Тема: Шахматы: шахматы для компьютера скачать бесплатно, шахматы онлайн играть с компьютером. Новости шахмат. Статьи о шахматах. :: LCZero

Прислано Kevin 06-05-2019 17:01

Вышла версия v0.21.2-rc1.


Make --sticky-endgames on by default (still off in training) (#844)
update download links in README (#842)
Recalibrate centipawn formula (#841)
Also make parents Terminal if any move is a win or all moves are loss or draw. (#822)
Use parent Q as a default score instead of 0 for unvisited pv. (#828)
Add stop command to selfplay interactive mode to allow for graceful exit. (#810)
Increased hard limit on batch size in opencl backend to 32 (#807)