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Прислано Vladimir-13 14-10-2008 21:13

Похоже они это серьезно.
We have an arbiter (IM Michail Kopalov from Chess Base) who generously have accepted this role. The arbiter must be give access to the involved forums.
The idea is that the arbiter must have access to the (secret) discussions on each forum. This is mainly to ensure that every that every thing essentially is "kosher"
We also expect that the involved players accept that their names might be mentioned in a chess base article about the match if this become relevant.
Maybe each team could provide a few comments and analysis after the games.
Even tough we have got an official arbiter (employed by chess base), the games (one white and one black) are of course meant to be friendly games.
Once more we are honored having being challenged by such strong players, and we are looking forward for some interesting games. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Уже спросили у Копылова и он согласился. Потом зделают статью в чессбейс+ нужны наши имена.

Редактировал kosmodrom 14-10-2008 21:33