (Rybka;Glaurung;Thinker;Bright;Toga;Loop...) have similarities in openings too

More Details:
*It seems many of the above engines are based on similar opening-related code
*These testings are done mainly for different purposes (not for proving which engine is a clone)
*Once more we noticed that many chess engines are each other relative
*Mostly of the played openings are far away from the current strong opening theory

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-06-2012 20:25
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Friends,

Last Updated Engine:
Deep Fritz 13 w32 6c

SCCT Rating List:

Some Notes:
-Deep Fritz 13 performed just 12 Elo stronger than Deep Fritz 12
*I hope, Deep Fritz 13 will be ranked at higher places (after more games...)
-Houdini 2.0z test is cancelled,due to there is something wrong with its strenght
-The SCCT Rating List includes ‘No double games’ and ‘No games up 15 moves’

Best Wishes,
Опубликовано 08-06-2012 20:29

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08

Thx, Sedat!
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 12-06-2012 00:14
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Ne za chto uvajaemiy Yuriy !
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 12-06-2012 00:15
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Dear Friends,

Nowadays there are a lot of clone/derivative/original work discussions over chess forums
That's why,this time i decided to create a different list,where all engines are played exactly at same position

Similarity Move Test Conditions:
Processor:QX 9650@3.66GHz
Win XP x64 Prof (service pack 2)
Chess GUIs:Fritz 12 / Arena 3.0
HashTable size:128 MB
Time Control:3 min game
Engine CPUs:All engines are played with 1 core
Before starting each test: engine's hastables are cleaned
Test Opening Position: B12 Caro-Kann,Advance Variation (Side to move:Blacks)
[D] r2qkb1r/pp1nnpp1/2p1p2p/3pPb2/3P4/1N3N2/PPP1BPPP/R1BQ1RK1 b kq - 0 8

Some Notes:
-The current test is done mainly for recognizing which engines are each other relative
-The Similarity Test can be useful about which engines use same/similar ideas as well
-Similarity Move Test is not done for proving which engines are clone/derivative/original work
-Almost all Top Engines (Houdini;Komodo;Strelka;Stockfish,Critter,Ivanhoe... prefered 'Qc7' move
-Its interesting to note that Rybka 4.1 x64 1c prefered to play 'g5' move (not sure why ?!)
-Fruit 2.1 (open source engine) prefered especially to play 'Ng6'
-Note also 'Ng6' move is the most prefered move by many chess engines
-Zappa 1.0 and Fruit 2.0 are prefered to play 'a5' move (again similarity !)
-Sjeng c't 2010;Spike 1.4;BigLion 1.8f;Junior 6;Sos 5.1 played completely different moves than all


59 Engine versions prefered 'Ng6' move

Amateur 2.82 - Ng6
Abrok 5.0 - Ng6
Ant 2006 - Ng6
Arasan 13.4 1c - Ng6
BeoWolf 2.4 - Ng6
Betsy 6.51 - Ng6
Bison 10.1 x64 - Ng6
Brutus 8.05 x64 - Ng6
CapaChess - Ng6
Chezzz 1.03 - Ng6
Comet B68 - Ng6
Crafty 23 CB 1c - Ng6
Cyrano 0.6b17 x64 - Ng6
Danasah 4.45 UCI - Ng6
Danasah 4.45 WB - Ng6
DayDreamer 1.75 x64 - Ng6
Deep Ftritz 13 1c - Ng6
Deep Sjeng 1.6 1c - Ng6
Delphil 26a - Ng6
Dirty 25082011 x64 - Ng6
Dragon 4.43 - Ng6
DrunkenMaster 1.2 - Ng6
EXchess 6.10b x64 - Ng6
Franchesca 0.19 - Ng6
Fruit 2.1 - Ng6
GES 1.36 - Ng6
Gull 1.2 x64 - Ng6
GreKo 9.2 - Ng6
Gromit 3.1 CB - Ng6
GnuChess4TM - Ng6
GnuChess 6.0.2 - Ng6
Glaurung 1.0.1 - Ng6
Jonny 2.7 - Ng6
Junior 7 - Ng6
Junior 8 - Ng6
Hiarcs 7.32 - Ng6
Hiarcs 9 - Ng6
Hiarcs 13.2 - Ng6
Ktulu 5.1 - Ng6
Ktulu 9 - Ng6
LambChop 10.99 - Ng6
LittleThought 052 - Ng6
Loop 2007 x64 - Ng6
Movei 0.08.438 1c - Ng6
Naum 4.2 x64 1c - Ng6
Onno 1.2.70 x64 1c - Ng6
Phalanx XXII - Ng6
Pharaon 3.5.1 1c - Ng6
Popochin 3.2 - Ng6
Shredder 9 - Ng6
Spike 0.9a - Ng6
Supra 101 - Ng6
Toga II 1.2.1 - Ng6
Toga II 1.4 beta5c - Ng6
Tornado 4.88 x64 1c - Ng6
Ufirm 8.02 - Ng6
Umko 1.2 x64 1c - Ng6
Zappa Mexico II x64 1c - Ng6
Zarkov 6.50 - Ng6


57 Engine versions prefered 'Qc7' move

Amy 0.87 - Qc7
Anmon 5.75 WB - Qc7
Aristarch 4.50 - Qc7
AliChess 4.20 - Qc7
BobCat 3.25 x64 - Qc7
Buzz 008 x64 - Qc7
Boot 5.1.0 - Qc7
Cerebro 3.0d - Qc7
Chess Tiger 14 - Qc7
Chess Tiger 15 - Qc7
Chess Tiger 2007.1 - Qc7
Critter 0.8 x64 1c - Qc7
Critter 1.4 x64 1c - Qc7
Chronos 1.99 x64 - Qc7
Deep Junior 13 1c - Qc7
Deuterium 110229107 - Qc7
ETchess 130108 - Qc7
El Cinito 3.25 - Qc7
Elf 1.30 - Qc7
EXchess 4.03 - Qc7
Frenzee 3.5.19 - Qc7
FreeChess 2.17b - Qc7
Fritz in Bahrein - Qc7
Gandalf 5.0 - Qc7
Fire 2.2 xTreme x64 1c - Qc7
Fairy-Max v4.8 - Qc7
Fritz 5.32 - Qc7
Fritz 6 - Qc7
Fritz 7 - Qc7
Fruit 1.0 - Qc7
Fruit 090705 x64 1c - Qc7
Gambit Tiger 2.0- Qc7
GreKo 2.817 - Qc7
Ivanhoe B46fE 1c - Qc7
Hannibal 1.1 x64 - Qc7
Houdini 2.0c - Qc7
Igorrit 0086v9 x64 - Qc7
Insomniac 0.69 - Qc7
Komodo 4 x64 - Qc7
MinkoChess 1.3 x64 1c - Qc7
Nejmet 3.06 - Qc7
Nemo 1.01b x64 - Qc7
Philou 3.70 x64 - Qc7
Pseudo 0.7 - Qc7
Quazar 0.4 x64 - Qc7
Rybka 1.0b x64 1c - Qc7
RobboLito 010 - Qc7
Rufian 2.0.2 - Qc7
Rufian 2.1.0 - Qc7
SOS CB - Qc7
Strelka 5.1 x64 - Qc7
Strelka 5.5 x64 - Qc7
Stockfish 2.2.2 x64 1c - Qc7
TSCP 1.81 - Qc7
Thinker 5.4Di x64 1c - Qc7
Xpdnt 061120 - Qc7
Yace 0.99.87 - Qc7
Vitrivius 1.0C - Qc7


25 Engine versions prefered 'Nc8' move

Anatoli 035k - Nc8
Amyan 1.59 - Nc8
Amyan 1.72 - Nc8
Arion 1.7 - Nc8
AliBaba 1.18 - Nc8
Bionic 4.01 - Nc8
Cheng3 1.07 - Nc8
Counter 1.2 - Nc8
Colossus 2008b - Nc8
Crafty 19.19 1c - Nc8
Delfi 5.4 1c - Nc8
Faile 1.44 CB - Nc8
Hagrid 0.7.56 - Nc8
Hamsters 0.8.2 1c - Nc8
Icarus 0.18 CB - Nc8
Leila 052f - Nc8
List 512 - Nc8
Mizar 1.0 - Nc8
Nimzo 8 - Nc8
Pepito 1.59 - Nc8
Predator 2.21 x64 - Nc8
Rotor 0.5 - Nc8
Trace 1.37a - Nc8
WildCat 4 WB - Nc8
WildCat 8 UCI - Nc8


24 Engine versions prefered 'a5' move

Ayito 02994 - a5
Bugchess2 1.9 x64 - a5
Cheese 1.3 - a5
Chiron 1.0a x64 1c - a5
Gaviota 0.84 x64 - a5
Deep Shredder 12 x64 1c - a5
Equinox 1.10 x64 1c - a5
Fritz 8 - a5
Fruit 2.0 - a5
Goliat Light 1.5 - a5
Kiwi 0.6d x64 - a5
King of Kings 2.57 - a5
Matacz14 HT74 - a5
Quark 2.35 - a5
Pawny 0.2 x64 - a5
Patzer 3.11a - a5
Protector 1.4.0 x64 1c - a5
Prodeo 1.0 - a5
ProDeo 1.74 - a5
SlowChess Blitz 2.1 1c - a5
SmarThink 017a - a5
SmarThink 1.20 x64 - a5
Spark 1.0 x64 1c - a5
Zappa 1.0 - a5


21 Engine versions prefered 'g5' move

Anaconda 2.2.2 - g5
Crafty 23.3 x64 1c - g5
Crafty 18.10 CB - g5
ElTurco 0.93 - g5
Eeyore 1.48 - g5
Jonny 4 x64 - g5
Gandalf 6.0 - g5
Natwarlal 0.14 - g5
Naum 1.8 - g5
Patriot 1.3.0 - g5
RedQueen 1.0.0 x64 - g5
Rybka v2.1c - g5
Rybka 4.1 x64 1c - g5
Sjeng WC2008 x64 1c - g5
Scorpio 2.7 x64 1c - g5
Testina 2.2 - g5
Texel 101 x64 - g5
The Baron 2.2.2 - g5
The Baron 2.2.3 - g5
The King 3.33 - g5
The King 3.50 x64 1c - g5
Thinker 4.7a - g5

3 Engine versions prefered 'Rc8' move

GarboChess 3 x64 - Rc8
Litle Goliath Revival 3.11 - Rc8
RomiChess P3k x64 - Rc8


3 Engine versions prefered 'Bh7' move

Tao 5.7 - Bh7
The Crazy Bishop CB - Bh7
The Crazy Bishop 052 - Bh7


2 Engine versions prefered 'Bg4' move

Gaia 3.5 x64 - Bg4
LordKing 2006 Serafinus - Bg4


1 Engine versions prefered 'b6' move

Sjeng c't 2010 - b6

1 Engine version prefered 'Bg6' move

Spike 1.4 1c - Bg6


1 Engine version prefered 'Be4' move

Sos 5.1 For Arena - Be4

1 Engine version prefered 'f6' move

BigLion 1.8f - f6

1 Engine version prefered 'Rg8' move

Junior 6 - Rg8


Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 12-06-2012 03:58
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

After 820 games,Deep Fritz 13's performed 30 Elo higher than Deep Fritz 12

For SCCT Rating List:

Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 14-06-2012 19:36
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

Last Update Engine:
Houdini 2.0z x64 6c (a new modified version by Salvador)

Its too early for any conclusions,but however the current Houdini 2.0z's performance is just GREAT

Well Done to Salvador/Robert Houdart !

Rating List:



Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 14-06-2012 21:45

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08

Уважаемый Седат, на днях я прилечу в Анталию! Пока не знаю, один прилечу, или с молодой женщиной, но на днях буду! Достало меня всё, хочу на море! Анапа-Сочи-Крым- пусть идут лесом, я начинаю загранпоездки!
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 15-06-2012 00:20
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

kosmodrom написал:
Уважаемый Седат, на днях я прилечу в Анталию! Пока не знаю, один прилечу, или с молодой женщиной, но на днях буду! Достало меня всё, хочу на море! Анапа-Сочи-Крым- пусть идут лесом, я начинаю загранпоездки!

Privet Yuriy,

Ochen harosho...
Tiy tolka skaji kogda priletaesh i v kalom gostinitse budesh otdiyhat ?

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 16-06-2012 00:10
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Update:

More games have RVOTAn added (played by Houdini 2.0z Pro x64 6c):

Опубликовано 16-06-2012 00:46

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08

Седат, у меня пока некоторые трудности, сегодня договорился с одной женщиной покупать путёвку, отель, время поездки она выбирала сама, так вот, она просто .... не пришла в офис туристической компании. Я вообще ничего не понимаю... Sad Подробнее я писал в закрытом разделе, у тебя доступ есть, можешь почитать подробнее.
У меня в запасе был всего один вариант (ещё только одна женщина), в ближайшие дни буду работать этот вариант, если и там глухо, то полечу один, числа 18-20 июня.
В Турции (Сиде) 17 июня будет Игорь (aka Igalex), такой шанс нельзя упускать, когда ещё мы соберём трёх человек вместе, думаю, мы встретимся втроём: Игорь, Юра, Седат и устроим международную пьянку! Седат, ты пил с русскими? Smile
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 17-06-2012 12:49
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Privet Yuriy,

Kanenchnma ya pil s ruskimi Smile

Harosho brat...kogda priedesh pust tolka zvani

S netepeniem jdu nashu bstrechu


Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 17-06-2012 12:50
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

Last Update Engine:
Critter 1.6 x64 6c

More Critter 1.6 games coming soon...

Rating List:



Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 18-06-2012 13:18
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Critter 1.6 x64 6c games are added

Very good results as freeware engine... - Congrats to Richard Vida !

For SCCT Rating List:

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 20-06-2012 20:35
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Dear Friends,

I am pleased to publish out photos about LIVE meetings with my dear chess friends in Antalya

Guido Michelangeli (the Tournament Manager of Testo Book Tournaments) and Me:

Servet Kultur (the Author of CompMaster opening book series) and Me:

Note that nowadays,Yuriy Gudzatoviy (Kosmodrom) the Author of MyBook series is in Antalya too
Probably tomorrow i will see Yuriy in LIVE

And i hope to see more Chess Friends in LIVE...

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 22-06-2012 13:58
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Chess Friends,

New games are added...

And very soon each participant will be based on 1000 games per player

Rating List:



Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
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