Тема: Шахматы: шахматы для компьютера скачать бесплатно, шахматы онлайн играть с компьютером. Новости шахмат. Статьи о шахматах. :: Stockfish

Прислано naahi 18-03-2019 16:59

AsmFish 2019-03-10:-


asmFish - UCI chess engine
JCER Rating=3384

This project now uses the new assembler engine fasmg from Tomasz Grysztar. The includes in arm/includes/ or x86/include/ contain instruction and formatting macros for the four popular targets in the Building section. The hello world examples in these directories should provide enough to grasp the syntax.

asmFish 2019-03-10 - download

Редактировал Zunkor 18-03-2019 21:05