Тема: Шахматы: шахматы для компьютера скачать бесплатно, шахматы онлайн играть с компьютером. Новости шахмат. Статьи о шахматах. :: AntiMaster X-mas 2700+

Прислано AntiMaster 03-01-2011 22:05


Качайте, друзья мои!

Strongest book in nowdays on playchess.com in Engine Room!

Прислано AntiMaster 04-01-2011 12:45

Вот ещё новогодний подарочек Юре и Кевину: http://stark.foru...rlock#2927

Спасибо, конечно, за всё хорошее средний палец показали

Прислано dudadudava 04-01-2011 17:51

what is the password of AntiMaster X-mas 2700+

Прислано AntiMaster 04-01-2011 17:58

Pls, send games, played on playchess.com in Engine Room by engines by date "the end of December2010-start January2011" and will get pass.

Прислано pico 04-01-2011 17:59

Dudaduva just send the games and get the psw!

Прислано dudadudava 04-01-2011 19:01

Thanks Antimaster for your answer. I do not play at playchess.com
I like chess very much. My doughter studys chess and I help her.
Sometimes I play at yahoo chess. I like chess very much and collect everything about chess. I have different programs, books, etc. I have all antimaster books and on forum I heard about new antimaster 10. That's why if you give me password I tell you great thanks and may be I shall help you any time. Thanks a lot
you can send to me password on email: ntrmedia@yahoo.co.uk
I promiss that it will be secret.

Прислано dudadudava 05-01-2011 00:06

what will you say administrator ?

Прислано AntiMaster 05-01-2011 06:43

What i wanted say i said, that is wrote in mini-chat my dear.

Прислано dudadudava 05-01-2011 21:09

Antimaster, I like your books. Please, give me password of antimaster 10

Прислано pico 06-01-2011 03:10

humf, my comp is taking holiday *CRAZY*
loosing even to dual core... *WALL*
any suggestion?

Прислано dudadudava 06-01-2011 03:16

pico. if you have password of Antimaster 10 , please give me

Прислано kosmodrom 14-01-2011 11:12

Password: AntiMaster is your nightmare!