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Прислано NeshStankovic 29-10-2010 15:32

Because of the reasons that are going to be described in my book "The greatest secret of Bobby Fischer" ,“Revenge match of the XX century Fischer-Spassky“, that took place in St. Stefan and Belgrade in 1992., is almost lost in the chess history. Explaining all the aspects of this event (that had more personal importance for Bobby than Reykjavik), I will pay attention to to its chess quality, as well. Accordingly, I would kindly ask all of my chess friends for their comments on the first game of this match, rated as Fischer’s triumphant return to the chess scene, at the time.
We will pay attention to the theoretical novelty in the 17th move that, according to grandmaster Svetozar Gligoric, represented a new plan that started with the 15th move of the White (Fischer).
I would appreciate your comments.
For more info about the game, please visit my facebook page

Редактировал NeshStankovic 29-10-2010 18:33