Тема: Шахматы: шахматы для компьютера скачать бесплатно, шахматы онлайн играть с компьютером. Новости шахмат. Статьи о шахматах. :: Sedatchess
Прислано kosmodrom 11-07-2011 22:11
Sedat Canbaz возобновил тестирование дебютных книг. Очередное тестирование пройдёт в августе. Подробнее- на сайте Sedatchess.
Прислано AntiMaster 11-07-2011 23:49
А почему тут Седата не видно?
Прислано kosmodrom 11-07-2011 23:55
В смысле не видно? Сегодня был на сайте.
Прислано kosmodrom 19-08-2011 11:55
AntiMaster, ты когда будешь отправлять книгу? Регистрация по 20 августа? я сегодня- завтра отправлю.
Прислано AntiMaster 19-08-2011 17:09
Оно мне надо? И без того известно, что я самый лучший букмейкер в "Комнате Движков", 2872 на автоигре вчера набрал, причём процессов открыто было полным-полно..
Прислано Serega 19-08-2011 22:18
какой ты самоуверенный, скромнее нужно быть, Вова, скромнее
Прислано AntiMaster 20-08-2011 07:40
Вот пусть скромный покажет мне рейтинг под 2850 хотя бы, набранный с нового ника в середине 2011 года. Без накачки и всего связанного с нечестными путями.
Прислано kosmodrom 20-08-2011 07:54
AntiMaster, но книгу Седату всё равно надо отправлять. :)
Прислано kosmodrom 20-08-2011 13:58
В турнире SCCT-8 зарегистрировалось уже 50 авторов дебютных книг! Давно такого не было, даже и не помню, был ли такой массовый турнир.
Прислано Zunkor 20-08-2011 17:40
AntiMaster написал:
Вот пусть скромный покажет мне рейтинг под 2850 хотя бы, набранный с нового ника в середине 2011 года. Без накачки и всего связанного с нечестными путями.
AntiMaster, ты хоть один раз в 2011 году набирал рейтинг 2900+? Не важно с какого ника, старого или нового. Я таких ников знаю три, один из них мой. Тебе еще расти и расти...
У тебя сейчас есть хоть один ник с рейтингом 2800+? Если есть, могу сыграть настоящий матч.
Редактировал Zunkor 20-08-2011 17:50
Прислано AntiMaster 21-08-2011 04:27
Интересно.. Значит, играешь только с никами, у которых 2800 и выше?? Это у сисопов называется "НАКАЧКА". Пусть даже если честно играть 2 игрока будут, а им всё равнО. Поэтому и формулу нельзя поставить чтобы игралось с игроками от 2600 и выше - у них это тоже считается накачкой, они сделали так, чтобы ты не просто должен, а ОБЯЗАН играть с игроками РАЗНОГО рейтинга, вот и давай набирай как я на "открытой формуле" и автоигре 2872.
P.S. Насчёт 2900+ - дай мне свои 20000-21000+ кнс - сделаю тебе 2900.:)
Прислано Zunkor 21-08-2011 13:06
AntiMaster написал:
Интересно.. Значит, играешь только с никами, у которых 2800 и выше?? Это у сисопов называется "НАКАЧКА". Пусть даже если честно играть 2 игрока будут, а им всё равнО. Поэтому и формулу нельзя поставить чтобы игралось с игроками от 2600 и выше - у них это тоже считается накачкой, они сделали так, чтобы ты не просто должен, а ОБЯЗАН играть с игроками РАЗНОГО рейтинга, вот и давай набирай как я на "открытой формуле" и автоигре 2872.
Если бы я играл только с никами, у которых 2800 и выше, мне бы вообще не с кем было играть! Посмотри историю моих игр на любом нике, там видно с кем я играл. Матчи - это совсем другое дело, против игроков с низким рейтингом я матчи не играю, но с тобой, как с "лучшим букмейкером в "Комнате Движков" :), в виде исключения, могу сыграть. Если, конечно, ты не боишься играть настоящие СЕРЬЕЗНЫЕ матчи.
AntiMaster написал:
P.S. Насчёт 2900+ - дай мне свои 20000-21000+ кнс - сделаю тебе 2900.:)
У тебя процессор не хуже чем у меня, а даже лучше, со свободным множителем! Разогнать компьютер и получить 20000 кнс с твоим процессором легче чем с моим.
Компьютерные шахматы - это не только умение делать хорошие книги для движков, но и умение настраивать "железо" на максимальную производительность.
одна вещь, это точно, даже с ранним рисовать и рано отставку реализуется это займет прибл 10 дней для круглых, так что не держите breth ожидании результатов ...
Прислано kosmodrom 21-08-2011 20:26
Ну да, раньше сентября нельзя ожидать результатов.
Прислано pico 22-08-2011 02:20
3 книги было удалить из турнира, как они были обнаружены неисправности (не движется внутри)
76 еще играет ....
Александр Neapus - Neapus - Гудини 1.5а России
Ричи Гарри - BoltOfQueen - Гудини 1.5а США
Диего D 'Иисус - Dijesmon - Гудини 1.5а США
Прислано kosmodrom 22-08-2011 12:41
pico написал:
3 книги было удалить из турнира, как они были обнаружены неисправности (не движется внутри)
76 еще играет ....
Александр Neapus - Neapus - Гудини 1.5а России
Ричи Гарри - BoltOfQueen - Гудини 1.5а США
Диего D 'Иисус - Dijesmon - Гудини 1.5а США
Откуда информация, pico?
Прислано AntiMaster 22-08-2011 13:18
Zunkor написал:
AntiMaster написал:
P.S. Насчёт 2900+ - дай мне свои 20000-21000+ кнс - сделаю тебе 2900.:)
У тебя процессор не хуже чем у меня, а даже лучше, со свободным множителем! Разогнать компьютер и получить 20000 кнс с твоим процессором легче чем с моим.
Компьютерные шахматы - это не только умение делать хорошие книги для движков, но и умение настраивать "железо" на максимальную производительность.
Вот он как раз-то и хуже: все, у кого вижу 970й - у всех под 20000 кнс, у меня же с 980Х - 14000-16500 кнс, причём разгон одинаковый, как объяснишь такое?? Почему у меня никогда не бывает 20000-21000 кнс как у тебя?? Как ни настраивал - БЕС-ПО-ЛЕЗ-НО.*WALL*
P.S. Zunkor и AntiMaster, заведите отдельную тему и выясняйте отношения там.
Прислано pico 22-08-2011 17:48
kosmodrom написал:
pico написал:
3 книги было удалить из турнира, как они были обнаружены неисправности (не движется внутри)
76 еще играет ....
Александр Neapus - Neapus - Гудини 1.5а России
Ричи Гарри - BoltOfQueen - Гудини 1.5а США
Диего D 'Иисус - Dijesmon - Гудини 1.5а США
Откуда информация, pico?
Вчера вечером на чат тур Седат себя
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 28-08-2011 03:07
Privet uvajaemiy Yuriy !
Spasiba agromnae za interest
Kstati,naskolka ya zametil,Storm,Kerch,Hurricane imeet ochen haroshie resultatav
Jelayu vsem avtorov iz Rossii/Ukraine udachi,uspeh v SCCT VIII
S uvajeniem,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 28-08-2011 03:08
>В турнире SCCT-8 зарегистрировалось уже 50 авторов дебютных книг! Давно такого не было, даже и не помню, был ли такой массовый турнир.
Da...etat raz mnoga registracii,naverna sleduyshiy raz nada pameniat uslovia
Net u to stolka vremia chtobiy testiravat vseh knig
First of all,once more i'd like say: MANY THANKS to all SCCT Book Authors
And without to not mention this i can't:
-i am so much grateful to all SCCT Book Authors,especially it makes me feel proud that you are trusting me since many years
And be sure your opening books will be not shared to Nobody
The Winner is again 'Hitman' book by Eduardo Koji (the previous SCCT VII's Winner)
A little note:Hitman is just a brilliant book,one of the strongest books that i have ever seen !!
And my congratulations to second and third places- Mark Zimba (Defender) / Marcos Matsuda (JapanTopOne)
There is no doubt that the performance of both books (Defender and JapanTopOne) are really impressive too !
Actually all TOP 20 Books have superior results !! My Congratulations to TOP 20's Book Authors too
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 01-09-2011 06:16
Прислано Zunkor 01-09-2011 10:11
Sedat Canbaz написал:
The Winner is again 'Hitman' book by Eduardo Koji (the previous SCCT VII's Winner)
And my congratulations to second and third places- Mark Zimba (Defender)
1 и 2 место заняли книги, которые играют 1.е3!
Вот бы, все так на Плейчессе играли белыми :)
Прислано kosmodrom 01-09-2011 12:17
1. e3- антишахматы, ничего белые там не могут добиться по дебюту. 1.h3, 1.a3, 1.b3, 1.d4 2. Bf4- тоже антишахматы.
Прислано AntiMaster 01-09-2011 14:17
Ненавижу когда "кривыми" играют линиями - хрен подготовишься! Невразумительно как-то..:(
Прислано kosmodrom 01-09-2011 18:54
1.d4 2. Bf4- Коля изобрёл. Там при правильном порядке ходов должна получиться позиция из ферзевого гамбита с ходов Bf4, который белым ничего не даёт, чаще играют Bg5 белые в ферзевом гамбите. А уж схема развития: c3, e3 тем более не может сулить белым перевес, не говоря уже о ходе Nc3 при пешке на c2! Это просто игра на тупость компьютера, на глубину вариантов. Мне такие варианты неинтересны, гораздо интереснее в Найдорфе чего-нибудь найти.
Прислано kosmodrom 01-09-2011 23:20
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Jelayu vsem avtorov iz Rossii/Ukraine udachi,uspeh v SCCT VIII
S uvajeniem,
Sedat, ti budesh igrat v nashem turnire? 3-4 september. See here.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 03-09-2011 03:19
kosmodrom написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Jelayu vsem avtorov iz Rossii/Ukraine udachi,uspeh v SCCT VIII
S uvajeniem,
Sedat, ti budesh igrat v nashem turnire? 3-4 september. See here.
Uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Spasiba za interest,no v etih dney ya ochen zanyat
Jealayu vsem uspeh,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 04-09-2011 19:35
Hello Chess Friends !
I am pleased to announce:
-due to many requests i plan to organize a new SCCT IX Book Tournament 2011:
Opening Book Registrations: October 04-09 2011
Tournament Start Date : October 10-11 2011
SCCT IX 2011's Registrations will be allowed only for:
Opening Book Book Author Country
1337chess Michael Wagner USA
AlvinsAngels Mark Sabu USA
Amazing Bobby Casey USA
AMos 4EvEr Marco Zerbinati Italy
AracMonT Aracelis Montilla Venezuela
Attacker Adriean Costinescu Romania
Awesome Roger E. Zibell USA
Babban ki Kitab Babban Singh India
Blade Jitan Stribal Japan
Blitz Tsvetan Milchev Bulgaria
Bolero Sami Mbreti Switzerland
Bullseye Clemens Keck Germany
CompMaster Servet Kultur Turkey
Crawly Ruben Comes Argentina
Dark Angel Josias Mauricio Brasil
Don Vasid Chouhan India
FX Marcos Alexandre Brasil
Guardian Angel Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
Hitman Eduardo Koji Japan
Hurricane Nikolay Bartenev Russia
Iconoclast Nelson Hernandez USA
JapanTopTeam Marcos K. Matsuda Japan
Jeandis Jean Disquin Venezuela
Jihad Atia Abdelkader France
Kerch Oleg Seryakov Ukraine
Knife Siddharth Bakshi India
KrakenGT Frank Karl Werner Sweden
Magister Sigmund Stef Germany
Muntaqim Amir Zebedi UAE
Mybook Yuriy Gudzatoviy Russia
Neapus Alexander Neapus Russia
No Fear Chris Cheek USA
Om Best Om Prakash India
Prodigy Maurice Chac Indonesia
Punch Varun Gupta India
Quantum Gabriel Nathans USA
RiojaJovenyFresco Jose M. Velasco Spain
Rompecoco Girolamo Randazzo Venezuela
Sambuca Kenny Esteves Venezuela
Salvo Salvo Spitaleri Italy
Sicilian Finale Munish Gupta India
Steroids Alvin Alcala Philippines
Storm Nikita Guskov Russia
S.W.Y.D Tiago Alves Brasil
TerraDeath Randy Sands USA
The War R.Bhattacharjee Cyprus
The Winner Meister W. Germany
Seek-Wanda Eros Riccio Italy
Uptown BrandonSi USA
Yograj Sunny India
*Top 50 Books,based on previous SCCT Book Tournaments
Some Notes:
-It's planning to be tested aprox.TOP 25-30 Opening Books
-If the number of the registrations is more than 25-30 books:
a)There will be exception only for well-known TOP Book Authors or for some Top PlayChess Players
b)Who are bellow than SCCT's 30 places or for new Incomers:
-Unfortunately...i don't want to promise,it will depend on my free time
More Details:
*Why i am considering to change the conditions for the next SCCT IX Book Tournament:
-It's very hard to organize a huge book tour,especially,if the total number is more than 40-50 books
A little note:Only for current SCCT VIII Book Tour,i have spent many hand efforts (more than 20 days)
More Information Coming Soon !
Thanks for your understanding...
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 04-09-2011 19:36
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-09-2011 21:24
New Update:
I have a new project for the future (after SCCT IX) i am planning to change the current conditions
So i think for the next SCCT X Book Tournament to create a SuperLeague,it will be based on SCCT IX's Top Strongest 20 Books
In other words,the registrations will be not open for all,i plan to select only the TOP 20 Ranks of SCCT IX Standings
-Currently i am looking for Assistant Tester,who will run a Second League,
where i can include the Second League's TOP Strongest 3 Books for the next SCCT X SuperLeague
Note:the Assistant Tester should be NON-SCCT Book Author (due to not loosing the neutrality/independence)
More SCCT IX Registrations,which will be allowed also for:
Opening Book Book Author Country
Atlantis Oleg Uskov Ukraine
Istanbul Mustafa Gül Turkey
King Aleksander Bilinski Ukraine
Sequoia Nick Carlin England
TopTier Audy Arandela USA
ZeeMan Sergei Krets Russia
BTW,actually i can make exception for some TOP Playchess/Flyordie/RPC/Testo Players
But for clarification about their books performance i need data (games) !
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-09-2011 11:38
*Attention (after SCCT IX):
-Guido.M (the Tournament Director of Testo-Book Tours) is planning to be the Assistant Tester for Second League
-Guido.M (Testo-Book Tours) will run a Second League,it will be based on 20 Opening Books
-Only the TOP Strongest 3 Books of Second League's will qualify for the next SCCT X Super League
-SCCT Super League's last places:18,19,20 ranks will be replaced to Second League
Note:in case of more than 20 registrations for Second League,then we need to find another Tester,who will run Third League
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-09-2011 19:00
There were some questions about the next SCCT/Testo Leagues,so i decided to post here too
First of all,there will be a new SCCT IX Book Tournament (expected registrations approx.30-40 books)
And after that tour (when the SCCT IX book competition is over),its planning to be created 2 Leagues:
1.SCCT I Super League (Tournament Manager:Sedat Canbaz)=it will be based on SCCT IX's Top Strongest 20 Books
*That means,the Authors of SCCT IX's Strogest Top 20 Books will qualify to play in SCCT X Super League
*In other words,the Authors of between 1-20 Places should make their registrations to me (Sedat Canbaz)
2.Testo I Second League (Tournament Manager:Guido.M)=it will be based on SCCT IX's Standings between 21-40 Places
*The Authors of between 21-40 Places should make their registrations to Testo I Second League (Guido.M)
Later...we hope to run/continue more SCCT/Testo Book Leagues
For example,SCCT II Super League will be always based on Top 20 Strongest books:
-The last places of SCCT I Super League:18,19,20 will be replaced to play in Testo Second II League
-The first 3 places of Testo I Second League:1,2,3 will qualify to play in SCCT II Super League
Some Notes about Testo Book Tournaments/Guido:
-Guido is the Tournament Manager of Testo Book Tours
-Experienced/Trusted Tester,where he organized several successful Book Tournaments
-Guido is also a Moderator in Chess2U (Ahmed) forum: http://www.chess2...
And i hope the SCCT Book Authors will agree/support our new project and will make registrations as before
I have just received a few mails by some chess friends
But unfortunately,i can not replay...
For a solution,its recommended to be used another different e-mail address (but not from the same mail provider)
For example a such message is appearing (when i am trying to send):
Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Прислано pico 04-10-2011 17:30
it seems that Turkey is closing access to some part of the www
that is worrying :|
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 04-10-2011 22:35
Dear Chess Friends,
*For those who has server problems with contact form on my new web site
If you have any problems with the contact form,then you can use:
About the registrations/start date of SCCT IX:
*Registrations are already opened from today (04/10/2011) and will be continued till 09/10/2011
*The SCCT IX Tournament is planning to be started on 10-11/10/2011
Kind Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 04-10-2011 22:40
pico написал:
it seems that Turkey is closing access to some part of the www
that is worrying :|
Maybe...not sure exactly why ?!
Normally i have tried several times to replay by 3 different email services,but without any success...
Note also that i have no any problems with yahoo,hotmail.gmail...
And here are available some TOP Free Email Services:
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 04-10-2011 22:40
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 05-10-2011 12:04
Hello Dear Chess Friends,
Last Update:
Houdini 2.0 Pro x64 1c
*Some Notes:
Its too early to make any conclusions (more games are needed),but anyway just i'd like to point out that:
-Houdini 2.0 Pro x64's performance is incredible so far,even with using 1 core
-It seems,Houdini 2.0 Pro x64's playing style is quite well suited for SCCT Auto232's conditions
And please take one look and inform me about how does it looks ?
Any comments will be warmly welcomed
Thanks in advance,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-10-2011 11:28
After 490 games:Houdini 2.0 Pro x64 1c's performance is 3258 ELO
*Approx. 100 ELO points less than Houdini 2.0 Pro x64 4c http://www.sedatc...t-auto232/
Note:currently SCCT Auto232 is paused and it will be resumed after SCCT IX Book Tour!
Best Regards,
Прислано kosmodrom 08-10-2011 02:28
Седат, ты можешь писать транслитом по-русски? Ты же это умеешь!
Седат, есть проблемы:
1. Почему ты, Седат, не говоришь, что у тебя есть новый домен: http://www.sedatc...
2. Седат, ты приводишь ссылки на сайт chess2u.com.
Понимаешь, дорогой и уважаемый Седат, что с людьми с этого сайта, я и Antimaster не сядем на одном гектаре! (Понял русский фольклор? Должен понять!) Эти люди- обнародуют пароли нашего сайта, они для нас- не существуют, как любители компьютерных шахмат.
Прислано kosmodrom 08-10-2011 02:38
Седат, здесь русскоязычный форум, если ты будешь писать транслитом по-русски, то это будет способствовать успеху в русскоязычном интернете.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-10-2011 16:33
Uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Kanechna...krome Angiiskava,ya mogu pisat i na Ruskam yaziyke,mogu toje i na Turestkam,Balgarskam...
No k sajeleniyu prosta u menia net u balshoe svabodnoe vremia,chtobiy pisat na vsex yaziykov
Karoche,naverna eta vsem izvestna chto Angiiski stal mejdunarodniim yaziykom pa vsem mire
Kstati,v dannam momente Ruskii yazik stal bolee populiarniim chem Angiiski v Antalya :)
No vse taki..ne hachu abeshat,no pastarayus pisat na ruskam sleduishiy raz !
Nashet chess2u.com,
Hmmm...spasiba za info,ya eta vperviy raz chitayu
Smojesh mne dast bolshe informatsia,chto tam tvaritsia ?
Ya imeyu vidu:kto kankretna vinovat v etam dele ?
*Mne toje lyubopiytna:tiy budesh uchastvavat v SCCT IX ?
Vsevo harosheva,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 08-10-2011 16:36
Прислано kosmodrom 08-10-2011 22:20
Здравствуй, уважаемый Седат!
А когда у тебя старт турнира? 10.10.2011?
Я не успею подготовить свою книгу, нет времени, я только вчера прилетел в Москву. У меня нет книги для участия в SCCT! Но ведь это не ослабит нашу дружбу, Седат? Мы- друзья?
Насчёт сайта chess2u.com. Они лично мне ничего плохого не сделали. Но они выдали много паролей на книги Antimaster-a! Antimaster- мой соратник по этому сайту.
P.S. Зачем chess2u.com выдаёт пароли на чужие книги? У них есть свои книги! Они действуют несправедливо!
Редактировал kosmodrom 08-10-2011 22:23
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-10-2011 17:35
Привет Шахматы Друзья,
Регистрация еще продолжается:до 9 октября (последний день)
* Будьте в спешке и не пропустить этот захватывающий конкурс книги
* Отметим также, что в следующий раз регистраций SCCT будет разрешен только для TOP 18-20 SCCT IX книги
kosmodrom написал:
Здравствуй, уважаемый Седат!
А когда у тебя старт турнира? 10.10.2011?
Я не успею подготовить свою книгу, нет времени, я только вчера прилетел в Москву. У меня нет книги для участия в SCCT! Но ведь это не ослабит нашу дружбу, Седат? Мы- друзья?
Насчёт сайта chess2u.com. Они лично мне ничего плохого не сделали. Но они выдали много паролей на книги Antimaster-a! Antimaster- мой соратник по этому сайту.
P.S. Зачем chess2u.com выдаёт пароли на чужие книги? У них есть свои книги! Они действуют несправедливо!
Privet uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Esli ne budesh uchasvavat eta kanechna ne aslabit nasu drujbu...
Start Turnira budet naverna 11.10.2011
Vsevo lucheva,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-10-2011 20:12
Последние новые книги регистраций (всего: 29 книг до сих пор):
Книга Автор Страна
Babban ki Kitab Babban Singh India
Bullseye Clemens Keck Germany
Guardian Angel Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
KrakenGT Frank Karl Werner Sweden
Sicario Eddy Torres Lemus Cuba
Sequoia Nick Carlin England
The War R.Bhattacharjee Cyprus
Примечание: Регистрации до 18:48 09.10.2011
Для текущих регистраций SCCT IX книги:
Приветствую вас,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 11-10-2011 01:38
Здравствуйте Уважаемые ДРУЗЬЯ !
* SCCT IX, 41 участников книги:
*Некоторые замечания:
-Книги регистраций уже закрыты
-SCCT IX начала турнира: 11-12 октября 2011
-Только SCCT IX ТОП 20 Книги будут претендовать на следующий SCCT I Суперлиги
Для прямо сейчас Таблица SCCT IX в: http://www.sedatc...standings/
-Текущий Лидер JapanTopOne (Chessbase книги)
-Второе место Hitman (Chessbase книги)
Третье место Nano (Полиглот книги)
Кстати, на самом деле это будет новый рекорд SCCT, если победитель будет снова Hitman книги
Но в любом случае, его слишком рано делать какие-либо выводы, тур только в начале (все может случиться в следующие раунды)
Отметим также, что нынешние участники намного сильнее, чем предыдущие книги SCCT
Насколько я заметил, текущие книги открытия гораздо более оптимизирован и есть меньше экспериментальных книг
Давайте посмотрим ..., который TOP 20 книг сможет претендовать на следующий SCCT I Суперлиги?
И очень скоро покажет время около которой книга будет новый чемпион SCCT IX
Записочку более (без не упомянуть об этом я не могу):
-Топ 41 Авторы книги являются реальной храбрые бойцы!
* Это означает, что много для меня
* Я еще раз хотел бы сказать:
-Большое спасибо всем SCCT Авторы книги (за проявленный интерес, поддержку, доверие ...)
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 13-10-2011 21:07
Новое обновление: 19:35 13.10.2011
А сейчас новый лидер Nano (полиглот книгу Габриэля Натанс)
* LIVE планирует быть еще раз, ок. после 8-10 часов
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-10-2011 14:00
Привет Шахматы Друзья,
Последнее обновление: 11:54 16.10.2011
SCCT IX нынешний лидер:JapanTopTeamII (7 очков впереди 2-й , 3-е места)
JapanTopTeamII имеют очень хорошие результаты до сих пор, мои поздравления Маркос К. Мацуда!
Еще слишком рано для оценки, но в любом случае, вероятно JapanTopTeamII будет Победитель SCCT IX
Отметим также, что нынешний лидер включает в себя много новых сильных вариаций / необычные линии, которые никогда не играли прежде
И как я упоминал ранее, такие книги имеют больше шансов оказаться на первой позиции в одном из первых мест
Просто я хотел бы отметить также, что JapanTopTeamII результаты является как мощная коллективная работа в команде
Да ... SCCT IX окончательный день уже запущен ...
* Приблизительно 30 игр осталось (у каждого игрока)
И наверное, после прибл. 24-30 часов тур закончится ...
О текущей TOP 3 места:
Лидер же, как и прежде: JapanTopTeamII
Второе место: Attacker
Третье место: Rompecoco
Кажется, TOP 10 книг уже гарантирована на ближайшие SCCT Super I League
Но, глядя на текущие результаты, мы видим, что наиболее важные ранги зачете между 15-25 мест
Другими словами, нет никаких сомнений, что FINAL будет очен интересным
Я рад объявить:
-Победитель SCCT IX является JapanTopTeamII,мои поздравления Маркос К. Мацуда (Япония)
* Браво ..., действительно очень впечатляющие результаты по JapanTopTeamII!
-Второе место: Pride 2 , еще один очень сильный участник; Поздравляем Alexssander Shirado (Бразилия)
-Третье место: Attacker 5.2 , еще один очень опасный TOP книги; Поздравляю Adrian Costinescu (Румыния)
* И мои поздравления всем квалифицированным TOP 20 Авторы книги, на самом деле ваши книги имеют очень хорошие показатели / результаты тоже
Об остальных SCCT авторы книг (ниже, чем TOP 20), которые не могли право на следующий SCCT Суперлиги:
-У меня есть хорошие новости для вас, Testo Тур ждет Вас, Guido мне обещал запустить второй лиге
Итак ... Testo Второй лиги TOP 3 книги будет иметь шансы играть снова в следующем SCCT Супер Лиги
Я еще раз хотел бы сказать: Большое спасибо всех SCCT IX Авторы!
И у меня нет терпения, чтобы увидеть вас в следующем Соревнования !
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 19-10-2011 17:48
Привет Шахматы Друзья,
Книги Регистрации :24-30 ноября 2011
Дата начала турнира :01-2 декабря 2011
SCCT I Суперлиги:
*Дополнительная информация скоро
Кстати жаль,что нет участников из России/Турции ...
Но тем не менее,я надеюсь бы видеть участников из этих стран тоже (в следующих туры)
И с большой возможности за тех веб-атак Angel_77/NatashaDonna
* Для получения дополнительной информации об этой истории: http://rybkaforum...?tid=23230
-Никто не сможет остановить мою активность и я обещаю, что сделаю все возможное для компьютерных шахмат, как раньше!
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано kosmodrom 20-10-2011 20:13
Уважаемый Седат, очень жаль, что твой сайт недоступен. Это не DDoS, это просто плохой хостинг. Хостинги бывают разные, не мне тебе об этом говорить, у тебя свой сайт был раньше моего. У меня хороший хостинг, сайт gladiators-chess всегда был доступен. Уважаемый Седат, если будет твоя воля, мы можем всегда перевести твой сайт на мой (российский) хостинг. Во благо компьютерных шахмат! У меня недобор сайтов в тарифном плане, мне это финансово ничего стоить не будет. Могу предложить стабильно работающий хостинг (ты- единственный админ на своём сайте, имеешь единолично доступ на FTP и почту своего сайта, больше никто), и 5 Gb дискового пространства для твоего сайта, куда ты сможешь загружать свои файлы. У меня: 10 Гб дискового пространства (после Нового года, может ещё расширят, всегда ведь расширяли), предлагаю- пополам, по 5 Гб. Единственный минус- иностранные юзеры могут думать, что ты чрезмерно симпатизируешь к россиянам. Но твой многолетний безупречный авторитет, уважаемый Седат, будет лучшей гарантией от этого!
*Perfect 2012 Book Release Notes:
• Based on Super GM games – average 2650 Elo
• The current book formats are compatible only for Fritz/Shedder/Arena/Aquarium GUIs
• Perfect 2012 book includes various openings and it has tested with more than 80.000 quality games (at blitz/slow time controls)
• Hand tuned and carefully optimized the strongest lines (improved for the playing styles of TOP 20 Chess Engines)
• The winning percentage of all disadvantage openings are disabled (bellow 50 % for Whites and bellow 40% for Blacks)
• More than 3 years period of time has been spent for the optimization of Perfect 2012 book (it is based on Perfect 2011 book)
• Opening Book’s Depth is mainly up to 8 moves (exception for a few lines,which are slightly improved to play up to 10/12 moves)
• Perfect 2012 book's learning functions are disabled
• Disabled almost all 3-fold repetitions
• It’s recommended to be used same book for all engines (its highly hand tuned for engine vs engine matches)
• Perfect 2012 is a neutral short book (not recommended for book competitions - Playchess/Testo/Flyordie,RPC…)
• Perfect 2012 book formats for Winboard/ChessPartner/ChessGUI/ChessMaster GUIs will be released soon
*Some Notes about SCCT Auto232 Rating List:
• Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 6c is tested on my latest new hardware:i7 980X @4.33GHz 6 cores (HT OFF/Large Pages ON)
• i7 980X @4.33GHz 6 core machine seems to be 70-80 ELO stronger than i7 920 @3.0GHz/QX9650 @3.66GHz
• i7 980X @4.33GHz's chess engines kns values are approx. 2 times higher than i7 920 @3.0GHz/QX9650 @3.66GHz
• Chess Engines using 1 core or 4 cores are played on my Quad machines (i7 920 @3.0GHz/QX9650 @3.66GHz)
• Strelka 5.1 has superior results so far (same strength as Houdini 2.0 Pro x64) - Congrats to Jury Osipov!
*Unfortunately, Strelka 5.1 engine still crashes and i hope those error bugs will be fixed in the next release
Nekotorie atmetki:
-Bolshe igriy nujnie,no vse taki mne kajetsia chto Stockfish 111026 x64 gde ta 40-50 elo silnee chem Stockfish 2.1.1 JA x64
-Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 6c stal igrat s 4-men EGTB (patamu chta Houdini 2.0b Pro imeet tb problemiy,esli polzvueet DVD Endgames Turbo 3)
Некоторые заметки о текущем матче (слишком рано для каких-либо выводов, больше игр необходимо разыгрывается):
-Но в любом случае, Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6 cores, кажется, немного сильнее, чем Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 4 cores
-Текущий счет показывает, что Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6 cores около 70 ЭЛО сильнее чем Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 4 cores
-Последний релиз: Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 около 10 Эло слабее, чем Houdini 2.0 Pro x64 (вероятно, из-за ТБ ошибка)
-Deep Rybka 4,1 x64 и Houdini 2.0b Pro x64 играют с 4-MEN EGTB (DVD Endgame Turbo 3/Gaviota ТБ отключены)
"For shorter games, e.g. 3 to 5 minute games, it’s better to use 256 MB or 512 MB as this will provide the best performance. For 16 min games 1024 or 2048 MB hash size should be fine.
If you know the average move time T (in seconds) and the average node speed of your hardware S (in kN/s), you can compute the optimal hash size with the formula: (T x S / 100) MB.
For example if you use a Time Control of 10 minutes for 40 moves repeating, the average move time T = 15 seconds. On hardware that produces about 2,000 kN/s the optimal hash size would then be approximately (15 x 2,000 / 100) = 300 MB, in other words 256 MB or 512 would be the recommended values."
"For shorter games, e.g. 3 to 5 minute games, it’s better to use 256 MB or 512 MB as this will provide the best performance. For 16 min games 1024 or 2048 MB hash size should be fine.
If you know the average move time T (in seconds) and the average node speed of your hardware S (in kN/s), you can compute the optimal hash size with the formula: (T x S / 100) MB.
For example if you use a Time Control of 10 minutes for 40 moves repeating, the average move time T = 15 seconds. On hardware that produces about 2,000 kN/s the optimal hash size would then be approximately (15 x 2,000 / 100) = 300 MB, in other words 256 MB or 512 would be the recommended values."
Spasiba...poleznaya informatsia
No vse taki budet mne interesnee,esli sam potestiriyu Gudini (pod etimi usloviami)
Mojet biyt (kak zakonchitsia SCCT Super League) prodliniyu hashtable test,dumayu gde ta min 1000 partii
S uvajeniem,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-11-2011 03:46
Novie Houdini 2.0 bench resultatiy:
kN/s Mate Processor Speed Cores L.P EXE Hardware User
16033 30s AMD Phenom II X6 1090T @4.22GHz 6 ON x64 Tiago Alves
Best Regards,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 30-11-2011 03:46
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 01-12-2011 13:34
•Opening Book Registrations:Closed
•Tournament Start Date:02 December 2011
SCCT Book Super League’s New Book Updates/Registrations (Total:19):
Opening Book Book Author Country
Attacker 6 Adriean Costinescu Romania
Blade 5.1 Jitan Stribal Japan
Bullseye 1.2 Clemens Keck Germany
FilthySanchez Mark Sabu USA
Guardian Angel 5 Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
JapanTopTeam Marcos K. Matsuda Japan
Mapanare 2.0a Jean Disquin Venezuela
Muntaqim 3 Amir Zebedi UAE
Nano 2 Gabriel Nathans USA
PetaDeath Randy Sands USA
Pride 3 Alexssander Shirado Brasil
Prodigy 12 Maurice Chac Indonesia
Random 3 Tsvetan Milchev Bulgaria
Rompecoco 2c Girolamo Randazzo Venezuela
Sequoia Nick Carlin England
Sicilian Finale Munish Gupta India
The Winner Murat Guler Germany
TopTier 3 Audy Arandela USA
Uptown 3.1 BrandonSi USA
Note:Unfortunately no new book update only by Eduardo Koji
So,i will use the Hitman book,which has been played in SCCT IX
BTW,its just a fantastic bench score, super fast machine !!
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 05-12-2011 13:58
Дорогие друзья,
Это последний день ... турнир будет завершена завтра
У нас есть по крайней мере TOP 10 участников и любой из них может быть Чемпионом SCCT
Отметим также, что почти все участники точках и силы очень близки друг к другу
Другими словами, это означает:
-книги очень сильные
-нет экспериментальных книг
-все книги очень хорошо оптимизированы
-каждая книга играет за 1-е место
-почти всех книг процент выигрыша составляет около 50%
* Одна вещь больше, книги (которые играют без обучения) имеют меньше шансов занять 1-го ранга
Примечание: Для тех, кто не может получить доступ к основной сайт SedatChess, могут использовать эту ссылку:
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Прислано kosmodrom 06-12-2011 06:49
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Примечание: Для тех, кто не может получить доступ к основной сайт SedatChess, могут использовать эту ссылку:
Седат, если твой сайт имеет плохой доступ, то в очередной раз могу тебе предложить хостинг своего сайта. Сайт gladiators-chess всегда был доступен. Зачем тебе создавать зеркало своего сайта, если можно перейти на другой хостинг и раз и навсегда забыть о проблемах с доступностью сайта.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-12-2011 13:14
Last Update:
kN/s Mate Processor Speed Cores L.P EXE Hardware User
12527 35s AMD Phenom II X6 1090T 3.20GHz 6 ON x64 VodkaMaster
Kind Regards,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 06-12-2011 13:15
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-12-2011 13:33
kosmodrom написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Примечание: Для тех, кто не может получить доступ к основной сайт SedatChess, могут использовать эту ссылку:
Седат, если твой сайт имеет плохой доступ, то в очередной раз могу тебе предложить хостинг своего сайта. Сайт gladiators-chess всегда был доступен. Зачем тебе создавать зеркало своего сайта, если можно перейти на другой хостинг и раз и навсегда забыть о проблемах с доступностью сайта.
Uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Spasiba agramnoe eshe raz...
Vrode:http://www.sedatcanbaz.com/chess/ rabatoet dlia vseh
Tolka nekotorie Avtorav iz Venezuela mne informirali chto osnovnoi sait ne rabataet
Paetomu i dayu alternativniy sait,chtobiy uvideli rezultati iz SCCT Super League
Kstati v danam momente u menia 3 web hosting (odin iz nih platniy,ostaslnie free):
I chestana gavaria i uje ustal iz etih noviyh saytav (otkriyvat,redaktirovat,delat update i tak prochee...)
Daje dumayu v 2012,zanimatsia menshe s Computerchess,semia i biznes vajnee!
Karoche,naverna tolka odin sait astanetsia,na katoriy budu update delat: www.sedatcanbaz.com
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-12-2011 20:09
Здравствуйте дорогие друзья!
Новый Чемпион SCCT Суперлиги I: Prodigy 12 - Поздравляем Морис Чак (Индонезия)
Мои поздравления также и для второго и третьего рядов:
Второе место: Blade 5.1, Jitan Stribal (Япония)
Третье место: Sicilian Finale,Munish Гупта (Индия)
Отметим также, что нынешний ТОП 20 книг играли как настоящие чемпионы
Спасибо авторам всех SCCT SL- за ваше участие и за ваши усилия по созданию новых сильных позиций
Я совершенно уверен, что слишком много друзей шахматы выиграет от вашего ценную работу
И последнее, я надеюсь, тоже видеть вас снова в следующий тур SCCT
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-12-2011 14:30
Здравствуйте дорогие друзья,
Я получаю почту частые вопросы (о том, как достичь высокого рейтинга Эло), касающиеся в основном на Playchess
Так что я надеюсь, что моя текущая рекомендация / совет может быть полезно для некоторых других игроков, поэтому я решил разместить здесь
Вот один из наиболее важных факторов в отношении Как добраться высокого ELO Performance!
Другими словами, оставаться всегда на одном из первых мест или достичь высокого рейтинга Эло:
-Вы должны купить быстро достойную машину
-Рекомендуется для использования процессора, который генерирует ок. 20000 KNS по Гудини 2.0c x64
-Используйте сильнейших шахматных двигателя (в настоящее время для его рекомендуется использовать Houdini 2.0c x64)
-Открытие книги играют большую роль, и это является ключом для достижения высокой производительности ELO
-Ваша книга должна быть основана главным образом на только игры, качество играет Гудини 1.5/2.0)
-Глубина дебютной книги до 50 ходов, это хорошая идея
-Вы должны оптимизировать вручную победы / потери линий
-Вы должны отредактировать победы движется с зеленым и потери линий с красным цветом
-Вы должны создать и новые сильные изменения, которые никогда не играли прежде, чем
-Ваше открытие книги (особенно с черным), не должны играть в различные отверстия
-Белых должны быть очень агрессивны, где чернокожие противника должно быть падение в критических позиций
-Его рекомендованная для запуска собственной частной бета-тестирования книги (прежде чем начать играть на Playchess или в любое другое серверов)
-Используйте Hashtables размера (в зависимости от скорости процессора): 128 МБ или 512 МБ Размер Hashtable для Blitz и 1024 МБ или выше для быстрой игры
-Установить TableBases на флешку (ТБ скорость поиска на флешке значительно быстрее, чем локальный жесткий диск)
Кстати, из моего опыта я могу сказать также, что ниже факторы могут быть одной из серьезных причин (низкая производительность) тоже:
Нестабильная-машина (неправильный разгон, некоторые проблемы могут быть в оперативной памяти, жесткий диск или, может быть, есть некоторая система аксессуаров перекрытия ...)
* Проверьте ваши разгона аппаратной стабильности системы с помощью Prime95; Linx; OCCT ...
-Операционная система может включать в себя - вирусов, шпионских программ, вредоносных программ ... по этой причине часта необходима для проверки антивирусными программами
-Для поддержания компьютера системы, ее рекомендуется чуть ли не ежедневно, которые будут использоваться реестре / системы оптимизаторов
-Ее не рекомендуется также для установки любых программ в трей и в разделе Загрузка
-Некоторые Fritz GUI Обновления и ошибок, которые могут привести к чистой работы двигателя шахматам
* Я хочу сказать, последние Fritz GUI обновления не значит, является наиболее стабильным, попробуйте несколько из них и держать / использовать обновления версии, которая у вас есть лучшие результаты
Я надеюсь, что это помогает ...
Одна вещь больше, я вижу одну из частых вопросов: Почему вы не играете на Playchess?
-Я не играют на Playchess сервер, из-за меня есть большое уважение к SCCT авторы книг, плюс у меня нет много свободного времени
Седат, швейцарская система в 3 тура не даёт точных результатов. Мало игр. У Stockfish, Rybka и Houdini были разные соперники. Если бы Rybka или Houdini играли с соперниками Stockfish, то они тоже могли бы набрать 3 из 3.
kosmodrom написал:
Седат, швейцарская система в 3 тура не даёт точных результатов. Мало игр. У Stockfish, Rybka и Houdini были разные соперники. Если бы Rybka или Houdini играли с соперниками Stockfish, то они тоже могли бы набрать 3 из 3.
Uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Ya saglasen s taboi,no eta turnir,ne rating
Karoche,ofitsialnie turniriy provoditsia pa shveytsarskoi sisteme
Kstati,tocha ne uveren,no mojet biyt ya prodlinyu testiravat etih top dvijki pod podobiami usloviami
Ya imeyu vidu ne Swiss,a dumayu sdelat noviy rating ili organiziruyu noviy turnir-round-robin v 2012
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 22-12-2011 21:07
After 1080 games:same 9 ELO difference (as before) in favor for 512mb Hashtable size:
The Champion of SCCT FINAL 2011 is ''Stockfish 111030'' Congratulations to Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba and Joona Kiiski !!
And we should not forget to say many thanks also for the owner of Stockfish 111030 compile !!
Actually,SCCT LIVE 2011 has 3 Winners-3 equal points,so my congratulations also to Houdini and Ivanhoe teams !
But anyway,if we check the average,the first Top 3 Standings are:
1st.Stockfish 111030 x64 6c
2nd.Houdini 2.0c Pro x64 6c
3rd.Ivanhoe 46hm x64 6c
More Details:
•BIG Thanks to All Visitors,personally i did not expect that there will be a such big interest...
*Note:SCCT LIVE:2289 Views (in less than 3 days period of time)
•SSE42 versions (i mean for engines,which are optimized for i7 processors) have been played
•Swiss Crosstable is created by Scid 4.3
•This is a Swiss tournament,of course for a better/accurate conclusion more games are needed
•But however,in my opinion some engines perform better on faster machines and slow time control
*For example,even on my old quads- the older version of Stockfish performed 2nd: http://www.sedatc...ladiators/
•Note also that almost all rating lists are based on blitz or on older machines or one 1 core
•So...its time to start testing the engines at maximum performance and full strength
•In other words,we need a new decent rating list,which should be based on latest fast processors and with slow time control
•More information coming soon about the current issue-decent rating list with slow time control
I have just created a new Fritz Chess Benchmark list
I hope/believe,the current list will be useful for those who are looking for Fritz Chess Benchmarks with HT OFF
Седат, у Сергея сервер на 4 процессора AMD, где то в этой теме подробнее написано.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 29-12-2011 14:40
Hello Dear Chess Friends,
I have a new idea/project for 2012-ICCR (Independent Computer Chess Rating):
-Let's create a new decent rating list,which will based on latest fast processors with slow time control
Here are the rules/conditions for ICCR rating
ICCR Conditions:
Processors minimum Intel/AMD Six-Core or higher
Operating System Windows 64-bit
Used Chess GUI Fritz,Shredder,Arena,Aquarium,ChessGUI,ChessPatner,Winboard...
Tournament Type Engine-Matches,Round-Robin,Swiss,Gauntlet
Time Control 45 Minutes + 15 Seconds
HashTable Size 1024 MB or higher
Ponder OFF
Opening Book Perfect 2012a or newer version
Book Learning OFF
Tablebases Nalimov/Gaviota/TripleBases...
TB Cache 128 MB or higher
More details:
Actually we are a little bit late for creating a such decent rating list,but anyway its better late than never
Yes...it's time to build a new decent rating on latest fast processors with slow time control
And there is no doubt in case of such new rating,this list will include a lot of high quality valuble games
ICCR Testers will receive oftenly new updates of my Perfect opening book series
ICCR will accept only Testers which are owners of latest fast processors:
-i7 970/i7 980X/i7 990X/i7 3930k/i7 960X/2x Intel Xeon/AMD Phenom II X6 1035T/1055T/1100T...
Note:Quads or slower processors will be allowed only for testing in case of match:single - against single processor engine
The time control (45m+15s) will be adapted on i7 980X 3.33 GHz,so e.g on AMD Phenom II X6 1035T will be played with 70m+15s
Or other example,the time control on i7 3930k @4.60 GHz will adapted to 30m+15s
All experienced Testers from all over the World are welcome to join in the new team:ICCR
ICCR rating project will be cancelled,in case of no interest between 3 months period of time
Седат, у Сергея сервер на 4 процессора AMD, где то в этой теме подробнее написано.
Wow...net u terpenii...uvidit Fritz bench resultatav on AMD Server
S uvajeniem,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 29-12-2011 16:19
BTW,nowadays the web server does not allow me to post on these chess forums:Chess2U,Chess4U,RebornSE
I am not sure exactly what can be the reason...probably those sites are not allowed from Turkey
So...its will be great if anybody post my main message in those forums too
Just i'd like to inform you that:
-Due to many interest,requests...i will allow Quads too,but only with Hyper Threading OFF
Fore More Information:
Note:Fritz Chess Benchmark will be used for measuring the processor chess speed
For accurate testing:its strongly recommended to be used the bellow time controls:
The new official time control will be 40m+10s and it will be adapted to i7 980X 3.33 GHz
I slightly change the time control,due to i plan to add the Gladiator 2011 games: http://www.sedatc...ladiators/
For more accurate ELO calculation:its not allowed testing 6 core against 4 core on same machine
The reason,we plan to test the engines with adapted time controls under different speed hardwares
*Otherwise,in case of such wrong test,the Engines ELO Performance will be effected
*For right testing (6c against 4c):
-Engines should be tested with adapted time controls,on two separate machines via Auto232 mode
Unfortunately i am sorry to announce:
-I am planning to cancel my new project ICCR
More details about why i am planning to stop working on the new ICCR project:
-I still strongly believe (in case of such list) that we will see high-quality games,played under super fast machines
-I plan to cancel this project is not due to there is no interest over it...
*For example,even in a very short time,ICCR has already 3 Testers,which are waiting instructions from me
The main reason of planning to not continue working over ICCR is that:
-There will be wrong Elo calculations,in case of using adapted time controls under different speed processors
-I mean,in case of creating a such adapted rating- all participant Elo standings will be effected...
-So far...I could not find any right solution for measuring the real Elo strength of the ICCR engines
-The biggest Elo calculation problem is appearing e.g 6c against 4c or 6c against 12c ...
*A simple example of wrong Elo calculation about in case of if we are not combing the mp engines in one version:
How can we calculate the game results played by:
-The right hardware Elo calculation (6c against 4c):should be done on two separate machines via Auto232 mode
*I mean for hardware speed test (6c against 4c):
-Engines should be tested with adapted time controls,on two separate machines via Auto232 mode
-Even if we combine ICCR played game results by Quads/Six-Cores... in one chess engine version
-Then is appearing another Elo calculation problem:as Clemens Keck stated...some buggy mp engines will be effected from that
In my opinion,combining in one chess engine version is the right way,but only for NON-buggy MP chess engines
-But in case of combining all mp participants,then it will lead to another wrong Elo calculation results
A little note more:
-For the first time in my Computerchess life, i could not complete a project with a success
And after all: I am sorry dear Chess Friends for all that i can not continue to work over this new project
But i have good news:
-I plan to start a new Rating list (15m+10s) based on only i7 Six-core machines
Note:more info coming soon...
I mean,if we run Top MP Engines at 40/120 (Rybka,Houdini,Critter on latest fast hardwares)
against Top Human GM Players (e.g Kasparov,Kramnik,Carlsen,Topalov,Anand...)
More Details:
Only Rybka 4.1 x64 1c is played without full pawn (e2 and e7)
Rybka's opponents are played at full performance (i mean with all pieces)
No opening books are used for the current test
1c = Engine is using one core (1 CPU)
WP = Engine is playing without pawn
Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 28-02-2012 22:11
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 01-03-2012 03:36
Dear Chess Friends,
My final words over this issue...
The bellow 2007/2008 data is based on handicapped games played by Rybka (without pawn) vs GMs average 2600 Elo
[tt]Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws
36 Rybka 4.1 x64 1c 3201 13 13 1725 48% 3217 49%
52 Rybka 4.1 WP x64 1c 2954 29 29 470 61% 2875 27%
*Note:Rybka 4.1 WP x64 1c is played without using a full pawn
In my estimation (based on the above data/sources)
1)Rybka +75 Elo
2)Private Strong Book / Endgames +150 Elo
3)Faster Hardware +150 Elo
4)Newer/Stronger version +150 Elo
5)Full Performance (with all pieces) +250 Elo
----------------------------------------------------- FINAL CONCLUSION:
-Rybka 4.1 mp (on 2x Intel Xeon X5667 @ 4.60GHz)is expecting to be rated approx.750-800 Elo stronger than GMs of 2600 Elo points
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-03-2012 18:58
Hello Chess Friends,
•Opening Book Registrations:20-24 April 2012
•Tournament Start Date:25-26 April 2012
Due to some complaints about two books by same Authors (playing in SCCT/Testo)
We (with the permission by Guido) decided to add a new rule,otherwise all these complaints will be never ended over SCCT/Testo
Since 2012,both leagues (SCCT/Testo) will accept two books by same Author
Note:both books by same Author should be completely different to each other
Plus the 2nd book should qualify from Testo Second League,i mean before to have right to play in SCCT Super League
Thank you for your understanding
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-03-2012 15:04
Who is interested in participating in SCCT,can register in Testo Second League
•Opening Book Registrations:08-12 April 2012
•Tournament Start Date:13-14 April 2012
Спасибо, Седат, надеюсь, я буду вновь первым в списке игроков Плайчесса..
Прислано kosmodrom 01-04-2012 07:41
Sedat Canbaz:
Thx, chessfriend Sedat! *DRINK*
Ne za chto uvajaemiy Yuriy
Net u terpenie uvidet tebia i viypit vodku vmeste v Antalii :)
Sedat, ya svoboden ot raboty: April, Yune, August. V Aprele- holodno, hochetsya ne tolko vypit s toboy vodki, no i pozagorat na more. Esli priedu, to ne odin, a s Russiangirl. April- holodno, Yune- ne mozhet ehat my girlfriend, ostaetsya August, dogovorilsya s girl na August. Esli so mnoy budet podruga, to budu menshe pit vodki, eto good. :) Itak, chisla 10-15 August priletim, dney na 14. Hotya, esli nadumayu, to mozhet v Yune na nedelyu odin prilechu, a zatem v August, s girlfriend. V August ya budu tochno v Antalii.
Due to many requests/questions (i receive a lot of mails about wishes participating in SCCT) i decided to post here too
SCCT Super League Main Rule:
-SCCT is not open for all,only the current Qualified Top 20 Books will be participated
-Others or different books will be not allowed
-New Incomers are needed to be qualified fom Testo Book Leagues
Btw,for new Incomers,now who want to participate in SCCT:
What a pitty that it seems they missed this chance...a few days ago there was a such qualify event by Guido M.(Testo League)
Many thanks for your interest about SCCT
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 21-04-2012 14:01
Hello Online Friends,
Last Updated Participant:
Deep Shredder 12 x64 6c
Note:SCCT Auto232 Tournament is currently paused and it will be resumed after SCCT Super League
I have just started working on a new rating list,which will be based on latest strongest engines
I am planning also to test the engines with different settings,new compiles...
And here are the latest results (more games are coming soon)
More Details:
-SCCT (25m+10s) Auto232 Tournament is currently stopped
*Due to nowadays i have no much free time ...
-Ivanhoe B46fC x64 6c plays without (can't use) TripleBases/TotalBases
-Strelka 5.1 is not participated (the new version of Strelka 5.5 is planning to be tested)
-Stockfish 120430P is the latest compile by Izak Pretorius (PeterPan)
Btw,i have updated the conditions with more details:
For Better Engine Performance
•MP Engines are played between each other using 6 physical cores
•Perfect 2012b’s opening lines are frequently tuned/optimized
•Adapters (Polyglot,Wb2Uci…) are not planning to be used
•Multiply Matches (running several GUIs on same PC) are not allowed
•LIVE Broadcasting Tools-Publish Tournament on WEB are not allowed
•During Matches:No any external software is running in the background
•It’s not installed any programs to tray in the Taskbar (Startup)
•The SCCT Tournament Computers are daily ShutDown
•Internet is disabled as protecting from any kind of threads
•No clicking with mouse,no typing…(when the tourney is active)
SCCT Rating’s Disadvantages
•Chess Engines are played with Ponder OFF (NON-Auto232 mode)
•Some opening lines of Perfect 2012b book still needs optimization
•Blitz time control has been used (not many high-quality games)
•For more reliable rating, more engines and games are needed
•No LIVE Broadcasting (external PC and webcam is missing)
SCCT Rating’s Advantages
•Engines are played with same time control on latest fast machines
•64 bit / SSE Engine versions have been played,using 6 physical cores
•It’s true that Ponder ON is better for Chess Engines,but note also that:
-Ponder OFF 6 core is approx. 140 Elo stronger than Ponder ON 1 core
•During matches:no external software is running (e.g LIVE tools or several GUIs…)
•As far as possible, the strongest modern openings are preferred and used
Time Control
•All games are played with same time control: 3 Minutes/Game + 2 Seconds/Move
*One of the most preferable blitz time controls, used in latest Chess Championships
•The overall time duration game length:equals to average 11 minutes per game
•Personally I’m not a big fan testing the engines with fast time controls
•Blitz games are less important and the results cannot be taken as very seriously
•But however, blitz is the most used and played time control in chess
•The main reason i use this blitz time control for the current rating is very simple:
-As a single tester,I have no enough free cpu time to create a reliable slow rating
•Plus blitz chess offers more possibilities to test many different engine versions
I am pleased to announce:
- Very soon, Deep Fritz 13 and Houdini 2.0z will be started testing under SCCT: http://www.sedatc...ct-rating/
Some Notes:
-Houdini 2.0z is a new modified version by Salvador,for more details: http://rybkaforum...?tid=24987
-Deep Fritz 13 is the latest release by ChessBase (Frans Morsch/Mathias Feist): http://www.chessb...3_download
-I hope to publish the current engine results in 10 days period of time
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-06-2012 16:24
Hello Dear Friends,
I have run a new testing-played by Fruit 2.0 vs Engines (released around 2004 year)
1)Fruit 2.0 test (no books):
*Fruit 2.0 and Zappa 1.0 (when Zappa is with Black pieces) have similarities in openings
*Fruit 2.0 vs Fruit 2.0, both same versions have identical opening playing style
*The rest engine openings are almost different than Fruit 2.0 opening playing style
2)SCCT SSE/Non-SSE test (no books):
*There are some similarities in openings, played by the Top chess engines:
- Houdini / Strelka / Komodo / Rybka / Ivanhoe / Critter / Stockfish http://www.sedatc...se-no-sse/
3)SCCT 3 Type Tournament (no books):
*Some engines (Rybka;Glaurung;Thinker;Bright;Toga;Loop...) have similarities in openings too http://www.sedatc...urnaments/
More Details:
*It seems many of the above engines are based on similar opening-related code
*These testings are done mainly for different purposes (not for proving which engine is a clone)
*Once more we noticed that many chess engines are each other relative
*Mostly of the played openings are far away from the current strong opening theory
Some Notes:
-Deep Fritz 13 performed just 12 Elo stronger than Deep Fritz 12
*I hope, Deep Fritz 13 will be ranked at higher places (after more games...)
-Houdini 2.0z test is cancelled,due to there is something wrong with its strenght
-The SCCT Rating List includes ‘No double games’ and ‘No games up 15 moves’
Best Wishes,
Прислано kosmodrom 08-06-2012 20:29
Thx, Sedat!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 12-06-2012 00:14
Ne za chto uvajaemiy Yuriy !
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 12-06-2012 00:15
Hello Dear Friends,
Nowadays there are a lot of clone/derivative/original work discussions over chess forums
That's why,this time i decided to create a different list,where all engines are played exactly at same position
Similarity Move Test Conditions:
Processor:QX 9650@3.66GHz
Win XP x64 Prof (service pack 2)
Chess GUIs:Fritz 12 / Arena 3.0
HashTable size:128 MB
Time Control:3 min game
Engine CPUs:All engines are played with 1 core
Before starting each test: engine's hastables are cleaned
Test Opening Position: B12 Caro-Kann,Advance Variation (Side to move:Blacks)
[D] r2qkb1r/pp1nnpp1/2p1p2p/3pPb2/3P4/1N3N2/PPP1BPPP/R1BQ1RK1 b kq - 0 8
Some Notes:
-The current test is done mainly for recognizing which engines are each other relative
-The Similarity Test can be useful about which engines use same/similar ideas as well
-Similarity Move Test is not done for proving which engines are clone/derivative/original work
-Almost all Top Engines (Houdini;Komodo;Strelka;Stockfish,Critter,Ivanhoe... prefered 'Qc7' move
-Its interesting to note that Rybka 4.1 x64 1c prefered to play 'g5' move (not sure why ?!)
-Fruit 2.1 (open source engine) prefered especially to play 'Ng6'
-Note also 'Ng6' move is the most prefered move by many chess engines
-Zappa 1.0 and Fruit 2.0 are prefered to play 'a5' move (again similarity !)
-Sjeng c't 2010;Spike 1.4;BigLion 1.8f;Junior 6;Sos 5.1 played completely different moves than all
Уважаемый Седат, на днях я прилечу в Анталию! Пока не знаю, один прилечу, или с молодой женщиной, но на днях буду! Достало меня всё, хочу на море! Анапа-Сочи-Крым- пусть идут лесом, я начинаю загранпоездки!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-06-2012 00:20
kosmodrom написал:
Уважаемый Седат, на днях я прилечу в Анталию! Пока не знаю, один прилечу, или с молодой женщиной, но на днях буду! Достало меня всё, хочу на море! Анапа-Сочи-Крым- пусть идут лесом, я начинаю загранпоездки!
Privet Yuriy,
Ochen harosho...
Tiy tolka skaji kogda priletaesh i v kalom gostinitse budesh otdiyhat ?
Седат, у меня пока некоторые трудности, сегодня договорился с одной женщиной покупать путёвку, отель, время поездки она выбирала сама, так вот, она просто .... не пришла в офис туристической компании. Я вообще ничего не понимаю... :( Подробнее я писал в закрытом разделе, у тебя доступ есть, можешь почитать подробнее.
У меня в запасе был всего один вариант (ещё только одна женщина), в ближайшие дни буду работать этот вариант, если и там глухо, то полечу один, числа 18-20 июня.
В Турции (Сиде) 17 июня будет Игорь (aka Igalex), такой шанс нельзя упускать, когда ещё мы соберём трёх человек вместе, думаю, мы встретимся втроём: Игорь, Юра, Седат и устроим международную пьянку! Седат, ты пил с русскими? :)
Мы должны были втроём встретиться, но Игорь Юркин прилетел в Сиде, должен был купить симку и сообщить мне на сайте номер, но Игорь куда то исчез. *DONT_KNOW* Встретились мы вдвоём с Седатом! Ребята, Седат- наш человек! Седат- реальный пацан! *DRINK*
Просмотрел фотографии, выбрал одну, даже не хотел показывать, на остальных фото я ещё более пьяный. *DRINK*
Редактировал kosmodrom 23-06-2012 22:30
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 24-06-2012 22:29
Privet uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Spasiba za dobrie slava...
Tiy otlichniy paren...mne biylo priatno s taboi vstretitsia
Kstati,ya bolee pianiy vygliaju chem tebia ;)
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 24-06-2012 22:30
Прислано kosmodrom 27-06-2012 13:58
Седат, у тебя на сайте есть фрицбенчмарки игроков плейчесс? Добавь туда Николая Демчука, Украина, Komaha in playchess. Ссылка- http://gladiators...rowstart=0
Прислано kosmodrom 27-06-2012 14:17
Уважаемый Седат, я несколько фотографий нашей встречи (пьянки) переместил в новый фотоальбом, который назвал Sedat and Kosmodrom. Если скажешь, что мы там сильно пьяные (я то точно в дрова), то удалю этот фотоальбом.
Уважаемый Седат, будешь в Москве, встретимся тоже, возможно ещё будет Makar1978 и Igalex, у нас в России тоже есть что пить! (а турецкий коньяк хороший!).
Прислано Zunkor 27-06-2012 22:47
kosmodrom написал:
Седат, у тебя на сайте есть фрицбенчмарки игроков плейчесс? Добавь туда Николая Демчука, Украина, Komaha in playchess. Ссылка- http://gladiators...rowstart=0
kosmodrom написал:
Уважаемый Седат, я несколько фотографий нашей встречи (пьянки) переместил в новый фотоальбом, который назвал Sedat and Kosmodrom. Если скажешь, что мы там сильно пьяные (я то точно в дрова), то удалю этот фотоальбом.
Уважаемый Седат, будешь в Москве, встретимся тоже, возможно ещё будет Makar1978 и Igalex, у нас в России тоже есть что пить! (а турецкий коньяк хороший!).
Uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Spasiba za fotografii...
Net...vse normalna,pust fotki astanutsia
Kanechna...esli to ya budu v Maskve obizatelno pozvonyu i viypim vmeste
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 28-06-2012 12:43
Zunkor написал:
kosmodrom написал:
Седат, у тебя на сайте есть фрицбенчмарки игроков плейчесс? Добавь туда Николая Демчука, Украина, Komaha in playchess. Ссылка- http://gladiators...rowstart=0
Some Notes:
So far,the free Houdini 1.5a's performance is just great-the strongest free engine!
And Houdini 1.5.a's playing strength is almost same as the commercial Houdini 2.0c
I hope after more games...Houdini 2.0c's 25 Elo improvement will appear
Strelka 5.5 as a freeware engine (even with one core) performed very good
I expect, the Strelka MP version will be serious opponent for 1st place
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-07-2012 11:30
Hello Dear Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
- Soon there will be a new SCCT Super League III
•Opening Book Registrations:26-31 August 2012
•Tournament Start Date:01-02 September 2012
Some Notes:
-I am impressed by the latest Gull's performance, well done to ThinkingALot!
-Strelka 5.5 x64 1c version is tested as default (without any modification)
-No any significant Elo difference between Houdini 1.5a and Houdini 2.0c
-The Rating List is created by Bayeselo 0056,starting Elo calculation with mm 1 1
-SCCT Rating list has currently two Leaders:Houdini 2.0t3 and Houdini 2.0z
Next Participants:
-Houdini 2.0Higgs
-Houdini 2.0s2
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 21-07-2012 18:10
Dear Friends,
I plan to create new standings,based on Top 20 engines (by using Elostat 1.3)
Note that the main rating list (by BayesElo 0056) with all versions will remain as before
For the current table,I used Houdini 2.0t3,due to its points are ranked slightly better (2.5 points higher) than Houdini 2.0z
Note also that the below standings are based on 9200 games,that means we need approx. 1300 games more
In other words,for more reliable standings.... we need at least one week to complete the full table
Btw,the new Houdini settings (Higgs and s2) will be started testing,when each participant will have 1000 games per player
Some Notes:
-Gull II beta2 x64 6c is already completed and its rank is 8th place
-Note also the new SCCT - Top 20 is already availale online too
-Currently the both (Higgs and s2) Houdini settings are under test
Some Notes:
-I receive oftenly mails/interests by different users,about testing their Houdini settings in SCCT
*And due to i have no much free CPU time, SCCT has already a new rule:
-Since today (28.07.2012) serious data-minimum 1.000 games is required
*I need a such confirmation that those new settings should be least 20 Elo stronger than Houdini 2.0c default
*Note:Game results,played with ultra-fast time controls will be not accepted as serious data
Thanks for your understandings!
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 01-08-2012 20:37
Hello Friends,
New games have been added,played mainly by Houdini s2 and Higgs settings
Note that currently SCCT's All Version list has two Leaders (Houdini z and t3)
Next Participants:
Equinox 1.40 x64 6c
Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 03-08-2012 12:45
-For clarification minimum 1.000 games is needed
-The modified Houdini's Elo performance should at least 20 Elo stronger than Houdini 2.0c default
-The Houdini testings should be played at Blitz or Slow time controls (min 3min or at least 2min+2sec is required)
-The chess engines should be tested with strong openings,maximum up to 10-12 moves
*Note that this new rule is for people, who has interest to participate with Houdini settings in SCCT
One thing more,
The opponents (in your testings) should not be based only on Houdini versions
I mean you need to test your Houdini against various Top engines (e.g Critter,Stockfish,Rybka,Komodo,Ivanhoe...)
Note also that 1.000 games per player only Houdini vs Houdini can lead to misunderstanding results
And Last,
Without such serious data (games) and confirmation,SCCT will not accept/start testing any new Houdini settings...
Some Notes:
-Houdini 2.0Bar2 x64 6c are played with new settings,called 'Baracuda'
-The winning percentage of t3 and z settings are slightly lower than the rest Houdini versions
*Due to the both Top Houdini settings are played against several Houdini engines
-It seems, Bouquet 1.4 x64 6c engine will be the new participant of SCCT 'Top 20' Standings
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-08-2012 02:22
Dear Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
-Perfect 2012c/t opening books are released !
For more various openings,then Perfect 2012c will be a good choice
For maximum performance,then definitely i recommend: Perfect 2012t book
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-08-2012 15:06
Dear Friends,
I plan to repeat the test of Houdini 2.0t3,where this time all engines will use completely new book-Perfect 2012c
*For more details about Perfect 2012c book: http://www.sedatc...ing-books/
*Houdini 2.0t3 x64 6c will be tested under these conditions (exception this time engines will use different book): http://www.sedatc...ss/2838-2/
Let's wait and see what will be the new performance of Houdini 2.0t3 x64 6c
And I hope... this opening test will be helpful to see the the influence of the openings
Best Regards,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 09-08-2012 15:07
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 10-08-2012 12:53
Hello Chess Friends,
Unfortunately,SCCT Super League III's starting date is changed
*The reason,probably i will be on holiday (around 01-14 September)
So i plan to start the competition on:
• Opening Book Registrations:16-20 September 2012
• Tournament Start Date:21-22 September 2012
Some Notes:
-Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c is same version as Houdini 2.0t3 Pro x64 6c,just this time is played with another new book-Perfect 2012c
*Actually during the current Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c test,all its opponents used same Perfect 2012c book too
-Looking at the current early results,it seems the various openings and shorter lines did not make a BIG negative influence over its performance
*But anyway,for a better conclusion: we need more games,probably this number of games between 1000-2000 games will be enough data
-Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c is performed slightly better than default,but of course to be sure more games are required...
-I noticed also that in other testings (Non-SCCT results),there are some different standings (e.g i mean especially for Houdini settings)
-From my experience i can say that such different performance is appearing is not due to 95% confidence of error margin or we need at least 5.000 games and so on
*Sure more games is better,but i highly doubt that SCCT standings will be changed a lot,e.g i mean about after 5.000 games player
In other words,
*Of course I can be wrong...but however i have a little bit experience in Computerchess (10 years as Book Maker and 15 years as Tester)
And i strongly believe in that:
-Some SCCT Participants performed higher or lower than others,due to my used conditions are completely different than all available testings
Kind Regards,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 11-08-2012 13:29
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 12-08-2012 19:49
New Update:
-More games have been added,played mainly by Houdini 2.0t3 and Rybka 4.1 79DT v1
More Details:
-Surprisingly, Houdini 2.0t3 using a shorter book+more various openings performed identically so far
-Well done to Mindbreaker, Rybka 4.1 79DT v1 x64 6c performed 15 Elo better than default version
-Next SCCT Engine,which will be tested:Stockfish VE09 x64 6c
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-08-2012 20:33
Dear Chess Friends,
Last Updated Engine:
Stockfish VE09 x64 6c
SCCT Rating List: http://www.sedatc...ct-rating/
Some Notes:
-StockfishVE_09pop64.exe is used for the current test
-Unfortunately so far...,Stockfish VE09 x64 6c's performance is not satisfied
*I hope after more games,Stockfish VE09 x64 6c will be ranked at higher places
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-08-2012 21:30
Its interesting to note that currently SCCT has five (5) pairings with same Elo points
Rank Name Elo + – games score oppo. draws
1 Houdini 2.0t3 Pc x64 6c 3364 15 15 1000 75% 3179 37%
2 Houdini 2.0t3 Pro x64 6c 3364 12 12 1620 70% 3211 39%
Some Notes:
-New games have been played mainly by Stockfish VE09 x64 6c
-Houdini 2.0t3* Pro x64 6c = played with Perfect 2012c book
-The next engine,which is planning to be tested is Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c NON-SSE
*Let's see what will be the influence/strength difference between both Rybka default versions (SSE and Non-SSE)
-After Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c NON-SSE test,the current SCCT Rating List's activity will be paused
*The current engine competition is expecting to be resumed after SCCT Super Book League III
Kind Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 22-08-2012 03:01
Hello Friends,
Last Updated Engine:
Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c
SCCT Rating List - All Versions: http://www.sedatc...ct-rating/
Some Notes:
-Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c = Deep Rybka 4.1 is played as default (the version,which does not support SSE4.2)
-So far, Rybka's performance is quite good,let's see what will be the standings after 1000 games per player
Here is the SCCT Rating List's calculation by EloStat 1.3 (Critter 1.6 x64 6c is fixed to 3300 Elo)
It's interesting to note that some of the current standings are completely different than BayesElo
Спасибо, уважаемый Седат, за твою многолетнюю работу!
Редактировал Zunkor 27-08-2012 12:03
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 27-08-2012 16:39
kosmodrom написал:
Спасибо, уважаемый Седат, за твою многолетнюю работу!
Ne za chto uvajaemiy Yuriy :)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 27-08-2012 16:40
Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE Test is over:
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo. draws
14 Rybka 4.1 SSE42 x64 6c 3276 13 13 1800 59% 3212 49%
18 Rybka 4.1 NO-SSE x64 6c 3275 14 14 1500 60% 3204 49%
Some Notes:
Even after 1500 games per player,
Rybka 4.1 No-SSE version performed with same Elo difference as before:just one (1) Elo less than Rybka 4.1 SS4.2
*Note also that Rybka NO-SSE version (at 1000 games per player) was scored with same Elo difference
This test (playing 500 games more) was useful also about SCCT's Elo bar error margins
As we see.... mostly of the participants Elo difference (Error bar margins) dont change a lot...
That Elo difference is going mainly around minus plus approx.3-5 Elo points and rarely 5-10 Elo points
*Note:i mean for Elo error margins especially for after 1000 games per player
Some Notes:
-Congrats to Mark Uniacke,Hiarcs 14's current performance is approx. 100 Elo points better than previous Hiarcs version
-Since 29.08.2012,Ordo 0.5.1 calculation program (by Miguel Ballicora) will be used mainly for SCCT engine competitions
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 29-08-2012 12:52
Dear Chess Experts,
I wonder a lot about:
-Why Deep Shredder 12's performance suffer in SCCT competitions ?
-Is there is something wrong in my used test engine conditions ?
*Or maybe,the reasons are my used hardwares or my opening books or ... ?!
*Or DS12's low performance can be due to Elo error bar margins ?
Or Who Knows ?!
Perhaps SCCT does not serve reliable data and i need to:
- switch to 1 core engine testings ?
Some notes about DS12's conditions in SCCT:
-Played with Opening Advise OFF
-Played mainly under Fritz GUIs
-Used Perfect 2012 book series
-Played with 6 cores on my i7 6-core machines
*For full details about SCCT conditions:
*Its interesting to note also,
In some other test conditions (NON-SCCT),DS12 engine performs much better than SCCT !
For example,here are available some Elo comparisons between Deep Shredder 12 and Zappa Mexico II
*Note also that Spike 1.4 Leiden,Spark 1.0,Deep Junior 13.3... performed better than DS12 (in SCCT)
Where exactly these engines are rated lower than DS12 in some other testings (Non-SCCT results)
SCCT 3m+2s = Elo difference: 30,6
37 Deep Shredder 12 x64 6c 3041.7
39 Zappa Mexico II x64 6c 3011.1
Clemens 5m+3s = Elo difference: 47
22 Deep Shredder 12 UCI x1 2800
30 Zappa Mexico II x1 2753
IPON 5m+3s = Elo difference: 97
9 Deep Shredder 12 2800
19 Zappa Mexico II 2703
CEGT 40/4 = Elo difference: 61
12 Deep Shredder 12 x64 4CPU 2894
19 Zappa Mexico II x64 4CPU 2833
CEGT 40/20 PB ON = Elo difference: 56
10 Deep Shredder 12 x64 2800
19 Zappa Mexico II x64 2744
CCRL 40/40 = Elo difference: 58
13 Deep Shredder 12 64-bit OA On 4CPU 3136
16 Zappa Mexico II 64-bit 4CPU 3078
CCRL 40/4 = Elo difference: 91
10 Deep Shredder 12 64-bit OA On 4CPU 3093
17 Zappa Mexico II 64-bit 4CPU 3002
-SCCT's activity is already paused and it will be resumed after 15 days
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 01-09-2012 21:13
A few calculations more...
For more reliable data,this time i preferred to use Hiarcs 13.2 chess engine
And as we see...again DS12 6 cores has the lowest performance in SCCT (as before)
It seems, (especially on AMD platforms) DS12 on single core testings is performing much better
Some Notes:
-For better conclusion,we need more games...
But however,
I should admit that i am very much surprised by the current played results
Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 6c 3m+2s's performance is just superior so far...
As we see, even after 29 games,Rybka 4.1 x64 6c 3m+2s has no any single defeat
To be honest,
I expected almost same equal playing strength between 3m+2s 6c vs 25m+2s 1c
*Probably, 40/120 1c is required over 3m+2s 6c :)
It seems:
1)Rybka MP scaling is very good and definitely i can say for chess:
- 'The more cores, the better'
2)This short test indicates that SCCT 3m+2s 6c played games are not too bad in quality
One thing more,
I think this saying suits for the current issue:
There is always strength in numbers.
And once more i'd like to point out that:
-I am very glad with the current used SCCT conditions: http://www.sedatc...ss/2838-2/
Its interesting to note also that:
-Komodo 4 x64 1 core with slower time control performs better than blitz
-It seems,single core testings require slow time controls for better and quality games
Спасибо большое, а Гудини 3я версия не вышла? На Плайчессе Крис писАл про то, что вроде как вышла..
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 11-09-2012 01:51
AntiMaster написал:
Спасибо большое, а Гудини 3я версия не вышла? На Плайчессе Крис писАл про то, что вроде как вышла..
Ne za chto...k sajaleniyu ya ne v kurse nachet Houdini 3 na Playchesse (proshlo gde ta 3 goda kak ya ne ras ne igral na Playchesse)
Naskolka ya znayu,chto v biljaishom vremia Houdini 3 poyavitsia,no ne uveren immena kagda...
Vsevo harosheva,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 11-09-2012 01:54
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-09-2012 15:10
Dear Chess Friends,
SCCT Super Book League III is planning to be played
But unfortunately i can not promise:
1)LIVE Broadcasting
2)Tournament start date/duration can be continued more than expected
3)Probably SCCT Super Book League III will the last one (i don't want to promise for the next SCCT Super Book Leagues)
*The reason:
-Due to nowadays i have no much free time for chess
One thing more,
The book registration date is same:
• Opening Book Registrations:16-20 September 2012
But as i mentioned before,
I will run SCCT Super Book League III... only when i will have free time
Thanks for your understanding!
Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 22-09-2012 19:33
Dear Friends,
Sorry for the late replay, but as i mentioned before really i am too busy nowadays...
Yes, i will keep my word and i will do my best to complete this tour
The current book competition is still not started...
Still i am not sure exactly when will be the tournament start date
Till now i've already downloaded 12 new books and still waiting for some books
But however,please dont delete the book links till the tournament start date
Unforunately so far no any registration from Marco Zabinati (Winbook Pro)
And in case of no regisrtaration in 1-3 days by Marco Zabinati,
then probably i will include Don book in the current SCCT III
A note for those who still did not send their books:
-Be in hurry please and send your books as soon as possible...
*Note Only the qualified opening books will be participated !
First of all,
Many Thanks to all Book Authors,for participating in the current exiting tour !
The SCCT III Champion: Guardian Angel - BIG Congratulations to Giuseppe Petruccelli !!
Also My Congratulations to: Marcos K.Matsuda - the Author of JapanTopTeam / Dragon !
Note also that:
-Probably the current competition will be the last one of my book tournament series
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 05-10-2012 23:34
Dear Chess Friends,
SCCT's New Champion:Houdini 2.0 Kayra2 - BIG Congratulations to Mehmet Karaman !!
-Well done... new Kayra2 settings performed 29 Elo stronger than default version !
Some Notes:
-SedatChess's site activity is planning be paused soon...
*Due to nowadays i have no much free time for chess
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано AntiMaster 06-10-2012 06:21
Where i can see his settings?
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-10-2012 20:24
AntiMaster написал:
Where i can see his settings?
Sorry...you need to contact the author:Mehmet Karaman (eren1921)
For more details:[url]
Прислано Zunkor 06-10-2012 22:49
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Sorry...you need to contact the author:Mehmet Karaman (eren1921)
For more details:[url]
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Sorry...you need to contact the author:Mehmet Karaman (eren1921)
For more details:[url]
Prostite menya, negramotnogo, a chto znachat eti zyfry?
Юра, ты отстал от жизни! :)
Это кусочек кода из файла Houdini.exe, в нем содержится множество настроек движка.
Прислано kosmodrom 10-10-2012 12:34
Прочитал рыбкафорум. всё равно ничего не понял, что это за код и куда его вставлять. :)
Прислано kosmodrom 10-10-2012 17:38
Разобрался! Kayra2- это гудини с изменёнными параметрами! Моё имхо- ерунда это всё на постном масле! Я помню ещё танцы с бубном со времён настройки Shredder-9, когда изменяешь параметры, надеясь на усиление игры, а выходит только хуже!
Прислано Zunkor 10-10-2012 23:07
kosmodrom написал:
Разобрался! Kayra2- это гудини с изменёнными параметрами! Моё имхо- ерунда это всё на постном масле!
Нет, в блице Гудини с изменёнными параметрами может играть сильнее, чем обычный. Это не только моё "имхо", это подтверждают тесты Седата, и большинство сильных игроков Плайчесса уже давно играют изменённым Гудини, в том числе Komaha и Kerch :).
Уважаемый Седат, почитай наш закрытый раздел, там страсти горят! Уважаемый Седат, а ты бы не хотел попробовать сыграть по переписке? Corrchess? За нашу команду! Было бы неплохо: команда "Спартак"- двое россиян, украинец и гражданин Турции!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-10-2012 06:08
kosmodrom написал:
Уважаемый Седат, почитай наш закрытый раздел, там страсти горят! Уважаемый Седат, а ты бы не хотел попробовать сыграть по переписке? Corrchess? За нашу команду! Было бы неплохо: команда "Спартак"- двое россиян, украинец и гражданин Турции!
Privet uvajaemiy Yuriy,
Spasiba za predlojenie,no k sajaleniu v nastoiashee vremia ya ochen zaniat
S drugimi slovami,net u menia svobodnoe vremia dlia shahmata
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 14-10-2012 06:09
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-01-2014 21:26
SedatChess - Latest News 2014
Уважаемые друзья,
После долгого времени паузы (около 1,5 года) я вернулся снова в ComputerChess!
Конечно, я постараюсь сделать все возможное для шахмата ...
Но тем не менее, я не могу обещать, что мои деятельность будет так активно, как раньше
Отметим также, что я буду в основном активным на Talkchess и Рыбка форумах
* В связи с того что еще у меня нет много времени для шахмата
Кстати, вот последние новости о моих шахматных деятельности:
Уважаемый Седат, сейчас ужЕ не то время - книги практически играют в примерно равную силу.. Есть ли смысл их тестировать?
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 25-04-2014 15:40
AntiMaster написал:
Уважаемый Седат, сейчас ужЕ не то время - книги практически играют в примерно равную силу.. Есть ли смысл их тестировать?
Uvajaemiy Vova,
Takoe ne mojet biyt...po moemu lyuboi dvijok igraet slabee ili silnee zavisimosti kakaia kniga polzvaet
Esli eta ne pravda, to togda (v moem budeshem turnire) vse resultatiy dolgniy biyt odinokavie
Skoro vremia pokajet...
Прислано AntiMaster 26-04-2014 14:27
Пока.. Сейчас же 6 men tbs 'Sygyzy' on SSD всё решают и настройка глубины =2 для них в "Гудини"..
Прислано Zunkor 26-04-2014 15:10
AntiMaster написал:
Сейчас же 6 men tbs 'Sygyzy' on SSD всё решают и настройка глубины =2 для них в "Гудини"..
И не важно какой книгой играешь? :)
Прислано AntiMaster 27-04-2014 06:23
В последнее время вроде как нет..*DONT_KNOW*
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 27-04-2014 19:52
AntiMaster написал:
Пока.. Сейчас же 6 men tbs 'Sygyzy' on SSD всё решают и настройка глубины =2 для них в "Гудини"..
Da...no eta v Playchess naverno, a v SCCT ya ne sobirayus ih vklyuchit :) !
A potom pochemu ih vklyuchat ?! ya hochu uvidet nastoiashaia sila knigu!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-05-2014 12:37
The current registered opening books!!
Which are planning to be as participants very soon:
More Details:
- If anyone's registered opening book is missing in the table, please inform me...
- Probably there will be more participants in the next hours (due to several delay reasons...)
* That's why the tournament start day probably will be on 16.05.2014
- Unfortunately this time I can't provide the tournament in LIVE, due to I have no external PC...
- I plan to use same stockfish_14051110_x64_modern_sse42 for all books, who requested Stockfish...
- As I mentioned before, for all ctg books will be used same settings: optimized 0/100
- Mostly of the book registrations are going mainly for Stockfish (only a few for Houdini)
* Unfortunately so far no any book resgistration for Gull, Komodo and Rybka - I've got an email from Mr. Jatt, where he promised to give a prize for the next SCCT Book Champion !!
One thing more,
As before in SCCT, I noticed so far for the current tour, there are a lot registrations by super strong book authors
I am not going to count which are those famous authors, becouse I am afraid to miss to mention some of them... )) !!
But durring or in the end of the competition I will publshed the full list with all author names!
Yes... the real Arena is coming very very soon !!!!!!
Have fun,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-05-2014 21:16
Hello there,
While waiting for some SCCT book registrations... I have just created a new Playchess ranking, played on the latest 5 months...
And my congratulations to DeepBlueOcean! He has the best performance (latest 5 months) on Playchess server!
Some Notes:
•The Rating is based mainly on games played by Sockfish, Houdini, Komodo; min 200 games with different time controls
•The Ranking provides quite a bit of useful information,it gives a good indication of who are the strongest book users !
•There are 2 main important factors for getting a high Elo: very strong book and very fast hardware is needed as well
•DeepBlueOcean’s hardware used on Playchess Server: Unknown
•The RatingList is based on 154799 games, played on latest 5 months (between Desember-April 2014)
•All games have been played with Ponder ON; MP Engines have been used mainly 4/6/12 ets.. cores
•Playchess Database contains no double games and no games up to 22 moves
•The Rating list is created by Bayeselo Chess Program, starting elo calculation:3400
•Playchess Rating Database's Source: The Sicilian forum / Chess Gladiators site
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-05-2014 17:07
In a few hours, I plan to start the tournament...!
There is no doubt that the current competition will be very exiting!!
Thanks a lot again for your interest and trusting to Me (SCCT) since many years!
And I wish GOOD LUCK to all Book Authors !!
Hardwares: i7 980X/ i7 970
Large Pages: OFF
GUI: ChessBase (Fritz)
MP Threads: Maximum (6 cores)
Book Settings: Optimized 0/100
Book Leaning: ON
Hashrtable Size: 512 MB
Time Control: 3 Minutes
EGTB: 4-Men (Nalimov)
TB Cache: 16 MB
Rounds: 4 (cycles)
Total Games: 2244
Games Per Player: 132
Tournament is expecting to be completed after 5-6 days
Tournament Director: Sedat Canbaz
SCCT Book ChampionShip I's Total Participants: 34
Opening Book Engine Book Author
Amchess.ctg Stockfish Amchess
Beagle.bin Stockfish Nick Carlin
Bombastic.ctg Stockfish S.B.K.
CaudineForks.ctg Stockfish Antony Rossetti
CoLdFiRe.ctg Stockfish Chris Cheek
Comet.ctg Stockfish Mike Nielsen
DeepUCI2014.ctg Stockfish Torbjorn R.Johansen
DieHard.ctg Stockfish Randy Sands
DoomD4b.ctg Houdini Nikisharma
Fantasy.bin Stockfish Americo Moreira
GameOfTrones.bin Stockfish Pawel Sekowski
HitorMiss.ctg Stockfish John Burchill
Jihad 6.2+.ctg Houdini Abdelkader Atia
KhrONiK.ctg Stockfish Colby Jaxon (15 years old!)
Klaus.ctg Stockfish Siddhartha Bakshi
Kraken.ctg Stockfish Frank Karl Werner
Laguna II.ctg Stockfish Baboy
Mapanarito.ctg Stockfish Jean Disquin
Monks 1.4.ctg Houdini Rolando Acosta
No Book.ctg (Empty!) Stockfish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PlayHamster.ctg Stockfish Gabor Komaromi
Randazzo.ctg Stockfish Randazzo Girolamo
Rodent.bin Stockfish Pawel Koziol
RpC-Needle-140511.bin Stockfish Aleksandr Shvachko
Shocker 1.2.ctg Stockfish Jorge Martinez
Skipanda.ctg Stockfish Eros Riccio
Spartacus.ctg Stockfish Robert Johnson
Strelnikov.ctg Stockfish Nelson Hernandez
SuGaR.ctg Stockfish Marco Zerbinati
SWYD V5.ctg Stockfish Tiago Alves
The King of Legend.ctg Stockfish Baabu Hatela
The Rock.ctg Stockfish Dean Sprouse
WinOnly.ctg Stockfish Absimaldata
Zenix 3.6.ctg Houdini Julien Durand
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 17-05-2014 15:18
Hello there,
The standings after 578 games (games yet to play: 1666 )
The Current Leader: Laguna II.ctg - My Congratulations to Baboy !!
*Note: any name with H4 means:the book is using Houdini 4 (rest books are using Stockfish 11052014)
*Important note for SCCT Book Authors:
For security reasons, I suggest to be deleted all SCCT's current registered download book links !
Due to many requests... I am pleased to announce:
-I plan to organize the next SCCT Book ChampionShip II
The next book tour is planning to be started around:
Opening Book Registrations: July 01-05 2014
Tournament Start Date : July 06 2014
For More Details:
Be ready for the real Arena !!
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 10-06-2014 01:41
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 10-06-2014 15:03
I am looking for data (name, country) about the below Authors
58 (of 183 Book Authors) are missing...
So if anybody knows those Authors, please post here or contact Me:
Opening Book Book Author Country
2750test1 Daniel Charles ???
Amchess ??? ???
Batatas ??? ???
Bertran long ??? ???
Bombastic S.B.K. ???
BomBook ??? ???
Bouddha ??? Switzerland
Comet Mike Nielsen ???
Confusion ??? ???
Corman1 ??? ???
Death of Chess ??? ???
DeepUCI2014 Torbjorn R.Johansen ???
Dominator ??? ???
DoomD4b Nikisharma ???
Dumdum Digadiga ??? ???
Durex ??? ???
Eagle ??? Bulgaria
Eivissa Armando Eivissa ???
Engine Norm Pruitt ???
Etimo ??? ???
Exadeath ??? ???
Famine ??? ???
Fantasy Americo Moreira ???
FlyOrDie ??? ???
Future ??? ???
Gen18 Norm Pollock ???
Heretic ??? ???
HitorMiss John Burchill ???
Hornets ??? ???
Hya X2 ??? ???
Jaspion ??? ???
Jonas ??? ???
KnightsFerry ??? ???
Laguna Baboy ???
Magnum ??? ???
Manualbook2 ??? ???
Moheevi60 ??? ???
Monks Rolando Acosta ???
Newbook ??? ???
Oro ??? ???
Over ??? ???
P.Book07-Strong ??? ???
Pinoy ??? ???
PlayHamster Gabor Komaromi ???
Poker ??? ???
RugonParagonExile ??? ???
Shah ??? ???
SheWolf ??? ???
StrongMoves ??? ???
SuperSonic ??? ???
Taormina1 ??? ???
Tatham Chris Tatham ???
The Rock Dean Sprouse ???
Tourbook ??? ???
Traps ??? ???
Troy ??? ???
Veni Vidi Vici ??? ???
WeakBook ??? ???
kosmodrom написал:
Уважаемый Седат, я не приеду к тебе в Анталию! Я улечу к Олегу в Крым! Данное сообщение прошу считать официальным, и на него ориентироваться.
Uvajaemy Yuriy,
Jelayu horosheva otdiyha ) !
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 11-06-2014 17:15
New Update:
-Mostly of the SCCT participated books are private (not available for downloading)
-The overall participant list includes only 1 (one) opening book version per Author
-Since 2007, so far 206 (two hundred and six) Authors are participated in SCCT
-Exception a few Authors, almost all were as registered opening book participants
-And probably more than 1000 (one thousand) different books I have tested so far
Note also that for each book version preparation (downloading,configurations etc...),
I spend manually approx. 30 minutes, even I don't count the CPU time... !
SCCT Book Tournaments – List of previous Participants:
Opening Book Book Author Country
1337chess Michael Wagner USA
2750test1 Daniel Charles ???
A-Runge Andreas Runge Germany
Aerodrom ??? ???
Al7ob Al5ald Van Hoedem S.Arabia
Alfil ??? ???
AlvinsAngels ??? ???
Amazing Bobby Casey USA
Amchess ??? ???
Amfetaminpro ??? ???
AMos 4EvEr Marco Zerbinati Italy
AracMonT Aracelis Montilla Venezuela
Arilovsu Arijit Guha India
Arnos Evil Swami Rai India
ASLevels ??? ???
Atlantis Oleg Uskov Ukraine
Attacker Adriean Costinescu Romania
Awesome Roger E. Zibell USA
B95 ??? ???
Babban ki Kitab Babban Singh India
Batatas ??? ???
Beagle Nick Carlin England
Bertran long ??? ???
BestTeam ??? ???
Bkv Damir Desevac Denmark
BlackZone Thomas Tommy Indonesia
Blade Akrura Patel India
Blade Jitan Stribal Japan
Blitz Tsvetan Milchev Bulgaria
Bolero Sami Mbreti Switzerland
Bombastic S.B.K. ???
Bouddha Bouddha Switzerland
BookNewSD ??? ???
Bullseye Clemens Keck Germany
Bulbul8X ??? ???
CaudineForks Antony Rossetti Italy
ChessmotorAttack Evgeny Timoshchuk Russia
ChessStars-Light Klaus Ritter Germany
CoLdFiRe Chris Cheek USA
Comet Mike Nielsen ???
CompMaster Servet Kultur Turkey
Confusion ??? ???
Corbit Dann Corbit USA
Crawly Ruben Comes Argentina
Dark Angel Josias Mauricio Brasil
Death of Chess Chess Professional ???
DeepUCI2014 Torbjorn R.Johansen ???
DieHard Randy Sands USA
Domination ??? ???
Dominator ??? ???
Don Vasid Chouhan India
DoomD4b Nikisharma ???
Dumdum Digadiga ??? ???
Durex Alexander Goma Australia
Eagle ??? Bulgaria
Eivissa Armando Eivissa ???
ElDiablo ??? ???
Emrebey Emre Ozgur Turkey
Engine Norm Pruitt USA
EyeOfSauron ??? ???
Fantasy Americo Moreira ???
FaTaL M0vE ??? ???
FilthySanchez Mark Sabu USA
FICSTop ??? ???
FireBlade ??? ???
FlyOrDie ??? ???
Fritz11 Alex Kure Austria
FX Marcos Alexandre Brasil
GameOfTrones Pawel Sekowski Poland
Gen18 Norm Pollock USA
General ChessBase Germany
Guardian Angel Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
Hiarcs Hiarcs Team England
Hitman Eduardo Koji Japan
HitorMiss John Burchill ???
Horcrux ??? ???
Hornets Carlos Hobbs USA
Hurnavich Ianski Hurnavich England
Hurricane Nikolay Bartenev Russia
I7 Extreeme Shkupi Macedonia
Il Konte Edmond Dantes Italy
Ilokano ??? ???
Istanbul Mustafa Gül Turkey
Incessant Violence Vladimir Tkachev Russia
Jakal Hasan Kusçu Turkey
Jalisco Javier Munoz Spain
JapanTopTeam Marcos K. Matsuda Japan
Jaspion Alex Yudi Japan
Jeandis Jean Disquin Venezuela
Jihad Atia Abdelkader France
Jonas Jonas Austria
Junior Boris Altermam Israel
Kadava ??? ???
Kerch Oleg Seryakov Ukraine
KhrONiK Colby Jaxon USA
King Aleksander Bilinski Ukraine
KingGambit Pavel Hase Poland
Klaus Siddhartha Bakshi India
Knife Siddharth Bakshi India
KrakenGT Frank Karl Werner Sweden
Laguna Baboy ???
LastPlaceFun ??? ???
LittleMaste ??? ???
Macedonia Alberto Gueci Italy
MadJackal ??? ???
Magic Andrei Markov Russia
Magister Sigmund Stef Germany
Magnificent Swapna Sinha India
Magnum Ivaylo Mateev Bulgaria
Moheevi ??? ???
Monks Rolando Acosta Philippines
Muntaqim Amir Zebedi UAE
Mybook Yuriy Gudzatoviy Russia
Nano Gabriel Nathans USA
Neapus Alexander Neapus Russia
Newbook Viktor Zunkor Russia
Om Best Om Prakash India
Oro Carmelo Villa Spain
Over Alex Istomin Russia
P.Book07-Strong ??? ???
Paradigm Wael Deeb Bulgaria
Perfect Sedat Canbaz Turkey
Petroff Sasha Petroff Russia
Phantom ??? ???
Pinoy ??? ???
Playbook Oleg Palamarchuk Ukraine
PlayHamster Gabor Komaromi Austria
Poker ??? ???
Power07 ChessBase Germany
Pride Alexssander Shirado Brasil
Prodigy Maurice Chac Indonesia
Puissance Fabian Loris France
Punch Varun Gupta India
Quantum Gabriel Nathans USA
Ramses ??? ???
Razor Jitan Stribal Japan
Remis Gerhard Sonnabend Germany
RiojaJovenyFresco Jose M. Velasco Spain
Rodent Pawel Koziol Poland
Rompecoco Girolamo Randazzo Venezuela
RpC-Needle Aleksandr Shvachko Russia
RSTChess Jorge Ruiz Centelles Spain
RugonParagonExile ??? ???
Rybka Harry Schnapp Germany
Rybka3 Jeroen Noomen Netherlands
Rybka4 Jiri Dufek Czech R.
S.W.Y.D Tiago Alves Brasil
Salvo Salvo Spitaleri Italy
Sambuca Kenny Esteves Venezuela
Savelli Giorgio Savelli Italy
Shah ??? ???
Sheerbar Aung Thura South Korea
Shocker Jorge Martinez Spain
Shredder ET Evgeny Timoshchuk Russia
Shredder11 Sandro Necci Italy
Sicario Eddy Torres Lemus Cuba
Sicilian Finale Munish Gupta India
SicilianRush Brandon Italian81 USA
Sirena ??? ???
Skipanda Eros Riccio Italy
Solidipus Sebastian Böhme Germany
Sparky ??? ???
Spartacus Robert Johnson USA
Spirit Maurizio Platino Italy
Stockfish Peter Cannici Italy
Spook Kevin Frayer USA
Steroids Alvin Alcala Philippines
Stimulus Package John Sabu Canada
Stocco Ermanno Sicurezza ???
Storm Nikita Guskov Russia
Strelnikov Nelson Hernandez USA
StrongMoves ??? ???
SweetDreams ??? ???
TH Smita Singh India
Takker2008 William Fuller USA
Tatham Chris Tatham USA
Tedhi Chal Aman Sharma India
Terminator ??? ???
The King of Legend Baabu Hatela India
The Rock Dean Sprouse ???
The War R.Bhattacharjee Cyprus
The Winner Murat Guler Germany
TheTurk Djordje Vidanovic Serbia
Titielmago Titi Elmago ???
Top Alfred Rulani Sweeden
TopTier Audy Arandela USA
Tornado Samosa India
Traps ??? ???
Troy ??? ???
Tsunami Alex Schmid Germany
TwoAmazing Bobby Casey USA
Uptown BrandonSi USA
Veni Vidi Vici ??? ???
Volatile ??? ???
Warrior Tony Scott USA
WeakBook ??? ???
WinOnly Absimaldata India
WladNny ??? ???
WSO309 ??? ???
Xmas2640-12 Michael Scheidl Germany
Xsupx Waldemar Uliana Brazil
Yograj Sunny India
Zap!Chess ChessBase Germany
Zeeman Sergei Krets Russia
Zenix Julien Durand France
Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 11-06-2014 18:40
SCCT's Book Tournament Champions (2007-2014):
SCCT I Book Tournament - Perfect 13 book by Sedat Canbaz
SCCT II Book Tournament - Compmaster 1.0b book by Servet Kultur
SCCT Arena Book Tournament - Xmas2640 by Michael Scheidl
SCCT III Book Tournament - Rybka3 book by Jeroen Noomen
SCCT IV Book Tournament - Mybook 13 book by Yuriy Gudzatoviy
SCCT IV Book Rating - Ultra Blitz 3 book by Tsvetan Milchev
SCCT I Book Competition - TwoAmazing book by Bobby Casey
SCCT II Book Competition - Experimental book by Jean Disquin
SCCT III Book Competition - Om book by Om Prakash
SCCT IV Book Competition - Yograj book by Sunny
SCCT V Book Tournament - Hurricane book by Nikolay Bartenev
SCCT 2010 Book Tournament - Dark Angel book by Josias Mauricio
SCCT Prize I Book Tournament - Attacker 3 by Adriean Costinescu
SCCT Prize II Book Tournament - Attacker 4 by Adriean Costinescu
SCCT VI Book Tournament - Don 9 book by Vasid Chouhan
SCCT VII Book Tournament - Hitman 5.2 book by Eduardo Koji
SCCT VIII Book Tournament - Hitman book by Eduardo Koji
SCCT IX Book Tournament - JapanTopTeam by Marcos K. Matsuda
SCCT Super Book League I - Prodigy 12 book by Maurice Chac
SCCT Super Book League II - JapanTopTeam by Marcos K. Matsuda
SCCT Super Book League III - Guardian Angel book by Giuseppe Petruccell
SCCT Book ChampionShip I - DieHard book by Randy Sands
SCCT Book ChampionShip II - ???
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 12-06-2014 01:34
There is a lot of interest about SCCT to be in LIVE,
So I decided to look and check more carefully over this issue...
I know very well that providing the games directly in LIVE is very exiting and interesting...
But however,
Unfortunately there will be no SCCT LIVE, due to I am very disappointed from the below results:
Fritz Benchmark:
Hardware-Processor Speed Cores kN/s LIVE Tool
Intel Core i7 980X 3.33 GHz 6 14744 OFF
Intel Core i7 980X 3.33 GHz 6 11144 ON
Stockfish Benchmark:
kN/s Cores EXE Processors Speed LIVE Tool
8394 6 x64 Intel Core i7-980X 3.33GHz OFF
6525 6 x64 Intel Core i7-980X 3.33GHz ON
Note: The LIVE tool bench speed comparison is done via YouTube LIVE + Firefox Browser
As I expected, very low values! and as we see the chess speed difference is approx. 25 %
Plus we can't be sure how much the chess engines are affecting from those LIVE tools?!
Note also that for maximum performance and strength,
All previous SCCT LIVE tournaments are provided via external PC
Nowadays, I have only 2 tournament PCs (no external 3rd computer in the same room)
And I strongly believe in that (for better strength and more quality games),
The LIVE Broadcasting should be done via external PC
I mean, the LIVE tool should not be broadcasting from the same tournament PC !
In other words,
I don't want to loose the quality of SCCT played games....
And instead of beauty...we should concentrate on performance and strength!!
Прислано AntiMaster 12-06-2014 02:09
Седат, про что речь??
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 12-06-2014 03:06
AntiMaster написал:
Седат, про что речь??
Vova, nashet priamoi translatsii...
Прислано Zunkor 12-06-2014 17:37
Sedat Canbaz написал:
SCCT Book Tournaments – List of previous Participants:
Note that here are not all of my chess activities,
unfortunately mostly of them are missing...
Thank you for watching!
Have fun,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-06-2014 02:21
Dear Chess Friends!
This time I decided to run a new competition,
which is based on Top 20 open-source chess engines!
Tournament Conditions:
Hardwares: i7 980X / i7 970
Hyper-Treading: OFF
Large Pages: OFF
GUI: Arena 3.0
TC:3 min + 2 sec
Engine Threads: 1 core
Pondering: ON
Perfect 2014t book
Hashrtable Size: 128 MB
General Rules:
•Each participant must be an open-source chess engine and original work
•Only ‘top 20 open source chess engines’ are planing to be as participants
•It’s allowed only 1 (one) participant per chess engine programmer
•In case of often bugs (loose on time,no ponder) the engine will be changed
•Adjudication of draw games is allowed by tournament director
And here are the current participants:
Arasan 17.2 x64
Bison 9.11 x64
Bobcat 3.25 x64
Booot 5.2.0 x64
Cheng4 0.36c x64
Crafty 24 x64
Cyrano 0.6b17 x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64
EXchess v7.26a
Gull 3 x64
MinkoChess 1.3 x64
Octochess r5190 x64 (this engine did not play on Windows XP x64, but it plays on Windows 8)
Pawny 1.0 x64
Protector 1.6.0 x64
Redqueen 1.1.97 x64
Rodent 1.4 x64 (the 64-bit engine did not play on Windows XP x64, but no problems on Windows 8)
Scorpio 2.7.7 (each game forfeits on time on Windows XP x64, but on Windows 8 no problems so far)
Senpai 1.0 x64
Stockfish 140614 x64
Texel 1.04 x64
*Engines, which have ponder bugs (the below both engines don't ponder):
Tucano 4.00 x64
Vajolet2 1.28 x64
Note: Only those engines will be tested, which are capable to play when pondering is enabled !
The latest SedatChess's video includes:
55 (fifty-five) Engine Competitions (2002-2014)
29 (twenty-nine) Book Competitions (2007-2014)
7 (seven) Chess Benchmark Lists (2003-2014)
Also it includes different Chess activities of mine
Total: 103 (one hundred and three) screenshots!!
But however even with this new update,
Unfortunately still mostly of my chess activities are missing...
Btw, I hope to see a such calculation utility,
where we will have possibility to calculate all my work over Computer Chess ))
And then I wonder a lot what will be my position vs ... ))?!
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-06-2014 20:06
Hello there,
I like a lot the current tournament and here are the 1st results:
More Details:
It is very interesting to note that,
Still is not clear which chess engine will be the champion of this competition: Gull or Stockfish ))!!
Also another very interesting note is that...
Which participant will take the 3rd place: Senpai or Protector or Texel ?! ))
Let't see after 1000 games per player, what will be the standings...
Right now we have 51 games lost on time (based on 2801 games played out):
Scorpio = 24 (all Scorpio's games are played on Windows 8.1 64-bit)
Booot = 10
Bison = 5
Rodent = 4
Redqueen = 3
Cheng = 2
Protector= 1
Gull = 1
Bobcat = 1
Note: the time loses issue is very important, especially for creating ratings
I mean weaker participants (which never loose on time) are getting very high elo points
And those bugs lead to missundestanding Elo calculations...
As we see, Scorpio has the highest number of time loses
And now I've set the default hashtable size (64MB) and WB1 for Scorpio
I hope with this configuration to solve the time issue
Otherwise, Scorpio will be changed with another participant
Also Booot seems to be buggy too...
And probably I will replay those games, which are lost on time
But only those engine's time lost games, which forfeit not very often
For example,
if X engine has up to 20 games lost on time of 1000 game played out
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 20-06-2014 19:19
Hello there,
Last update:
Octochess - played as WB
While we are talking about Stockfish... Gull is the new Leader of SCCT's Rating list !!
Probably Stockfish's performance suffers with one core or due to Arena's hashtable bug ?!
Note also that sometimes mostly of the UCI engines use default hashtables under Arena 3.0
So I have a wish from Arena team:
- I will be very glad if those hashtable bugs will be fixed in the next release
Note: I sent (informed about those hashtable bugs) several time mails to Arena team....
Or if not...then I have a wish from the open source Engine Authors:
- It will be great if you release your UCI engine, where the default hashtable size to be minimum 64 MB or 128 MB
Well-done to Fabien's engine, currently Senpai is 3rd !
[i]What you can do is a) DISABLE the "Engines->Manage...:UCI->Common hashtable size" and b) ENABLE individually for all engines "Engines->Manage...:Details->Special->Init-String" where you enter a UCI-command like "setoption name Hash value 128". [/i]
Right now all UCI engines are started to use 128 MB hashtable size and now Arena 3 is almost a perfect GUI !!
The latest Stockfish 210614 x64 engine will be tested soon...
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 21-06-2014 16:49
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 23-06-2014 13:36
I've just calculated the current played games with 4 different calculation programs
Note: Crafty 24 x64 is fixed to 2900 Elo points
And as we see not only the chess engines,
even the calculation programs are different to each other... ))
And now I have a question to all:
- Which is the most accurate rating list ??
And under the current conditions, which chess engine is stronger:
- Gull or Stockfish ??
Finely (after 736 games),
Stockfish started to lead...!, even with all calculation programs !
Well-done to Stockfish team!
Gull's performance is superior too (his Elo points are very close to Stockfish)
Due to many of the opponents of Gull and Stockfish are approx. 500-600 Elo weaker...
Note: Latest played games (with annotations) are available too...
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 24-06-2014 17:33
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 26-06-2014 18:21
There was a question (in CSS forum) about why I've created a such video...
So I've decided to publish my posting here too:
In shortly,
The idea of creating a such video is born due to some people,
who have seriuosly problems with my chess activities...
I don't really know why all this happens over my free work
Maybe due to jealousy, envy...?! perhaps you know ?
Maybe someone's will understand me what I am meaning exactly, if he/she will read the below threads: http://www.talkch...ight=sedat http://www.talkch...ight=sedat
In other words,
My previous message and current video is a very small response (Contra Attack) to those guys ))
Note: the current open-source competition is going to be paused...
Due to very soon SCCT Book ChampionShip II will be scheduled !
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-06-2014 14:13
Latest News
Just I'd like to mention once more,
SCCT Book ChampionShip is going to be started very soon!
The current book tour is planning to be scheduled: Opening Book Registrations: July 01-05 2014
Tournament Start Date : July 06 2014
Note also that,
I've received a few mails regarding the current book competition
And I am pleased to announce some famous authors:
Nikolay Bartenev (the author of super strong Hurricane book series) is planning to participate!
Note: Hurricane was the champion of SCCT V (16 minute game) and many times was at one of the top SCCT places
Eros Riccio (the author of Skipanda,which was 3rd in the previous tour) is planning to participate too!
Eros's books were always at one of the top SCCT places, a great talent in book making too!
Plus several mails more from different book makers...
Note also that Mr. Jatt promised to give a prize to:
- The Winner of this tournament (Playchess Serial No for 1 Year)
The next book tour (after this one) is planning to be on December 2014!
Don't miss the current event...
And I hope to see much more many book participants too
More Details:
The ranking does not include open vs open or closed vs closed matches
The Elo comparing is based on games played at SCCT (3m+2s) MP Rating
Have fun,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 02-07-2014 12:55
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 03-07-2014 15:15
Hello there,
This time,
I decided to replay the rest played games by Gull 3 too
Note: before Gull is replayed only against the Top 9 participants
And once more I'd like to mention about the reason:
- Gull 3's default hashtable size was higher during up to 400-500 games per player
- Yesterday I noticed also that Gull 3 sometimes is using 6 cores (due to Arena's bug)
Note also,
Gull's Elo difference between wrong and accurate testing is approx. 70-80 Elo
I mean for before, Gull was rated almost on same level strength as Stockfish
And now, (after the useful recommendations by Anton),
All engines are started to play at full performance under Arena 3 GUI
And of course the current standings are become more accurate...!!))
SCCT Book ChampionShip II is still not started, due to several reasons...
But probably tomorrow I will start it!
Note that currently we have 26 registered book participants !
To be honest,
I expected to see more book registrations...
Perhaps the tournament start date is not very suitable...
Summertime, Holidays, the 2014 FIFA World Cup etc...
This number is quite ok for me, at least much less efforts I will spend... )!
Because I remember those days, when I received more than 100 registrations per tour))
But however without not mention this I can't,
The 26 book participants are real 'Gladiators', no fear to fight... !!
Actually all previous SCCT Book Authors are real Gladiators too !
Good luck to all,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-07-2014 22:07
I am pleased to publish the first results!
For right now, Guardian Angel II book leads... Congratulations to Giuseppe Petruccelli !
And I am not much surprised...Guardian Angel is the Champion of SCCT Super League III
Note that Giuseppe Petruccelli's book has no any single defeat so far, well-done!
And so far,
There is no any single defeat by Rocket X book too, well done to Dean Sprouse too !
Note also there was one book corrupted, that's why instead of 26 , we see 25 participants !
The Current Leader: Rocket X book - Congrats to Dean Sprouse !
This is a record! Dean Sprouse's book still has no any defeat!!
For right now,
Guardian Angel II book is 2nd and 2Xtreme book is 3rd !
Of course, its too early, we need more games...
Everything can happen in the next hours, days...
And still there is possibility to see another new leader/s...
Note also that I replayed 26 games played by SWYD V6 opening book
This issue happened due to my finger mistake, I am really sorry for that...
In other words, instead of selecting Swyd book, I selected Sugar book
Yes...I was afraid from that and finely I've made a such mistake
Note also that never happened before..., this is also a record)) !
I've tested probably more than 1000 books and in the end it happened...
But however,
Now the table is clean, thanks to Tiago Alves for reporting this out!
More Details:
-SedatChess's main site was not accessible from many countries (during registrations)
*Probably this could be another reason about why we see less book participants!?
-Rolando Acosta's book will be entered(very soon it will be tested in a gauntlet mode)
-Note also almost 50 % of the tour is over, the next update will be with final rankings!
For the latest standings (after 911 games):
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 10-07-2014 02:38
SCCT Book Championship is over !
1st. Rocket X by Dean Sprouse
2nd. Guardian Angel II by Giuseppe Petruccelli / 2Xtreme by John Burchill
3rd. SKIPanda Plus by Eros Riccio
And BIG thanks as usual to all,
who participated in this exciting tournament!
Opening Book Book Author Country
2Xtreme John Burchill ???
B2600w Clemens Keck Germany
CaudineForks V2 Antony Rossetti Italy
Fantasy Americo Moreira Portugal
Farscape Angelo Moreira Portugal
Babban ki Kitab Babban Singh India
Beagle II Nick Carlin England
DieHard Randy Sands USA
Doom Re-Visited Nikisharma India
Freddieboy Rolando Acosta Philippines
GameOfTrones 2 Pawel Sekowski Poland
Guardian Angel II Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
Hurricine 3D Nikolay Bartenev Russia
JE114 Jean Disquin Venezuela
Klaus II Siddhartha Bakshi India
KrakenGTisb Frank Karl WERNER Sweden
Manuchess v1 Emmanuel Dauwe France
Needle 5.1.5 Aleksandr Shvachko Russia
Oops-02 Waldemar G Uliana Brazil
Rocket X Dean Sprouse ???
Shocker 3.0 Jorge Martinez ???
SKIPanda Plus Eros Riccio Italy
StockBook Mike Nielsen ???
SuGaR II+++ Marco Zerbinati Italy
SWYD V6 Tiago Alves Brasil
Zenix 3.7 Julien Durand France
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-07-2014 17:22
Dear Chess Friends!
I am pleased to announce the release of Perfect 2014 books!
Note that there are 8 (eight) opening book formats in the full package!
Perfect 2014 Final is compatible only for:
Shredder Classic
Note also that due to no much free time,
Sorry that I could not manage to create for the rest Chess GUIs...
But however there is a possibility to use my latest books,
For example, if you use the above mentioned Chess GUIs !)
So I wonder (with the current conditions),
Can we say Rybka is still King ?!
i7 980X 3.33 GHz / i7 970 3.20 GHz
Time control: 3 Minutes per game
MP testing (6 cores)
Ponder OFF
512 MB Hash
Tablebases OFF
More Details:
The current used book (for Rybka) is completely a new creation (based mainly on SCCT/Playchess games)
To be honest, I spent only a few hours for the optimization of the current used opening book lines
I preferred Blitz time control, due to we will have possibility to see more played games
And more games that means more accurate standings... !
Note also that the difference between blitz and slow time control is approx. 50 Elo
With neutral short books, the Elo difference between Rybka 3 vs Stockfish 5 is approx. 200 Elo
And very soon I plan to publish the first played results of this exiting duel...
Once more I'd like to mention,
Depending on what kind of opening book, any top engine can be be performed 0-200 Elo or even more
In other words, the opening is the key in chess !!
And as wee see (even only a few hours of working over the current used book)
Rybka 3 performed in almost equal performance as Stockfish 5
And I am quite sure in that,
Rybka 3 will be performed better than Stockfish 5 (in case of more optimizing the used book lines)
For example, with more hard working...the Elo difference is expecting at least 50 Elo in favor of Rybka
Note also probably I will pause and stop working over this project,
Due to I've got the necessary data...
Hopes this helps...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 02-09-2014 14:02
Dear Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
- Soon I plan to organize a new history duel: Komodo 8 vs Stockfish MZ
- The brilliant idea belongs Mr. Syed Fahad (I just improved the idea)
- We are looking for more testers who are interested to participate too
•So far the testers, who are interested to participate:
Dr. Wael Deeb - special thanks to Mr. Deeb
Sedat Canbaz
Btw, I know this new project is not so easy as it looks...
And as I mentioned before,
There is nothing impossible!
Difficulties are always way for success...
So we must overcome all difficulties and to bring the success!
My best wishes for less difficulties and to reach the great goal!!
A message (for people who are not sure to participate or not)
-I plan to use a such slow time control (for the current duel -2 games) to be ended in 10 -15 days
In other words,
The planning time control depends on number of the testers...
But I think (in case of no delay by the testers) the 1st game will be ended in 5 or 7 days
Note also Marco Zerbinati's Stockfish compile is planning to be private...
And Mr. Zerbinati plans to send it only for those chess friends who will participate...
I'm looking forward to see more testers in the great event !
Don't miss this history match...!!
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 02-09-2014 22:18
I am getting several questions regarding the current tournament
So I decided to inform you too!
The duel is planning on different hardwares by several testers...
We plan to use very slow time control...and it requires a lot of free cpu time
In other words, with several testers will be easier...our computers will be not busy each time!
In other words, the planning match will be like a 'relay race'
For example (on my hardware),
Stockfish played a move...after playing I share the postion to the next tester and then the turn side is Komodo etc...
About Stockfish compile,
MZ = a Stockfish compile created by Marco Zerbinati
Note that we are not planning to use the public Stockfish compile
As far as I know, Marco Zerbinati is a preparing a new Stockfish version for the current duel!
About adapted time controls (just an example),
10.000 kN/s = 50 minutes ( 3000 sec) per move
7.500 kN/s = 75 minutes ( 4500 sec) per move
5.000 kN/s = 100 minutes ( 6000 sec) per move
After 60 moves (depending on position) we can reduce to half per move
About opening book,
This is my area ))
As far as possible I will prefer one of the strongest engine openings
In this way... the both top participants will have equal chances to win !
About Tournament Type,
Round - Robin (2 games with reversed colors)
Btw, I will be very glad to see more testers (many professional testers deserve to be in the current history match !)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 04-09-2014 11:42
Latest News
Both top participants are already in our hands...!!
So very soon we plan to start the event, probably today or tomorrow...
More details about the official match:
-It is planning for the current duel: 2 games; no opening books; LP OFF
-Time control: 1200 minutes with 1 minute increment (per side)
-Both games (1200 min + 1 min) are planning to be played on my computers
Note also that we plan to run more games at slow time control too:
- 150 minutes with 30 seconds increment (per side)
- 20 games; opening set with reversed colors; LP OFF
- Mostly of the games (150 min + 30 sec) are planning on Tom Casanovas's computers
Have fun,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 04-09-2014 16:39
Hello Chess Friends!
I am pleased to announce: WSET is already started !
For Tournament Conditions:
Note that the current games are playing at very slow time control!
Time control: 1200 Minutes with 1 minute increment (per side)
Note also that:
- I have never organized before or seen slower time control than the current duel!!
- Just imagine.... what kind of quality can be the current played moves !
And here are the first played moves...
Next time I hope to publish with annotations
Game 1
Best Regards, Sedat Canbaz[/pgn]
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-09-2014 21:03
Hello there!
WSET's Current Leader: Komodo 8 - Congratulations to Komodo Team!
Just I'd like to mention once more,
It has been an honor for me to organize this competition!
And special thanks to:
- Prof. Tom Casanovas (for his kind assistance...)
- Stockfish authors (Marco Costalba, Tord Romstad and Joona Kiiski)
- Komodo authors (Don Dailey, Larry Kaufman, Mark Lefler)
- Marco Zerbinati (the creator of Stockfish MZ compile)
- All chess friends (for your interest and kind comments)
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-09-2014 13:22
Dear Chess Friends,
A new idea is born...to work over a new project...
I've decided to create a new SCCT (16 min + 2 sec) Rating List
Even I started it (since yesterday),
For example the current playing match is Komodo 8 vs Stockfish 040914
Note that,
I have several machines (dual, quad, six-core etc...)
And periodically I plan to use some of them....mainly my six-core machines
What is your opinion about my new idea?
Do you like it or maybe there is something wrong in my setup....?)
What I can do or to improve more over this project ..?
And here are my planning new conditions and rules:
- Clones, derivative engines are not planning to be tested
- All chess engines will be played with Ponder ON
- Almost all chess engines are planning to played as MP
- Large Pages OFF / Hyper-Threading OFF / Tablebases OFF
- As far as possible the strongest engines will be tested
- As far as possible the strongest openings will be used
- Time control: 16 Min + 2 Sec (adapted to i5 3210M 2.50 GHz)
- ChessBase GUI / Arena GUI / Shredder Classic GUIs will be used
- Perfect 2014t opening book will be used
- LIVE Tools will be not allowed on same tournament PC
- Running Multiple matches or several GUIs will be not allowed on same tournament PC
- Tournament Manager: Sedat Canbaz
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 11-09-2014 17:37
Hello Chess Friends,
Here are the first played results!
Note that the current rating list is different than all available ratings!
The current SCCT MP leader: Stockfish ! Congratulations to Stockfish Team !
Note also we need more games (for better conclusions...and still K8 has chances to be as a leader! )
The standings will be more useful, when each player will have 1000 games per player!
Note: Chiron (as before) again is leader, but on time forfeits )!
So far...the current SCCT's database includes only 5 games lost on time (based on 2300 games)
And sad that some commercial programs are more buggy than free ones !!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 20-09-2014 16:46
Hello Friends!
Last Updates:
Protector 1.6.0
Hiarcs 14 WCSC
More Details:
-Since 1-3 days, I set 4-men endgame tablebases (Nalimov, Syzygy, Gaviota, Shredderbases, Scorpio)
*Just because to make shorter the length of the moves, due to some positions take a lot of time and moves
-Stockfish 040914 is replaced to newer version: Stockfish 170914 by Ronald De Man
SCCT (3m+2s) MP Rating - Current Standings:
Btw, finely I managed to create the complete participant table!)
And many of the new logos belong to me (Stockfish, Komodo, Gull, Rybka, Hannibal, etc...)
Note also that all new logos are included in the 'Games' folder, have fun )!
Participants (estimated ranking after 1000 games per player)
Have a nice weekend,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 23-09-2014 19:14
Dear Chess Friends,
I decided to open a thread about short neutral engine openings (up to 8-10-12 moves)
Due to such thread is missing...!
To be honest,
I opened this thread it's not because I wish to increase the Perfect book users...
I have thousands of users...it's ok...this is not the reason
The reason is that about why I opened this thread,
It makes me feel very sad...in case of testings with weaker openings...
Also I noticed that still many people have no clue about engine openings...
Plus I hope my current thread will make a little bit influence over the chess friends who prefer weak openings!
And now let's discuss about openings..because it's boring to discus only over origins, right ?)
So...I could not check all played openings of the available ratings...
Due to I have no much free time, plus some testings do not serve the games (e.g IPON)
And what I noticed (which I checked so far...),
Some top engines lost their games just due to using very weak opening lines...
Actually even in SCCT happens sometimes,
But not very often, because I make almost daily opening optimizations...
My main goal about Perfect 2014t book: its almost all lines to be approx. 55% Whites / 45% Blacks
I know very well that nobody work is perfect (including mine too)
But however,
The most important question: which neutral short book has more or less holes ?
So...I have some questions to those chess engine testers, who prefer oftenly weak opening lines:
-Why you prefer those weak openings, just because it is your favorite ?
-Or maybe because you have a lot of free cpu time ?
-Have you ever checked your played chess engines games?
-Did you look at the winning percentage of your used opening lines?
-Did you ever notice your opening lines to be less than 35 % winning percentage (played by your engines) ?
*Note:I mean about openings at equal engine strength based on many engine games!
*A little hint: e.g check please why Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini etc.. lost against weaker participants?!
-Did you ever make any opening move optimizations over the lines which suffer in your testings?
BTW, I can give you another example about the current issue (for those who use not so strong lines),
1)Imagine Michael Schumacher to drive a vehicle of 1990 years
2)Imagine Michael Schumacher to drive on damaged road?
Can we expect a good performance?)
Yes...a such picture will be fun...but only 'fun' no more no less...)!
Note also that we are in 2014...
And it's time for revolution for all engine testers too!
And last (as I mentioned before)
I know very well too that working over openings is not so easy as it looks...
But difficulties are always way for success...
So we must overcome all difficulties and to bring the success!
My best wishes for less difficulties and to reach the great goal!!
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 23-09-2014 19:14
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 25-09-2014 13:21
Hello Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
- I plan to organize the next SCCT Book ChampionShip III
Opening Book Registrations: December 01-04 2014
Tournament Start Date : December 05-06 2014
Tournament Conditions:
Hardwares: i7 980X/ i7 970
Large Pages: OFF
GUI: ChessBase (Fritz)
MP Threads: Maximum (6 cores)
Book Leaning: ON
Hashtable Size: 512 MB
Time Control: 3 Minutes
Tablebases: 4-Men
•Stocksish or Komodo engine will be used (you have choice to prefer)
•Fritz (ctg) and Polyglot (bin) books only will be allowed
•For all ctg books will be used same settings: optimized 0/100
•Maximum Opening Book Size Limit: 250 MB in WinRAR size
•Recommended for book uploading: https://www.mediafire.com
•For Security Reasons:
- Recommended to be deleted the download book link (after starting the event)
More Information Coming Soon !
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-10-2014 18:42
Dear Chess Friends,
First of all I'd like to point out,
I respect all engine testers, book authors, engine authors...!
And I am not against nobody, my main goal is for CompterChess's progress!!
Note also that,
Anybody is free and he/she can test any engine with any opening, which he/she likes...no problem!
But however, I think it's time to change our views...
In other words: it's for a new revolution in engine testing!
Because as far as I noticed, unfortunately many testers suffer...
They are wasting their valuable time with many clones, derivatives, weak openings etc..
Unfortunately, still we have no any major stable and proper rules,
Even chess engine programmers (each other) have different views about origins...
So we are engine testers,
We need to know: which chess engines are 100% original work ??
And which original chess engine should be as participants ?
Is there a such chess engine, which is based 100% on own original ideas ??
According to my chess engine experience:
- There is no such thing...correct me please if I am wrong...
Of course, there are such engines which belong to the most original ones
That's why... I can't see any other right way, exception my current used rules
And I kindly recommend to testers (who have doubt about origins) to use SCCT rules!!
So here is my recommended rule (in case of 55% similarity and above),
We need to:
- Use the sim tool by great Don Dailey
- Calculate sim test with time: 100 ms scale: 1.0
- Check the both engine Elo points
- Ask for a help by neutral engine experts views
- Test only those ones which are released before
- Test only those engines which are 100 Elo stronger
Our tournaments, especially I can say for Top 20:
-Almost all top participants will be based mainly on Rybkanians, Stockfishians etc..!
-And allowing only Naum, Ctritter, Fire etc...will be injustice over rest derivative authors
Once more I'd like to point out that,
SCCT's current rule: 55% +100 Elo is not perfect,
But probably the best tournament rule comparing with other available rating lists !!
Just an example, see below please (Heron seems to be very close to Stockfish):
sim version 3
------ Heron impossible 231113 X64 Normal mode (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0) ------
60.86 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
60.39 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 50 ms scale: 1.0)
58.27 Stockfish 140614 64 SSE4.2 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
58.06 Stockfish 1.7.1 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.88 Stockfish 1.7 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
55.85 Stockfish 1.5 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
55.30 Protector 1.7.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
Just I'd like to add this too, in my opinion:
- 55% similarity and above, plus almost same Elo points (based on original program) is a clone or derivative engine !
So... with our new rules we will request just +100 Elo, not much...
In this way...
We will give chance to all engine programers, which are based mainly on own strong ideas!
Some engine programmers proved that (cleaning other codes, made BIG Elo improvements...)
And it's your turn...why not you ?)
Note also, my suggestion is not a DESTINY !)
It's just matter of choice...
Don't forget this too please,
ComputerChess is our hobby...so we should not take too seriously all the things)!
And last,
I hope my current posting will be useful (especially for the new generation)!!
Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-10-2014 13:47
Btw, here are the sons of the Shark (Rybka) !!
Hopes helps...
sim version 3
------ Rybka 3 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0) ------ 61.79 RobboLito 0.085g3 w32 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
59.18 Elektro 1.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
58.76 Fire 3.0 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
58.45 BlackMamba 2.0 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.66 Critter 1.6a 64-bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.65 Equinox 3.20 x64mp (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
57.00 Naum 4.6 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
56.98 Murka 3 x64 UCI (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
56.48 Houdini 4 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
55.12 Critter 0.90 64-bit SSE4 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
54.87 Rybka 1.0 Beta (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
53.93 Fruit 090705 Test Beta (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
53.69 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
53.44 Stockfish 2.1 JA 64bit (time: 50 ms scale: 1.0)
53.29 Strelka 2.0 B (time: 50 ms scale: 1.0)
52.82 Komodo64 2.03 DC (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.80 Heron impossible 231113 X64 Normal mode (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.51 Stockfish 1.5 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.10 Stockfish 1.7 JA 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
52.05 Senpai 1.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
51.69 Stockfish 1.7.1 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
51.21 Protector 1.7.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
51.08 Komodo 8 64-bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.50 Gull 3 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.47 Glaurung 2.2 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.46 Stockfish 140614 64 SSE4.2 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.34 Deep Shredder 12 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
50.04 spark-1.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
49.58 Toga II 3.0 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
49.09 MinkoChess 1.3 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
49.00 Crafty 23.8 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
48.85 Chiron 2 64bit (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
48.54 Fruit 2.1 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
48.54 Bobcat 3.25 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
47.54 Daydreamer 1.75 JA (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
47.29 Octochess revision 5190 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
47.23 Bison 9.11 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.78 TwinFish 0.07 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.71 cheng4 0.36a (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.55 Rodent 1.4 (build 2) (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
46.33 Cyrano 0.6b17 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
45.78 Tornado 5.0 x64 SSE4 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
45.63 Chess Tiger 2007.1 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
45.59 Spike 1.4 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
44.32 Vajolet 2.48 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
44.26 Movei00_8_438 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
43.28 EXchess v7.31b x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
42.33 Igorrit 0.086v8_x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
40.65 Ktulu 8 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
40.25 Booot 5.2.0(64) (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
40.06 Zappa Mexico II (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
35.71 Deep Sjeng WC2008 x64 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
27.40 Arasan 17.2 (time: 100 ms scale: 1.0)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 17-10-2014 18:29
New Updates:
Stockfish 151014 MP (currently running)
Crafty 24.1 MP (test is completed)
More Details:
So far really impressive performance by Stockfish 151014 MP
Author: Marco Costalba
Date: Wed Oct 15 19:36:22 2014 +0100
Timestamp: 1413398182
The latest release of Crafty is rated in the last place...
I hope to see the next Crafty release to be in higher places
I am pleased to announce:
- Very soon I plan to organize a new duel: Komodo vs Stockfish !
Komodo vs Stockfish's ChampionShip Match is planning to be started on 8th November 2014
Note that exactly on same date as World Chess Championship: Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand
And I plan to prefer similar Rules and Regulations as Magnus Carlsen vs Vishy Anand match:
Match System
Komodo vs Stockfish Match 2014 will consist of 12 games and if necessary, tie-break games
And so whoever reaches 6.5 points or more will be crowned as SCCT Champion of 2014!
Time Control
The official time control for the current Komodo vs Stockfish match will be:
120 minutes for the first 40 moves, 60 minutes for the next 20 moves
From the 61st move, 15 minutes + 30 seconds per move for the rest of the game
In case the results are level after the twelve games, four tie-break games will be played
The games will be played with 25 minutes for each player with an increment of 10 seconds after each move
If the match is still drawn, a match of 2 games will be played with 5 min plus 3 sec increment per move
As opening book
Both top chess engines will be played with:
Perfect 2015's openings (reversed colors), but as far as possible with the strongest lines for both sides!
More Details
Both participants are planning to be played with/on:
Intel Core i7-980X 3.30GHz / Intel Core i7 970 3.20GHz
ChessBase (Fritz) GUI; Ponder ON with maximum cores (6 cores per game)
2048 MB Hashtable size, No Endgames; Hyper-Threading OFF; 64-bit versions; TD: Sedat Canbaz
More information coming soon !
Thanks for your interest and good luck to both chess engine teams !!
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-11-2014 13:17
Hello There!
Latest News
The Championship Match is started at around 9AM Antalya Time!
Bear in mind,
Very soon I plan to publish the played games as PGN
Here are the current positions on my both tournament computers
1st. game on i7 980X machine (currently running)
2nd. game on i7 970 machine (currently running too)
Komodo 1318 is the current Leader - Congrats to Komodo team !
SCCT Gladiators 2014 - Standings after 116 games:
Note: I included the 12 games, played at 40/120 as 1 core at the current standings!
Because I think that the quality and the strength of those 12 games are similar!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-11-2014 13:35
Another Update
Komodo still leads...!!
Stockfish is very close to 1st place..!
Houdini is currently 3rd (as I expected)
No any comments (exception Sekos) about my new tournament picture ?!
I've spent many time and efforts during working over it...))
So I wonder, which signs/parts of the picture did you like much ?)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-11-2014 17:16
Hello There!)
Just I'd like to remember you that,
Soon I am planning to organize SCCT Book CS III
I wonder too,
Are ready for the real Arena )?
And I hope to see many registrations...
As before, Komodo 1318 MP still leads the tournament...!!!
Stockfish is currently second, but what about after 100 games ?!)
Really I am not sure which of the both Top players will win...
Note that I plan to include Chiron 2 MP as next participant!
SCCT Gladiators 2014 - Standings after 200 games:
To be honest,
I am quite satisfied by the current performance of Chiron, even above than Rybka !
It looks like, Chiron is doing very good under these conditions...above than expected...
Note also that,
So far Chiron has 2 wins / 13 loses / 25 draws
Here are the both games (won by Chiron)
And I don't think that the current played openings are weak/reason...)!
There was a BIG fight for the first place and the winner is Komodo !!
Impressive performance by Komodo 1318 - Congrats to Komodo Team !
Another record is that,
For the 1st time Komodo wins the SCCT tournament !)
This time unfortunately,
Stockfish 091114 MP is performed as 2nd
For example,
Since 2014, Stockfish won almost all SCCT tournaments, exception this one...
Yes...it looks like Stockfish was not lucky under these conditions
About Houdini, Gull and Rybka performance,
As I expected...without updates they can not be better....
About Chiron 6th ranking,
Good, much better than Blitz and its performance is near to Rybka
Chiron has one game lost on time, otherwise probably would be rated higher
I replayed 2 short (up to 15 moves) drawn games
More details/statistics about the current competition:
Games : 300 (finished)
White Wins : 84 (28.0 %)
Black Wins : 38 (12.7 %)
Draws : 178 (59.3 %)
Unfinished : 0
White Perf. : 57.7 %
Black Perf. : 42.3 %
ECO A = 12 Games ( 4.0 %)
ECO B = 115 Games (38.3 %)
ECO C = 92 Games (30.7 %)
ECO D = 61 Games (20.3 %)
ECO E = 20 Games ( 6.7 %)
Tournament Start Date: 10.11.2014
Tournament Complete Date: 24.11.2014
Total Games Played: 300
Average Games Per Day: 21
Average Moves Length Per Game: 67
Also I am very impressed by the of the below game statistics:
Fastest Win: Houdini 4 MP vs Rybka 4.1 MP 1-0 (in 31 moves)
Longest Win: Houdini 4 MP vs Komodo 1318 MP 0-1 (in 141 moves)
Note also that,
There is a possibility to resume the current tourney, maybe in 2015 !)
Thanks for your interest...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-11-2014 11:20
Hello Chess Friends,
I am getting several mails about how to participate, so...
In case of interest to participate in the next SCCT Book CS III,
You need to send your download book link to my e-mail address:
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 05-12-2014 14:13
And here are the participants:
Opening Book Engine Book Author Country
Adv1971 SE Stockfish Guest71 Italy
Axion Stockfish Nick Carlin England
Book X Komodo Adam Hair USA
Crusher v16 Stockfish Marc Greenhaw USA
Exodus Stockfish Siddhartha Bakshi India
Hurricane3E Stockfish Nikolay Bartenev Russia
Guardian Angel Stockfish Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
JackStrong Komodo Pawel Sekowski Poland
Invictus Stockfish Klaus Ritter Germany
KingOfLegends Stockfish Babu Hatela India
Mapanare2014 Stockfish Jean Disquin Venezuela
Needle 5.7.4F Stockfish Aleksandr Shvachko Russia
Rodent Stockfish Pawel Koziol Poland
Sky-Panda Stockfish Eros Riccio Italy
S.W.Y.D VII Stockfish Tiago Alves Brasil
Zenix3.8 Stockfish Julien Durand France
Stockfish 301114 and Komodo 1318 are planning to used !
More Details,
I plan to include a few books more, based mainly on Top engine games played in:
SCCTb (based on games played in SCCT Book Tournaments)
SCCTe (based on games played in SCCT Engine Tournaments)
Note also that, the above 6 books are planning to be played with Stockfish engine
The mentioned books are in ctg formats, up to 50 moves, without any optimizations...
My created books are expecting to be one of the last places, due to various openings, plus games are available... )!
But however, I wonder a lot what will be their performance, let's see...
Probably tomorrow I will start this exiting event )!
Good luck to all participants !
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-12-2014 18:17
Hello Friends,
The Current Top 5 Book Leaders are:
King Of Legends
Guardian Angel III
Needle 5.7.4F
Some Notes:
Each book participant will have more than 120 games per player!
Invictus book's participation is cancelled, due to the tournament was several times crashed during this book was active...
Strange indeed, not sure why...normally Invictus files seem to be clean (checked with AVG Antivirus program)
In the end of this tournament,
I plan to test 3 books more in a gauntlet mode:
Ipman book (the book author is Ipman, who is an expert on engine complies)
TCEC book (based on Top chess engine games played in TCEC tournaments)
WorldChampions book (based on average 2750 Elo GMs games, played mainly on World Chess ChampionShips)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-12-2014 15:38
New Update
Congrats to the current Top 5 book players:
1 King Of Legends
2 Guardian Angel III
3 Exodus
4 Mapanare 2014 / Axion
5 Hurricane3E Blitz
Note also that,
So far not too bad performance by CEGT, SCCTe, CCRL books too
Because I've spent O (zero) time during creating them...)!
In shortly, I just imported the played games....
BTW, I think this tournament should not be forgotten because,
Also I plan to include Deep Junior 8 in the current competition
Note: Junior MP engine will participate with a decent book, based on approx. 2700 Elo 50.000 GMs games, up to 25 moves
For better performance, I optimized Junior 8 MP's playing opening style, e.g I enabled only Junior 8 wins played in serious tournaments...
The reason about why I plan to include Junior 8 MP is that, I wonder what will the Elo difference...
Plus as far as I know, Deep Junior 8 is on level as many Top Grandmasters average 2800 Elo...
For example, still it's in my mind the duel between Kasparov vs Deep Junior 8, which is ended 3-3 draw (2003)
And as I mentioned before, nowadays we can not see a real duel GMs against Top Chess engines...
At least this exiting tour will give us a little bit info...in case of similar match what will be the performance )!
For example, many chess engine rating creators give very low Elo values for Stockfish, Komodo...
So...if Deep Junior 8 will be rated above than 3000 Elo, that means I should drop the start Elo calculations...
Note also that Deep Junior 8 has high possibility to be rated above than expected...
Because FCT, CCRL, CEGT, SCCTb, SCCTe, SSDF, TCEC books have a lot of holes...especially after 8 moves
To be honest, I expect Deep Junior 8 will rated at around 2750-2850 Elo, but of course to be sure we need games
And very soon all this unknown issue will be solved....)!
Have Fun,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 08-12-2014 15:42
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-12-2014 17:08
Breaking News,
WorldChampions book is currently 6th !
So far very good performance indeed...!!
More details about the current WorldChampions book,
Book's openings are based on the greatest chess players ever, played in world championships by:
Paul Morphy
Wilhelm Steinitz
Emanuel Lasker
Jose Raul Capablanca
Alexander Alekhine
Max Euwe
Mikhail Botvinnik
Vasily Smyslov
Mikhail Tal
Tigran Petrosian
Boris Spassky
Robert J. Fischer
Anatoly Karpov
Garry Kasparov
Vladimir Kramnik
Ruslan Ponomariov
Rustam Kasimdzhanov
Viswanathan Anand
Magnus Carlsen
About Ipman book,
Currently is 9th, as a new incomer really good !
About TCEC book,
Its performance is now at 18th place, not bad too ...
Once more I'd like to mention that,
Neutral openings have no chances to be rated at one of the Top places, due to various openings...
Plus especially after 8 moves: the openings suffer...they are not optimized for such competitions !
But however very soon,
I plan to run a new book tournament, which will be based on openings up to 8 moves
Let's see which short openings are the strongest for computer chess !)
Btw, so far Deep Junior 8's performance (as I expected) is at around 2850 Elo
And once more I noticed that,
SCCT Elo calculations almost perfectly suit to GMs Elo points !)
And in case of GMs participations under the current SCCT conditions,
Probably Top GMs will be rated at similar Elo points as Deep Junior 8
Note also that finely Deep Junior 8 managed to win (against SSDF) !!
I checked that played game, impressive...well-done to Junior team...!
But of course SSDF lost due to weak opening )!
To be honest, I am not much surprised that a such opening is coming from SSDF )
Because the old dated own books have much more holes than latest used decent books...
Also Deep Junior has 3 draws (against Sky-Panda, Hurricane3E, Rodent)
And 92 defeats...in other words, Deep Junior's performance so far: 1 win, 3 draws, 92 losses
Note: Registrations are closed, the current tour is over !
Btw, very soon I plan to organize a new book competition !!
There will be new conditions/rules for the next exiting event,
To be as book participant: minimum 100 opening lines are required
*For example, minimum 50 as Whites and 50 as Blacks openings
Up to 8 move book openings are allowed
Book Settings: recommended by the Book Authors
The books will be tested with Learning OFF (to see more various openings)
The rest conditions will be same as previous one (SCCT CS III)
And here are some of the opening books, which are planning to participate:
Baracuda 2014d (by Marijan)
CCRL (based on Top engine games played in CCRL)
CEGT (based on Top engine games played in CEGT)
FCT (based on Top engine games played in FCT)
HS-7moves plus (by Harry Schnapp)
ICCF (based on high-rated games played in ICCF server)
Perfect 2015 (based on Top engine games played mainly in SCCT)
PlayChess (based on high-rated engine games played in Playchess server)
SSDF (based on Top engine games played in SSDF)
TCEC (based on Top engine games played in TCEC)
WorldChampions (based on GMs games played in World Chess Championships)
Note also before starting the next tour,
I will reset the learned weights of the played books: CCRL, CEGT, FCT, SSDF, TCEC, WorldChampion
So who is interested to participate...the next book tour is planning to be started on 20 December 2014
The registration date: 17 - 19 December 2014
I hope to see many registrations in the next event...
The Current Leader: CEGT book - My Congratulations to CEGT Team !
This time, I am very disappointed with WorldChampions book's performance
Unfortunately currently its ranking is at last place (!
It looks like Houdini 4 suffers via WorldChampions book
For example in the previous tour, the same book finished as 9th place
Note that Book Registrations (up to 8 moves) are acceptable !
In case of interest to participate, please send your book to my E-Mail:
The registration date: 17 - 19 December 2014
Note: Registered books will be tested in gauntlet mode !
You have choice to prefer Hoidini 4, Komodo 8, Stockfish 5
I hope to see many book registrations in the current event...)!
Note also that,
In the beginning of the tournament, I set Stockfish 061214 for all book participants
But later I've change my mind, because I noticed nearly 90 % draws
That's why later I switched to 3 different engines:
Houdini 4 (H4)
Komodo 8 (K8)
Stockfish 5 (SF5)
For example after that moment,
The draw percentage is dropped to approx. 55 %
About book settings,
All books are playing with optimized book settings: min games: 3 up to 8 moves
Exception for Baracuda 2014d, it is s playing with Book Author's recommendation
As I mentioned before:
Here are the new conditions/rules for the current book tournament,
To be as book participant: minimum 100 opening lines are required
*For example, minimum 50 as Whites and 50 as Blacks openings
or 30 as Whites and rest 70 opening lines as Blacks
Note: I don't request totally different openings...
For example, your favorite openings can be English, Spanish, Sicilian...but not exactly same and a few lines
Otherwise it will be too boring to see only B90 at 8...h5 or D43 etc...
Please note also that,
Up to 8 move book openings are allowed
Book Settings: recommended by the Book Authors
There will be qualifications for the current playing books:
So each participant will be played 200 games per player
And after that, only the Top 5 books will be continued of participating
The new registered books will be tested against Top 5 books
The books will be tested with Learning OFF (to see more various openings)
The rest conditions will be same as previous one (SCCT CS III)
And here are some of the opening books, which are currently running:
Baracuda 2014d (by Marijan)
CCRL (based on Top engine games played in CCRL)
CEGT (based on Top engine games played in CEGT)
FCT (based on Top engine games played in FCT)
HS-7moves plus (by Harry Schnapp)
ICCF (based on high-rated games played in ICCF server)
Perfect 2015 (based on Top engine games played mainly in SCCT)
PlayChess (based on high-rated engine games played in Playchess server)
SSDF (based on Top engine games played in SSDF)
TCEC (based on Top engine games played in TCEC)
WorldChampions (based on GMs games played in World Chess Championships)
BTW, I have good news,
Games and Perfect 2015 book will be available after the end of this tournament !
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-12-2014 19:16
The 1st tour is over !
And here are the qualified Top 5 books:
Perfect 2015 K8
HS-7moves plus SF5
Note also there is a possibility in the next 2nd tour,
Perfect 2015 book to be not as participant...
Or maybe I can participate with Houdini 4
A little note: Houdini 4 is approx. 20 Elo weaker than SF and K8
In other words,
I will do my best to be not as Champion on my own tourney )!
Actually I know perfectly that,
I should be a neutral TD and I should not participate with my own work
But I was wondering a lot about my used engine openings...
Ok...once more we noticed that,
Any engine Elo strength is highly depending on used openings...
Now it is your turn...
Be ready for the real Arena )!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-12-2014 15:04
I was wondering also about,
How Houdini 4 + P2015 book will do against Top 5 participants
So far, its performance is not bad...
And here are the current played results:
Ok...in case of any registrations for the second tour,
Probably I will participate with Perfect 2015 + Houdini 4 )
And I wish to see a very serious opponent against my Perfect 2015 H4
Actually I will be not surprised in that, because nowadays we have a lot of talented book makers
And with a big possibility we will see better performance than Perfect 2015 + Houdini 4
Note also that book registrations as 'Anonymous' are acceptable too
But however...it will be better with a real name to participate )!
Like 'SedatChess' user name on Playchess server during 2007-2009 years ))
I hope to see commercial, free, private opening books too as registered participants )!
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-12-2014 17:44
The 1st registered book participant for the 2nd tour:
Alexander the Great book by Sergei Markov (Russia)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-12-2014 13:09
Hello Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
I started testing Alexander the Great book with Komodo 8 engine !
Alexander the Great will be played against Top 5 participants
Tournament conditions: Gauntlet mode, 20 games, Total 100 games
More Details:
Firstly all registered books will be played in Gauntlet mode with Komodo 8 engine
Komodo 8 engine will be used against the above Top 5 books (to see less draws)
Later... only the qualified books will be continued of participating...
In the Final:
- Only the qualified books will be played each other in Round-Robin mode
- The Authors of the qualified books will have right to prefer its favorite engine:
Houdini 4 or Komodo 8 or Stockfish 5
*Note that the qualified books means:
- The registered books should be rated better than CEGT SF5
-In other words, above than 3500 Elo
Note also that in case of Whites with e4:
- the Alexander the Great book is highly optimized to play only B90
Sad...it seems the Author of Alexander the Great missed to read my new rules )!
But however, only once I will make a compromise as 1st registered book...
But in the next...if again I will notice only same opening...sorry...
For example, with B90 at 8... h5 I have seen thousands of games )))
Thanks for your understanding and good luck to all players !)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-12-2014 14:53
Perfect 2015 + Stockfish 5 has been tested too
Almost same performance as Perfect 2015 + Komodo 8
And its performance is 3457 Elo (less than 3500 Elo)
So unfortunately it could not qualify...
Who is the next gladiator )?
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 16-12-2014 21:30
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-12-2014 18:52
New Participated Book Players:
Balanced-12.ctg by Michael Scheidl (Germany)
Bformless.ctg by Emmanuel Dauwe
DFritz 13.ctg by Alex Kure (Austria)
EightBall.ctg by Nick Carlin (England)
H12Book.ctg by by Mark Uniacke (England)
Junior12.ctg by GM Alon Greenfeld (Israel)
And finely we have a new Leader: Junior12 book - My Congratulations to GM Alon Greenfeld !
Really I am impressed by Junior12 book performance...well tuned and has not many holes...!)
Note also that since 18.12.2014,
Perfect 2015 SF5 and Perfect 2015 K8 are removed from the database
And as I mentioned before,
I am not candidate to be a Champion, so only Perfect 2015 H4 will be left...
And here are the latest standings (with/without Perfect 2015 SF5/K8 book)
Last Updates:
Aleksandr SF5 - Updated book by Sergei Markov (Currently Running)
B6C-8mvs K8 - Opening book by Clemens Keck (Currently Running)
Graham K8 - Based on openings by GBSelect2014.cgb book
My2mo K8 - Opening book by Emmanuel Dauwe (Currently Running)
PlayChessTop5 SF5 - Based/Preferred mainly on openings by Top 5 Playchess players of December/April 2014
SALC K8 - Based on SALC 10.000 low draw-rate openings
More Details:
Champions books = created by Me, but based on SCCT Book Tournaments, played mainly by Top 3 players
Note also that each SCCT Champion book includes approx. 10.000 games
For example, PlayChessTop5 includes more than 50.000 games, played only by Stockfish on Playchess server
The Registration date is still open...the tour is planning to be continued in 2015 too
The played games (per player) will be sended in request to the registered Book Authors
For Standings:
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 22-12-2014 14:16
Last Update:
JackStrong v2 book by Pawel Sekowski (Poland)
Currently as 2nd place, great performance, well-done to Sekos !
Also very good performance by PlayChessTop5 SF5 and Aleksandr SF5 books
Both of them are currently at 5th place, very exiting...
and still it is not clear which one is qualified at Top 5 )
Note also this a fun tour, in such competitions everything can happen...
Some openings suffer due to they are not optimized for such testings...
Plus some of the opening books were not lucky...
That's why please don't take too seriously the results...
But however I should admit also,
Mostly of the SCCT Champions books lines seems to be really very very strong...
Also the same words is going for PlayChessTop5 book too
And I think this is not luck that they are one of the Top places !!
Day by day the current tour is growing...and started to be more exiting
And I really wonder a lot,
We will see a book, which will be stronger than Champions2010 book ?)
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 22-12-2014 14:24
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 23-12-2014 17:32
New Update:
AntiChampions (based on previous Champions books losses, also includes some killer move lines)
BooksWarTop5 (based on engine games played by Top 5 books of BooksWar competition)
Hiarcs14X (based on engine games played by Hiarcs 14 book series)
For Standings:
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 24-12-2014 14:38
After 142 games,
Fire 4 engine + Perfect 2015t book managed to increase its Elo points !!
Now is rated at 3443 Elo..not bad )!
Once more I'd like to mention,
I've noticed many strong and also weak lines in the current competition
Sad that still some people are interested in beauty than strength, why ??))
Even some of those critical weak lines are available in Perfect 2015 book too
But the most important question: in which book there are more or less weak lines ?)
However, I will do my best before final release...
And be sure of this,
I am spending many efforts and I am working very hard just for chess friends !
My main goal simply is that,
The chess engines should not be tested with disadvantage openings...
Its time to change our views...we should forget those weak openings
Otherwise, oftenly we will see a weaker engine to take a win or to draw over stronger engine )!
And without to not mention this I can't,
Perfect 2015t book is expecting to be one of the World's strongest books (up to 8 moves) !)
I was thinking to release Perfect 2015 book as present for new year, but still is not ready...
Still I am not satisfied... I need to check and optimize some of the lines
But you will not wait long time..soon...!)
Please keep in touch my website...it will appear there )!
Just I was wondering how will do X3D Fritz in the current book competition
And after 220 games, X3D Fritz's performance is too disappointing: 119 losses; 1 draw
It looks like X3D Fritz was not so lucky under current conditions, not sure why...
For example in November 2003,
X3D Fritz engine played a four game match against World's strongest human player Garry Kasparov
And the result was equal 2–2
Well...now is time to test another strong engine: Chess Tiger 2007 + Perfect 2015t
Note that one the older versions, Chess Tiger 14 participated in Mercosur Cup Argentina 2001 and won the tournament !
For example in Mercosur Cup, Chess Tiger 14's opponents were strong human chess players at around 2500 Elo
And Chess Tiger 14 performed with clear two points ahead of the best human and reached 2788 Elo points !!
Ok...and now what about Chess Tiger 2007 in SCCT CS IV ?) Can Chess Tiger 2007 reach again at around 2800 Elo ?)
Very soon it will be clear...
Btw sometimes I am in laughing...who rates Stockfish 5, Komodo 8, Houdini 4 as 3000-3200 Elo )))
Come on chess friends, if this is true in reality...
Then Top GMs as Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand, Carlsen... should be rated approx. 2500 Elo ))
I mean in shortly that,
Not only its time to change our views regarding used openings...
Also is time to change our views with the start Elo calculations !)
Just saying and hope helps...)!
Note also that in my estimation,
Chess Tiger 2007.1's strength is similar as many Top GMs !)
Even I would be not much surprised, if CT2007.1 to be not stronger than many Top GMs )
Just imagine how much are stronger the current Top chess engines...
And those chess friends, who rates the current Top chess engines at around 3200 Elo,
Yes, that would be ok, if your used hardware is Pentium III )))
Otherwise, calculating the Top engines on latest fast hardwares at around 3200 Elo,
Sorry to say that but simply you are just in wrong way )!
Note that,
I merged also the ponder on games, played in my previous 1 core blitz competitions
For examples: games from scratch; open-source ratings etc...too
Note also that,
The current competition is still active...I plan to work a little bit more over this project
I am pleased to announce,
Very soon I plan to organize a History (from the past to the present) knockout tournament !
The planning competition will be based on more than 100 chess engine participants !!
For examples,
I am considering to include Android, DOS, also Windows chess engines too
And here are some of them:
Chess Genius 7 (Windows)
Chess Free (Android)
Chess Master (Android)
Chess PRO (Android)
Chess System Tal (Windows)
Chess Titans (Windows)
GrandMaster Chess (Android)
K-Chess Elite 4 (Windows)
M Chess 8 Pro (DOS)
NOVAG Star Diamond (Dedicated chess computer)
Play Magnus (Android)
Virtual Chess II (Windows)
Wilhelm 1.50 (Windows)
And plus many other chess engines too (e.g Komodo, Stockfish, Houdini etc...)
More Details,
The engines will be played as one core + ponder on
The time control is planning to be 10 minutes (per side)
Let's see who will be the SCCT's History Champion )!
The Winner: Stockfish 150115 x64 - My Congratulations to Stockfish team !
Also I'f like to congratulate the rest authors of the qualified Top standings !
A few quick notes:
- Once more we noticed that Stockfish is an amazing engine, managed to won 7 players/stages !
- One of the biggest titans Komodo and Rybka could not won (eliminated both by Fire)
- Gull, Houdini, Fire ...are eliminated by Stockfish
- Chess Pro Free Android is eliminated by Gull...but it was a big fight !!
- But however, Chess Pro Free seems to be one of the strongest Android engines !
- Actually many engines were not so lucky, but it's a knockout system... )!
- Booot is one of the top rankings, because due to played mainly against weaker opponents...
- I spent many efforts for the current tour, but I had a great fun during organizing it...)!
And I am sorry that,
I could not include all available engines, but it's just mainly due to no free time for all...
See you till next event )!
Have fun,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 21-01-2015 21:06
Last Updates:
Cheng4 0.38 x64 (+116 Elo over Cheng4 0.36 x64)
Stockfish 110115 x64 (+24 Elo over Stockfish 221214 x64)
Great improvement!! Well-done to both chess engine creators !
SCCT - All Versions:
SCCT - Top 20:
More details about the current competition:
- No double games
- No games up to 15 moves
- No games lost on time
In other words,
The rating database is quite clean... !)
But however,
I plan to publish separately the lost games on time (maybe they will be useful for the next engine releases)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 24-01-2015 23:21
Hello There,
Last Updates:
Android engines (as 1 core + ponder on) played on my Samsung Galaxy S4:
DiscoCheck 5.2.1 Droid
Gaviota 1.0 Droid
Komodo 8 Droid
Texel 1.05a8 Droid
Senpai 1.0 Droid
Stockfish 121014 Droid
For Android engine rankings:
Soon more games will be added...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 26-01-2015 13:14
Last Updates:
Arasan 17.5 x64 (approx. +60 Elo over v 17.2)
Texel 1.05 x64 (approx. +40 Elo over v 1.04)
Great...and well-done to both engine programmers !)
And since a few days,
I switched again to fisher time control (3min+1sec)
Note also that,
This time I decided to include all games, which were lost on time...
Because I don't want to lose the traditionality of my rules )!
And now the standings are slightly changed...
Just one example: Stockfish 210614 x64 is rated better than Stockfish 221214 x64
Normally without calculating the time losses, Stockfish 221214 x64 was approx. 10 Elo stronger...
But what a pitty this issue happened due to Stockfish 221214 x64 has many games lost on time
But however,
I think this is the right way, otherwise the programmers will never see their mistakes )!
Komodo 1318 x64 is removed from current participation, because it's a private engine...
In other words, I plan to test only the public versions in the current competition
And I already started testing Komodo 8 x64 ...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-01-2015 14:19
Last Updates:
Stockfish 6 ARM
Phalanx XXIV
Texel 1.05 ARM
SCCT has a new Leader: Stockfish 6 - My BIG Congratulations to Stockfish team !
SCCT - All Versions:[url]
Note that since today,
Android engine names are changed from Droid to ARM
A few details more about the current chess engine participants:
-CM9 Natalie 2319 = A Chessmaster 9000's personality called 'Natalie' which is rated at 2319 Elo
-Rybka 4.1 WP x64 = Rybka is played without full pawn (- 205 Elo weaker than default) !
-Houdini 2.0c Kayra2 x64 = Very strong setting by Mehmet Karaman (+ 28 Elo stronger than default) !
Yes...once more we noticed that X engine can be improved to play stronger than default )!
Let me say a few words for the below Top chess engines:
Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini, Rybka, Fruit, Shredder etc...
Do you know why the mentioned Top engines are/were as LEADERS (during 2000 - 2015)?
I think the answer of this question can be found in my saying:
-You can not be on Top by the work of others !)
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 31-01-2015 11:31
SCCT' Breaking News,
I started testing some android chess engines too...
So for less injustice to both chess engine teams,
I've desided to edit the real names...because the original strong ideas are not so cheap !)
And here are the newest names:
RybaLito ARM (Robbolito 0085g3=based mainly on Rybka 3's ideas)
HoudiCrit ARM (Critter 1.6a=based mainly on Houdini 1.5a's ideas)
Note also that(for the future),
X Top chess engine, which is approx. +55% similarity with similar Elo performance
That engine's name can be edited too (in case of testing under SCCT conditions)
Thanks for your understanding!
BTW once more I'd like to mention,
1)Mehmet Karaman (plus a few settings creators more) managed Houdini to play stronger
But no anyone of these seting creators released Houdini engine with different name/s
2)MindBreaker is another setting expert, who managed to make Rybka to play stronger too
And again he did not release Rybka with different name/s
3)Many chess friends (including Me) managed to create successful Chessmaster settings
Which mostly of those settings were approx. min 20-30 Elo stronger than default...
And nobody of us, released TheKing engine with different name...
Please note that too, if anyone can manage to create X engine (based on Stockfish 6)
Which will be e.g min +50 Elo stronger than Stockfish 6....
Then with a BIG pleasure I can test it too and I promise to not edit the name... )!
Because, this engine will include own new very strong ideas as well...
Because, a such data is still not available...
Because, I love the Top things, which are based on own ideas... !)
In other words,
- It is well for the heart to be naive and the mind not to be!
Best Regards,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 31-01-2015 11:43
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 01-02-2015 17:06
Hello Chess Friends,
Nowadays is popular to discuss about the sizes of chess engines ))
That's why I decided,
To check some of the engines, which mostly of them already participated in SCCT
To be honest,
Size formats are not much important...
I care more about originality, stability, and + Elo performance of course )!
But however, here are the smallest ones,
Note that the list includes engines, which are less than 200 KB:
Hakkapeliitta 2.0 x64 = 26 KB = 2767 Elo
Elf 1.3 = 33 KB = ??? Elo
Counter 1.2 = 47 KB = ??? Elo
Vice 1.0 = 72 KB = ??? Elo
Mskcp 1.45 JA = 81 KB = ??? Elo
Milady 325 = 94 KB = ??? Elo
Requiem 0.53 = 96 KB = ??? Elo
Rodent 1.6 x64 = 96 KB = 2842 Elo
Uralochka 1.1b = 101 KB = 2245 Elo
Diablo 0.51 = 101 KB = ??? Elo
Anatoli 0.35k = 112 KB = 2485 Elo
Nemo 1.01b x64 = 115 KB = 2911 Elo
Sungorus 1.4 x64 = 118 KB = ??? Elo
ChessMaster 9000 = 131 KB = 2664 Elo
Atlas 3.70em = 149 KB = ??? Elo
Scorpio 2.77 x64 = 149 KB = 2863 Elo
Fizbo 1.31 x64 = 160 KB = 2863 Elo
Gull 1.2 x64 = 162 KB = 3023 Elo
Amateur 2.82 = 165 KB = 2369 Elo
DisasterArea 1.54 x64 = 176 KB = 2906 Elo
Frenzee v3.5.19 x64 = 188 KB = 2806 Elo
Adam 3.3 = 190 KB = 2256 Elo
1)Hakkapeliitta 2.0 is the smallest one - My Congratulations to Mikko Aarnos (Finland)
Really impressive...24 KB, this is a World record, if we check originality + size + Elo
2)Elf 1.3 is another very tiny one, created by Erdi Ata Bleda (Turkey)
3)Counter 1.2 is very small too, created by Vadim Chizhov (Russia)
Also I decided to check some well-known IPPO (Rybkanians) ones:
Note: Rybka 3 x64 = 2.875 KB, released date: 29.07.2008
The first Ippolit version is appeared on the scene: May 2009
For example, Ippolit 0080c is 268 KB, released date: 21.10.2009
Thinker 5.4D x64 = 78 KB = ??? Elo
Houdini 1.0 x64 = 271 KB = ??? Elo
RobboLito 009 x64 = 287 KB = ??? Elo
Strelka 5.7 x64 = 287 KB = ??? Elo
Bouquet 1.8 x64 = 447 KB = ??? Elo
Gull R600 x64 = 458 KB = ??? Elo
IvanHoe 999946h6 x64 = 492 KB = ??? Elo
Fire 3.0 x64 = 504 KB = ??? Elo
Critter 1.6a x64 = 546 KB = ??? Elo
Elektro 1.2 x64 = 576 KB = ??? Elo
Naum 4.2 x64 = 658 KB = ??? Elo
DeepSaros eXp x64 = 666 KB = ??? Elo
BlackMamba 1.4 x64 = 887 KB = ??? Elo
Equinox 3.30 x64= 3.882 KB = ??? Elo
Continuing, let me say a few words about these issues...
I am surprised that Thinker is the smallest Ippo one, just 78 KB !! very small size indeed...
And well-done to Thinker's author, this is another talent and record... !)
For example, Thinker seems to the World's strongest engine, if we check the sizes + Elo
And here is Houdini 1.5a vs Critter 1.6a comparing:
Houdini 1.5a x64 = 1.332 KB, released date: 15.10.2011
Critter 1.6a x64 = 546 KB, released date: 26.06.2012
On my Sim testings, I've noticed that both engines are very similar (+60% similarity)
And after checking the rating lists: both engines have almost same Elo performance !)
It seems the author of Critter 1.6a learned/copied a lot from Houdini 1.5a's author !!))
Houdini's author learned/copied a lot from Ippolit's author
But note also that R. Houdart managed to add many Elo points, this is really very important !
Where unfortunately Richard Vida (the author of Critter) could not....!!
Ippolit's author learned/copied from Rybka's author and etc and ets...
But however I should admit also that,
Ippolit's author managed to make his engine to be stronger than Rybka 3 too
Right now I am not sure how much Elo difference exactly...
That's why I started testing Robbolito 0.90 x64 and Rybka 3 x64
The first Ippolit ones are too buggy, that's why I preferred more stable one
And soon I plan to publish the first results....
Please note also that if Robbolito 0.90 will be over than Rybka 3 with +50 Elo
Then I will leave its name as it now (as Robbolito) and if less than 50 Elo,
Then I am afraid that it will be renamed as RybaLito ...
In my eyes, in case of close similarity plus 50 Elo to be over...
Then this engine deserve to be tested under SCCT, and to leave it as original name...
BTW, Fire 4 x64 has the biggest size: 25.257 KB
I wonder, how many engines are inside ?? ))) just joking...
Yes, the latest Fire 4 version seems to be clean, with less than 50 % similarity
Congrats to Norman Schmidt (like Gull 3), Fire 4 is another one, which is already cleaned...
And I hope to see more clean chess engines in the next new releases...
And it will be great if you will be able add some extra Elo points, lets say 50 Elo !)
Please stay tuned...more info coming soon )
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 02-02-2015 11:43
Last Updates:
Cheng4 0.38 ARM
HoudiCrit 1.6a ARM
RybaLito 0.90 x64
Rybka 3 x64
RybaLito 0.085g3 ARM
Yes, Congrats to Robbolito 0.90's author, it's clearly stronger than Rybka 3
And it is not so easy as it looks...
Because in that period of time, Rybka 3 was the World's strongest engine...
But what a pitty that Robbolito 0.90 could not pass +50 Elo to be over Rybka 3
So it is renamed to RybaLito and I hope you like my new edit-name idea )!
Note also that,
Rodent 1.6 ARM and Deuterium v14.3 ARM seems to be buggy ones
Both Android engines oftenly stopped to play....not sure why...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 03-02-2015 15:11
Last Updates:
Hannibal 1.5 x64
Good...so far Hannibal 1.5 x64 is doing approx. 20 Elo over v1.4b
SCCT - All Versions:
SCCT - Top 20:
Btw, I am going to pause (or cancel) the current competition
Due to I plan to resume SCCT (60m+15s) Gladiators:
Note also that this time I plan to include as new participants:
Fire 4 MP
Hannibal 1.5 x64 MP
Stockfish 6 MP
Texel 1.05 MP
I can include Komodo 9 too, but till to this date we need to wait... )!
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 07-02-2015 17:47
Dear Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce,
I started a new + 50% similarity knockout tournament (3m+1s)
Let's see who will be this time: SCCT's Similarity Champion )?
And soon I plan to publish the tournament results...
Note that,
This time I preferred to test those chess engines as participants:
Which almost all of them passes +50 % similarity to Rybka, Stockfish
For example,
You may look at current players, which are +50% close to Rybka 3:
The Top engines like Houdini, Gull... are not participants due to,
They are +100 Elo stronger than Rybka 3
And if anybody is missed (in the below participation list),
I am sorry that I did not include your engine...
Note also that as far possible I picked those chess engines:
- which are released after Rybka 3 and approx. 3000 Elo and above
And here are the current 40 participants:
BlackMamba 2.0 x64 by Matteo D'Annibale, Maurizio Platino
Bouquet 1.8 x64 by Jose M Velasco
Critter 1.6a x64 by Richard Vida
Cyclone xTreme by Kranium
Don 020115 x64 by Ehsan Rashid
Elektro 1.2 x64 by Roberto Munter
Equinox 3.30 x64 by Giancarlo Delli Colli
Firenzina 2.3.2 xTreme x64 by Kranium, Yuri Censor and ZirconiumX
Fritz 14 by Gyula Horváth
Hannibal 1.5 x64 by Sam Hamilton & Edsel Apostol
Heron impossible 1 x64 by Seyyed Mostafa Khatami
Ippolit 0.080c by Yakov Petrovich Golyadkin
IvanHoe 99946h6 x64 by Decembrists
LEOpard 0.7c by Daneel Olivaw
Loop 2007 x64 by Fritz Reul
Mars 3.36 x64 by Trap
MinkoChess 1.3 x64 by Borko Boskovic
Murka 3 x64 Igor Korshunov
Naum 4.6 x64 by Aleksandar Naumov
Octochess r5190 x64 Tim Kosse
Onno 1-2-70 x64 by Onno Garms
PanChess 00.611 x64 by Decembrists
Protector 1.7.0 x64 by Raimund Heid
Quazar 0.4 x64 by Dmitry Morozov
RobboLito 0.21Q x64 by Kranium
Samsung x64a by Felix Gulden
Saros eXp rev.6 x64 by Roberto Munter
Senpai 1.0 x64 by Fabien Letouzey
Shredder 12 x64 by Stefan Meyer-Kahlen
Spark 1.0 x64 by AJ Siemelink
Strelka 6 by Jury Osipov
Sugar v4.2 x64 by Marco Zerbinati
Tactico Olmos x64 by ProLGO 2011LGO
Taipan 5 by Leonard Krylo
Tankist 3.1 by Alex Kutuzoff
Thinker 5.4D x64 by Lance Perkins
Toga II 280513 x64 by Jerry Donald, Thomas Gaksch and Fabien Letouzey
TwinFish 0.07 x64 by Alex Kutuzoff
More info coming soon and good luck to all participants)
Have Fun,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 08-02-2015 15:46
SCCT - Similarity Champion: Leopard !!
My Congratulations to Daneel Olivaw !
More Details:
- If Rybka (with 48% similarity to Fruit 2.1) is considering as clone by some clever experts
Then I wonder a lot :
What about the rest chess engines, which are with + 50% similarity to Rybka ?? ))
BTW, according to my experience,
There are programmers who are able to improve their engines:
- up to 5 Elo
- up to 50 Elo
- up to 500 Elo
A little note: I am talking about about Elo improvements over the world strongest engine !
And what a pity that,
The Author of 500 Elo improvement is already banned and not between us...
Sad, but true..!
Best Wishes,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-02-2015 12:08
Last Updates:
Crafty 24.1 ARM
Deuterium v14.3 ARM
Glaurung 2.2 ARM
PikoSzachy 4
SugaR v5.1 x64
Breaking News:
SCCT has a new Leader: SugaR v5.1 x64 - Well Done to Marco Zerbinati and SF team !
Note also that,
The Elo difference between my used PCs and ARM versions is approx. 200 Elo
SCCT - Top 20:
Note also that all games are available for downloading
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 23-02-2015 15:34
Hello Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
-I resumed my previous SCCT (60m+15s) Gladiators 2014
So this time I decided to include new participants:
Fire 4 MP
Hannibal 1.5 MP
Stockfish 6 MP
Texel 1.05 MP
And after BIG battles,
Stockfish 6 is the new Leader - My Congratulations to Stockfish team !
Note that the previous leader was Komodo 1318, so this time Stockfish 6 managed to take the revenge !)
Всем известно что на сегодняшний день у меня самая сильная книга, ибо на 3х ядрах стареньком i7-860 на авто 2550 и выше держит..
Прислано bort1964 25-05-2015 21:31
AntiMaster написал:
Всем известно что на сегодняшний день у меня самая сильная книга
Всем, это кому? Маше,Паше,Даше.
Прислано AntiMaster 25-05-2015 23:44
Ну, как минимум пользователям этого сайта и русских игроков на Плайчессе.
Прислано bort1964 26-05-2015 11:45
AntiMaster написал:
русских игроков на Плайчессе.
которых 5-7 человек, это круто. Я думаю в тестах у Седата, можно было получить более объективную оценку твоей книге.
Редактировал bort1964 26-05-2015 11:48
Прислано AntiMaster 26-05-2015 13:20
Так я её каждый день правлю и не по разу. Я в шахматах компьютерных книги делаю для блиц-игры с какого года?? И Седат с какого?? И он не делает, кстати, для Плайчесса, а его последняя книга - 12 ходОв - несерьёзно будь она свежая даже.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 28-06-2015 12:24
Privet Uvajaemie Druzia,
Posle nebolshova pereryiva,
Ya snova zdes, i nadeyus chto viy vse horosho ... ! )
Ya hochu otmetit, chto do sih por u menya net mnogo svobodnovo vremeni dlya shahmata ...
Naverno ya budu tratit menshe vremeni na shakhmatniyh forumah,
no SadatChess sait budet obnovlyatsya chashche
I've just updated the champions/participants list
And once more I'd like to say:
Many thanks for all of your interest and trust with participating in SCCT
I hope to see all of you again (plus new Incomers) in the next book tours !)
Note also that I plan to continue working over the current tactical test suite
And probably later I will test the top chess engines with 30 sec per position
Have fun,
Прислано Zunkor 20-07-2015 16:02
Где можно посмотреть позиции Tactical Test Suite's?
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 21-07-2015 15:21
Zunkor написал:
Где можно посмотреть позиции Tactical Test Suite's?
K sojaleniu oni v dannam momente v lichnom, no v kontse turnira ya ih viystavlyu
Note: Very soon I plan to test some of the top engines in 300 sec (5 min) per move
*I will use the same tactical test suite, but with unsolved positions in 30 sec/move
Best Wishes,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 21-07-2015 15:22
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 22-07-2015 18:17
Many engines are included an now the ranking has 110 participants !)
Note: As far as possible I am interested to test +2500 Elo and above
Top 3 (5 min/move): http://www.sedatc...ge_id=1993
Note also that the above Top 3 standings at 5min/move is same as 3 sec/move
Unfortunately the latest Cheng release 4.39 could not perform better...
Strange and just another fiasco:
Cheng4 0.38 x64 : 179
Cheng 4.39 x64 : 164
Anoher note is that,
The older one, Pepito 1.59 as UCI (Intel) performed as expected...
But as we see, the latest JA version as WB perfomed even worse:
Pepito 1.59 UCI : 88
Pepito 1.59.2 Wb JA : 56
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 23-07-2015 20:34
Dear Chess Friends,
I've just tested Ginkgo (by Frank Schneider), which is "private" so far
Note: This engine participated recently in WCCC and WCSC (Leiden/Netherlands)
Here is one strategy test competition more, which I run approx. 2 weeks ago:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Hash: 128, Threads: 1, time/pos: 12 Seconds
Test duration (per engine): 24 Minutes
Strategic Test Suite Results: Higher is Better
The Ranking is generated by STS Rating v3
*Note that I tested the chess engines with 120 positions (based on STS1-STS15_LAN.epd)
Another note is that, I preferred the unsolved positions in 1 sec/move by the above engine versions
In shortly: No any of the used positions were solved in 1 sec/move by the current tested engines
And this should be known too,
My used 300 positions in 5 sec per move: http://www.sedatc...ge_id=1742
I preferred the unsolved positions in 3 sec/move by Rybka 4.1 x64
Probably this is the reason about why Houdini 4 could not win at 5 sec/move, where Sugar's performance was great...
Because almost all of us know that Houdini is based mainly on IPPO (Rybka)
For example,(on my private testings) Rybka 4.1 x64 at 5 sec/move managed to get just 40 points
It seems, extra adding 2 seconds (from 3 to 5), Rybka scored better than zero )
- Both Top engines (Stockfish 6 and Houdini 4) are now the current Leaders !
* Very interesting...SF 6 performed better than the latest new SF versions
- Protector 1.8.0 x64 and Stockfish 5 x64 are tested via Polyglot adapter !)
* Due to both chess engines have same analyze bug under Arena 2.01 GUI
* Note also that Stockfish 6 and later SF versions don't have this bug
- Some buggy Winboard chess engines are tested via Wb2Uci adapter too
- Arena 2.01 GUI seems to be the more stabil for analysis (comparing with other Arena versions)
- A few older versions of Rybka, Komodo, Stockfish and Houdini are tested
* Now you can compare the points difference between older... 64-bit vs 32-bit
- I am impressed also by Cerebro 3.03d's performance: 126 tactical points !
* Cerebro is much weaker in Elo points than many ones, but in tactics: very good...!
- Genius 7 is tested on Virtual operating system (on Windows XP Pro 32-bit)
- More chess engines are coming soon !
Some Details:
- I am very very impressed, an incredible performance by Houdini 4 Tactical x64
- Houdini 4 Tactical leads with more than 50 points over Stockfish, Komodo etc...
* Note: This time, Houdini 4 x64 is tested with Tactical Mode ON
- Sad and strange that a few chess engines do not support Analyze mode
* For example: Joker 1.1.14 (by HGM) belongs to those buggy engines
* Another interesting example: even Rebel 6 (1994) supports Analyze mode
- And I hope the next new releases will be more stable, better in tactics...
Some Notes:
- The tactical performance of the tested new Top 3 engines(SF derivatives) are good...
* But however, their points are not enough to catch/pass Houdini 4 Tactical x64
* Houdini 4 is almost 3 years old chess engine and still as number ONE in tactics!!
- The older version of Hannibal 1.4b x64 is tested too: 161 tactical points
* For example, the latest release (Hannibal 1.5 x64) managed to get much less: 131
- Not bad performance by Adam 3.3, as we know its Elo performance is not too high...
- What a pitty that Chesser 2 is ranked as last place (tested with 4MB hashtable)
* Chesser's author is Syed Fahad, and as far as I know he is just 14 years old
* I hope the next Chesser release will be better and to be able to use larger hastables
- GreKo 12.8a version is tested as WB and UCI (WB performed slightly better than UCI)
- The latest Arasan 18's performance is good: 21 points better than Arasan 17.5
* Congrats to Jon Dart and to all rest programmers, who are able to improve their engines!
Note also that,
I like very much the current tactical testing method - fast, reliable...
And I hope you like it too... !)
In other words,
My testing is not ideal, but quite good indicator of which are the best engines in tactics!
As I mentioned before,
I see my TTs testing to be similar as IQs testing !)
For examples,
We have two great chess players, who are one of the highest IQs in History:
Garry Kasparov – IQ 194
Judit Polgar – IQ 170
And we should not forget to mention that,
Houdini's author created for all chess lovers a really very successful engine !
Of course, Komodo/Rybka/Stockfish and plus many others belong to this group !
More Details:
- The results of the experimental SF versions are not so stable, for example: Stockfish 300715
* So since today, only the strongest SF version (per author) will be published on my official site
* But however, I plan to publish each SF testing result over my favorite Computerchess forums
* Otherwise, the current TTS ranking will be look like: I am Stockfish beta tester !)
- Surprisingly, Houdini 2.0c Kayra2 x64 performed 5 points worse than Houdini 2.0c x64 default
* For example, in SCCT tours: Houdini 2.0c Kayra2 performed approx 20-30 Elo better than default
* Note: For more reliable ranking: Houdini 2.0c and Kayra2 engine versions are tested twice too
* And after each repeating the same chess engine version: usually the difference is 1 point
- Pedone 1.2 x64 seems to be stronger in tactics than older version (well-done to F. Gobbato)
- And just opposite, the older Ktulu 8 version performed better than Ktulu 9
- Plus the older TwistedLogic 20100131x x64 is almost equal in tactics to Hannibal 1.5, interesting...
- What a pity that Alarm 0.93.1's performance is too low than expected (tested twice too)
- And probably, I will continue testing the engines, which are mainly +2200 Elo and above...
* Due to many amateur engines (weaker than 2200 Elo) have serious bugs in Analyze mode
* If some +2200 Elo engines are missing in my current TTS ranking, then with a big possibility:
- Those ones have serious bugs in Analyze mode or simply they don't support Analyze mode
More Details:
- The Top 5 Engines are tested as MP (using 6 cores per engine)
- 22 Unsolved position are used (not solved in 6 sec/move by the current MP engines)
- The current used tactical/strategic database is derived from 2100 positions
* The Top 5 MP engines managed to solve approx 99% of the positions (in 6 sec/move)
* My goal was to use more positions, but as we see: 2078 positions were solved
* Just imagine how much are strong the Top 5 engines in strategy and tactics
- And Houdini 4 is again the Winner - My Congratulations to Robert Houdart!
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 05-08-2015 15:55
Hello there,
I've just started to receive several book registrations for the current book tour
And I've noticed that some people dont give any info regarding:
- Name, Surname; Country
Another very important info is required :
- The registered user should specify with which engine will be tested his book
For example, the participants have choice to prefer: Stockfish or Komodo or Sugar
Btw, there is a possibility: SCCT V to be in LIVE (I will try via Piranha Tablet),
So I need to check some LIVE broadcasting sites, not sure which ones are good...
Any opinions ??
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 09-08-2015 17:50
Hello Chess Friends,
Just I'd like to point out that today is the last day of the book registrations!
Tomorrow the event will be started...!!
To be honest I expected to see more participants...
So far the number of the registrations: just only 11 opening books
And it will be great if we will see more new incomers, plus the well-known SCCT participants !)
For examples:
Adriean Costinescu
Aleksandr Shvachko
Babban Singh
Bobby Casey
Clemens Keck
Dean Sprouse
Eduardo Koji
Eros Riccio
Giuseppe Petruccelli
Jeroen Noomen
Josias Mauricio
Nick Carlin
Marcos Alexandre
Marco Zerbinati
Marcos K. Matsuda
Maurice Chac
Munish Gupta
Nelson Hernandez
Nikolay Bartenev
Om Prakash
Pawel Sekowski
Randy Sands
Ruben Comes
Servet Kultur
Tiago Alves
Tsvetan Milchev
Vasid Chouhan
Varun Gupta
Yuriy Gudzatoviy
Sorry if anybody is not mentioned...but no time for all ...
Btw, of course...I can understand,
Now it is a summer time...plus, nowadays some of the top book makers are not active
I am not sure exactly why the interest is falling down...?!
*Is that can be one of the reasons that mostly of the games are ending as DRAW ?
*Or maybe the world crisis can be another serious reason...?
For example a few years ago, there was a queue to participate...)) I remember nearly 100 books per tour!
Ok...no problem...just I'd decided to share my thoughts...
And once more I wish to say: many thanks to all, for participating since many years!
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 09-08-2015 18:12
Прислано bort1964 10-08-2015 22:50
I wonder how many participants have registered for the tournament and what are the interim results of the first day of testing.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 11-08-2015 02:32
Uvajayemiy Nikolay,
Obshcheye kolichestvo uchastnikov: 33
4 raundov, 128 igriy na igroka, obshcheye kolichestvo igr: 2112
Turnir knig ojidaetsia zavershena v techeniye 4-5 dney
Zavtra ya planiruyu opublikovat pervyye rezultatiy
More Details:
- The Current Leader: Panda fan cool - Congrats to Eros Riccio (Italy) !
* It's too early for any estimations, but Panda can be the new Champion
- K901 = Komodo 9.01 x64 / MZ = SugaR 5.4b x64 / SF = Stockfish 060815
- 13 books play with Stockfish, 10 books with Komodo, 10 books with SugaR
- Due to no much free time, I plan to publish the games after the end of tour
More Details:
- The Leader is (as before): Panda-fan-cool by Eros Riccio (Italy)
- 2nd: My Friends Ice Petals by Mohamed Nayeem (India)
- 3th: Akhilius by Osman Suleymanoglu (Turkey)
- 30% of the book tour is over...and soon will be clear the champion
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Here are the played games so far (787 games):
Я внимательно просмотрел базу игр и обнаружил большое количество побед и поражений никак не связанных с тестируемыми книгами. Очень часто один из движков делает ошибочный ход и это решает исход партии.
Влияние движка на исход партии сильно повышается, когда при тестировании книг используются разные движки.
Этот турнир правильнее было назвать не Book Championship, а Book + Engines Championship.
1st SicilianPowerPlus, registered by Raj Bingi (India)
2nd KingAsad Shark, registered by Asad Ali (country unknown)
3rd MatchPoint726, registered by Mike (country unknown)
More Details:
- Surprisingly, Panda-fan-cool lost the Leadership, but still has chances...
- Of course, there is a possibility: in the next rounds to see different rankings
- 1368 games are played so far, that means 65% of the tour is completed
- The competition is going more exiting, interesting after each played game
- And there is one true: this time is very very hard to make any estimations...
- Soon more info (name, country) about the registered users will be published: http://www.sedatc...age_id=393
- I could not find a good LIVE broadcasting site (via my Android platform), sorry..
*For maximum performance: I don't not allow LIVE tools on same tournament PC
- Download all games, which are played so far (1368 games): http://www.sedatc.../scct5.rar
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 12-08-2015 20:43
Zunkor написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Here are the played games so far (787 games):
Я внимательно просмотрел базу игр и обнаружил большое количество побед и поражений никак не связанных с тестируемыми книгами. Очень часто один из движков делает ошибочный ход и это решает исход партии.
Влияние движка на исход партии сильно повышается, когда при тестировании книг используются разные движки.
Этот турнир правильнее было назвать не Book Championship, а Book + Engines Championship.
Privet Zunkor,
Ya soglasen chto nehotorie porajennii igriy sviazaniyh radi oshibok dvijki...
No ya biy ne skazal chto eta ne turnir knig
Esli eta ne biyla pravda,
To togda takaia boshaia raznitsa ne biy biyla v Elo: 105
1 SicilianPowerPlus SF : 3517.6 Elo
30 BK1507d1 SF : 3412.7 Elo
Drogoi primer dam, raznitsa v Elo: 123
3 MatchPoint726 MZ : 3512.3 Elo
33 Toga MZ : 3389.2 Elo
Sedat Canbaz написал:
98% Turnir knig + 2% Turnir dvijki
На самом деле % влияния движка на результат партии значительно больше. В доказательство могу показать множество партий из Book Championship V. Например такую партию:
И подобных партий большой процент.
Ya mojet biyt i ne prav nashet 2%, a mojet biy i prav...
Konechno tochniy protsent trudno opredelit...
Nashet partia (to chto viy publikovali),
Da...zdes vidno chto Komodo soigral neudachno k kontse...i proigral
No ne zabiyvayte chto eta partia 3 minutes Blitz...
Vse vozmojno v takih pozitsii i situatsii
I kak ranshe skazal,
3 dvijki (kotorie uchastvayut) pochti no odnom uravne v Elo
A nashet danniy turnir knig,
Ya veryU v tom chto zdes samaia bolshia rolia igraet sila knigi
I v osnovnom silneyshie knigi klasiruetsia odin iz viysokih mest !
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 13-08-2015 01:01
Kstati, ya hochu takje otmetit,
V dannam momente klasatsii:
23 Maverick K901: 3439.1 Elo
28 Map SF : 3421.8 Elo
Eta chto oznachaet ?)
Ya ostavlyu chtobiy sami nashli otveta moevo voprosa...!)
S uvajeniem,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 13-08-2015 01:03
Прислано Zunkor 13-08-2015 01:24
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Ya mojet biyt i ne prav nashet 2%, a mojet biy i prav...
Konechno tochniy protsent trudno opredelit...
Я завтра просмотрю все партии и подсчитаю примерный процент партий, проигранный из-за ошибки движков.
SCCT SC V Champion: KingAsad Shark !
Congratulations to Top 3 standings !!
Many thanks to all participants...
Best Regards,
Прислано Zunkor 13-08-2015 22:32
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Kstati, ya hochu takje otmetit,
V dannam momente klasatsii:
23 Maverick K901: 3439.1 Elo
28 Map SF : 3421.8 Elo
Eta chto oznachaet ?)
Это означает, что V dannam momente klasatsii Maverick + K901 и Map + SF показали примерно одинаковый результат.
Прислано Zunkor 13-08-2015 22:45
Zunkor написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Ya mojet biyt i ne prav nashet 2%, a mojet biy i prav...
Konechno tochniy protsent trudno opredelit...
Я завтра просмотрю все партии и подсчитаю примерный процент партий, проигранный из-за ошибки движков.
Я внимательно просмотрел все результативные партии турнира (1-0 или 0-1) и обнаружил, что в 145 партиях из 337 победы и поражения никак не связаны с используемыми книгами. Во всех этих партиях решающее значение имеют ошибки движков.
Можно сделать вывод, что ошибки движков повлияли на результат партий в 43%, при этом на результат примерно 57% партий повлияли книги.
Можете сами в этом убедиться посмотрев партии.
Редактировал Zunkor 13-08-2015 22:48
Прислано Bezdaty 13-08-2015 22:51
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 02:24
Я внимательно просмотрел все результативные партии турнира (1-0 или 0-1) и обнаружил, что в 145 партиях из 337 победы и поражения никак не связаны с используемыми книгами. Во всех этих партиях решающее значение имеют ошибки движков.
Можно сделать вывод, что ошибки движков повлияли на результат партий в 43%, при этом на результат примерно 57% партий повлияли книги.
Можете сами в этом убедиться посмотрев партии.
K sojeleniyu u menia net u mnogo vremeni posmotret vse partii, to chto viy publikovali
No vse taki chtobiy ubeditsia...ya vzglianul tolka v neskolka (2-3) partii
I tolka v techenia na 10 - 15 secund... nashel ne po vine dvijka,
A po vine sloboi pozitsii v otkritii (iz-za radi knigi)
Ya toje sovetoyu chtobiy posmotereli dalshe, na kartinke (14... f6)
Zamechaete, chto Chernie v etom pozitsii viygrali: 86.8%
Esli jelaete...to chto publikovali
Ya eshe mogu pokazat podobnie pozitsii, proigrannie iz-za knigi
I ya eshe raz hochu podcherknut: 3 dvijka (pochti na odnom uravne v Elo)
uchastvavali v etom turnire knigi: Stockfish 060815, Sugar 5.4b, Komodo 9.01
Esli eta bila pravda, kak viy dumaete: 57% knig + 43% dvijki
To togda raznitsane ne biylo biy +100 Elo...
Togda raznitsa mejdu vsemi uchastnikami biy biylo maksimum: 10-30 Elo
Ponimatete menia ?)
A kstati, (nashet Maverick K901 vs Map SF)
Naverno viy nepravilno poneli moi vopros...
Karoche, ya biy ne skazal chto tak oznachaet...
No ya ne hochu bolshe sporit na etu temu...
White Wins : 322 (15.2 %)
Black Wins : 212 (10.0 %)
Draws : 1578 (74.7 %)
Unfinished : 0
White Perf. : 52.6 %
Black Perf. : 47.4 %
ECO A = 139 Games ( 6.6 %)
ECO B = 385 Games (18.2 %)
ECO C = 466 Games (22.1 %)
ECO D = 867 Games (41.1 %)
ECO E = 255 Games (12.1 %)
Note: It seems ECO B (mainly Sicilian) is preferred not very often !)
Прислано Zunkor 14-08-2015 12:17
Хорошо, давайте разберём эту партию.
Во-первых. Вы действительно считаете 6. Nc3 ошибкой? :)
Возможно это не самый сильный ход, но ошибочным его назвать никак нельзя. Посмотрите статистику игр. Даже в вашем турнире есть партии, где после 6. Nc3 белые выигрывают. Например Komodo K901 выиграл у SicilianPowerPlus.
Во-вторых. 6. Nc3 был сделан не по книге! Этот ход сделал движок после 5 сек. обдумывания [%eval 20,19] [%emt 0:00:05], и дальше белые играли не по книге.
Чёрные выиграли не благодаря 14... f6., а из-за ошибки движка на 16 ходу 16. Re1? После этого хода оценка падает и позиция становится неприятной. После 16. h4 партия могла закончится вничью, посмотрите на текст партии, движок соперника ожидал именно этот ход 16. Re1 (h4).
Прислано Zunkor 14-08-2015 12:30
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Esli eta bila pravda, kak viy dumaete: 57% knig + 43% dvijki
To togda raznitsane ne biylo biy +100 Elo...
Togda raznitsa mejdu vsemi uchastnikami biy biylo maksimum: 10-30 Elo
Ponimatete menia ?)
Нет, я вас не понимаю. K901 слабее SF примерно на 20-30 Elo. Влияние книги 57% - это совсем не мало и может добавить ещё, как минимум, 50-60 Эло. Поэтому вполне закономерно, что разница между "слабый движок + слабая книга" и "сильный движок + сильная книга" будет около 100 Elo.
Редактировал Zunkor 14-08-2015 12:33
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 13:42
Hmmm.. ya mojet biyt toje ne ponimayu vas, iz-za tovo chto moi Ruskiy ne rodnoi yaziyk )
No vse taki eshe raz poprobuyu...
Vot Playchess kniga (v kartinke),
Sdelana iz svejiyh partii (prinadlejit na Engine-Room May-Iyun 2015)
Konechno, Stockfish 060815 yavliaetsia novaia versia, no 30 Elo silnee...
V etom ya poveryu tolka s dokazaelsvami (parttii), a ne na komentarii )!
Nu davaite...ya ne hochu bolshe sporit na etu temu, potomu chto ya chut chut zaniat... )
I nadeyus chto etat raz viy menia ponimate..!)
S uvajeniem,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 14:09
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 15:59
Hello there,
I was wondering a lot about if Panda-fan-cool was played via Stokfish 060815 x64 or Sugar 5.4b x64
Right now I've started a new gauntlet test (not official), but this time Panda-fan-cool will be payed via Stokfifish 060815 x64
Note: In the official tournamrnt, Panda-fan-cool was played via Komodo 9.01 x64
Let's see what will be the engine influence over the current used book
And soon I plan to publish the test results...
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 16:00
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 16:03
Uvajaemiy Zunkor,
Eta test budet vajniy...davai posmotrim na skolka Elo Panda fan cool SF budet silnee ...
Konechno chtobiy ubeditsia nam nujen test: min 1000 partii
No vsetaki, ya dumayu chto daje esli 128 partii...to budem imet chut chut predstavlenie...
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 18:13
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 20:36
The test has been completed...
Panda fan cool SF performed 2nd (as before):
1 KingAsad Shark SF : 3530.9
2 Panda fan cool SF : 3519.8
3 MatchPoint726 MZ : 3506.0
And if we compare both players, the Elo is same...
In other words, that shows the stability of the book !
2 Panda fan cool SF : 3519.8
2 Panda-fan-cool K901 : 3519.7
And one comparing more:
Panda fan cool SF: 25 wins, 101 draws, 2 losses
Panda-fan-cool K901: 28 wins, 94 draws, 6 losses
In my opinion: this test was quite useful, at least, now we know that,
SF influence did play a negative role over the book performance!
Plus,this data confirms that Komodo and Stockfish are very close in strength !)
Pojaluysta, obyasnite nam,
Pochemu Stockfish rezultatav na 30 Elo ne silnee chem Komodo ?
Obratite vnimaniye, chto ya imeyu v vidu nashet Panda K901, Panda SF
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 20:44
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 14-08-2015 20:56
EDIT: SF influence did not play a negative role over the book performance!
Прислано Zunkor 14-08-2015 21:47
Privet Sedat, вы наверное, действительно, плохо понимаете, что я пишу.
Я не писал, что ход 6. Nc3 хороший или очень хороший. Я написал что:
Возможно это не самый сильный ход, но ошибочным его назвать никак нельзя.
и самое главное, этот ход был сделан не по книге! Поэтому нельзя говорить, что эта партия была проиграна из-за плохой книги.
Прислано Zunkor 14-08-2015 21:56
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Privet Zunkor ,
Pojaluysta, obyasnite nam,
Pochemu Stockfish rezultatav na 30 Elo ne silnee chem Komodo ?
Obratite vnimaniye, chto ya imeyu v vidu nashet Panda K901, Panda SF
Вы провели слишком мало партий, чтобы делать подобные выводы.
Кроме ваших тестов, существуют другие уважаемые сайты, которые ежедневно тестируют движки.
Например посмотрите здесь: http://www.comput...rl/404FRC/ или здесь https://drive.goo...sp=sharing
Komodo 9 64-bit почти на 50 Elo слабее Stockfish 6 64-bit. При этом каждый движок сыграл около 2000 партий.
Возможно, Komodo 9.1 играет сильнее, чем Komodo 9, но вы использовали Komodo 9.01
Komodo 9.01 почти ничем не отличается от Komodo 9, а Stockfish 6 немного слабее последних улучшеных версий Stockfish.
Редактировал Zunkor 14-08-2015 22:14
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-08-2015 00:36
Horosho...na moi vzgliad,
Ya viju slabie vhodiy kak oshibki knigi...izvinite
Viy postianno pishite chto iz-za oshibki dvijki i t.d (nashet pozitsiyu v kartinke)
A esli tak... kak viy schitaete,
Zenix39 SF polzval vhodi ot pomoshi knige...(v to vremia kogda Komodo k901 igral slabie vhodiy)
Eta chto oznachaet opiat ?)
Razve viy ne vidite, chto Zenix imel bolshoe preumeshestvo...polzvala kniga !!
Ya sovetuyu vam, povtorite tot je samuyu pozitsiyu (bez knige...tochno posle 6.Nc6) to togda SF budet viybirat voobshe druigie vhodiy...
Ya imeyu vidu eshe...
Esli biy Zenix polzval slabaia kniga...to 14. f6 biy ne soigral...!
Da...Komodo K901 polzval korotkaia kniga v glubine...znachit zdes otvetsvenoi ne avtor dvijka, a avtor knige...!)
A kstati,
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Primerno v CCRL (40/40), Komodo 9.1 viyshe chem SF 6
A potom nashet JCER ratings,
Tam Stockfish 15070415 soigral tolka 82 partii...razve eta dostatachnaia data ?
SCCT Rating (3m+2s) imeet 800 partii na dvijok...
A potom sevodnishniy test: 128 partii, toje daet nam chut chut poniatie i predstavlenie
Chto zdes ne dvijok..a kniga igraet samaia samaia samaia bolshaia rolia !!
Vot vse to chto huchu skazat na etu temu
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 15-08-2015 00:46
Прислано Zunkor 15-08-2015 01:51
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Ya imeyu vidu eshe...
Esli biy Zenix polzval slabaia kniga...to 14. f6 biy ne soigral...!
Вы меня невнимательно читаете, я раньше писал:
Чёрные выиграли не из-за 14... f6., а из-за ошибки движка белых на 16 ходу 16. Re1? После этого хода позиция становится плохой. Движок SF ожидал правильный ход 16. ... (h4), но k901 сделал ошибку сыграв 16. Re1?. Из-за этого чёрные выиграли, игра там шла не по книге у белых и у черных.
Sedat Canbaz написал:
A kstati,
Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!!
Чем FRC Elo ratings хуже SCCT Elo ratings? Я смотрю все Elo ratings и делаю выводы о силе движка.
v CCRL (40/40), Komodo 9.1 viyshe chem SF 6, возможно потому, что там более новая версия Komodo 9.1. Вы тестировали немного старую версию Komodo 9.01, эта версия, как и Komodo 9.00 играет слабее.
Редактировал Zunkor 15-08-2015 01:56
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 15-08-2015 02:28
Oh...viy menia ne poimaete...ya ne skazal huje, ya skazal : Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Vse taki na Angliiski nachnu...nadeyus etat raz poimete )
I said before:
We don't discuss about FRC Ratings...we disscus about SCCT Ratings
I hope now you understand me...
I dont care much about other ratings about the current issue,
Because my used SCCT conditions are different than others
I mean,
I use different engine versions, diffrent hardwares, different books, ponder on, different time control etc..
Thats why...we should consantrate over SCCT ratings...instead of other...
Do you have any data (games) about how much Komodo 9.1 is stronger than Komodo 9.01 ?
And last,
Almost all engines (without books) play not so strong openings...
I strongly believe in that, the opening book is the key for Chess !
And once more I'd like to point out,
The books played the most important role in the latest SCCT Book Tournament !
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 15-08-2015 02:45
Прислано Zunkor 15-08-2015 23:40
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Oh...viy menia ne poimaete...ya ne skazal huje, ya skazal : Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Vse taki na Angliiski nachnu...nadeyus etat raz poimete )
По английски я понимаю гораздо хуже, чем вы по русски! :)
Боюсь, что мы ещё больше запутаемся. Не буду больше отвлекать вас от работы, все что хотел, я уже написал.
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-08-2015 14:27
Zunkor написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Oh...viy menia ne poimaete...ya ne skazal huje, ya skazal : Miy ne sporim nashet FRC Elo ratings...miy sporim nashet SCCT Elo ratings )!
Vse taki na Angliiski nachnu...nadeyus etat raz poimete )
По английски я понимаю гораздо хуже, чем вы по русски! :)
Боюсь, что мы ещё больше запутаемся. Не буду больше отвлекать вас от работы, все что хотел, я уже написал.
Spasiba...vam toje udachi !
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 16-08-2015 14:29
Dear Chess Friends,
I am pleased to announce:
- Very soon I plan to organize a new knockout engine competition !
And probably,
WSET 2015 will be one of the World's strongest engine tournaments that ever seen in the history !
And here are more details about WSET 2015:
Tournament Conditions:
Intel Core i7 980X 3.30 GHz / Intel Core i7-970 3.20 GHz
Operating System: Windows 64-bit, Hyper-Threading OFF
Tournament Type: Knockout, Hash: 2048 MB, Cores: 6, Ponder OFF
Tablebaces OFF, Opening Book: Perfect 2015x
Time Control: 90 Minutes + 30 Seconds (1st rounds)
Time Control: 150 Minutes + 30 Seconds (Octa)
Time Control: 300 Minutes + 30 Seconds (Semi-final)
Time Control: 600 Minutes + 30 Seconds (Final)
WSET will be played under Fritz 12 / Arena 3.0 GUIs
There will be no LIVE broadcasting (on same tournament PC)
*Due to LIVE tools damage the speed and the performance..
The Participants (40 Chess Engines):
Well, I started to receive registrations (especially SF derivatives) for upcoming WSET
To be honest,
I don't want to not make any double standard to anyone..
And due to no much free time to include all derivatives
There will be a new rule:
Round-Robin (4 rounds) by derivative engines
Time control is planning to be 3min+2sec
The winner will be qualified to play in WSET 2015
Some of the participants, which will be in the qualification league:
Al Qahtani 160815 MP x64
DON 220615 MP x64
KingAsad D100815 MP x64
Shark 150715 MP x64
SF Serpent MP x64
Sting SF 5 MP x64
StockfishTS 050815 MP x64
SugaR PrO 1.0 MP x64
Synapse RZ3 MP x64
About some Ippo derivatives,
The strongest IPPO engine is Houdini 4 (it is not required to be run another qualification test...)
Note also that I plan to include only one derivative per based engine
More Details:
• I am very pleased to announce that the current numbers of WSET's participants: 64
• Due to many engine participants: I plan to set 60 Min + 15 Sec (for the 1st rounds)
* But however, the time controls will be same as before for Octa, Semi-final, Final
• For maximum engine performance: all MP participants will be played with 6 cores
• Shark 150815 MP x64 (based on SF) is the qualified participant for upcoming WSET
• Toga II 280513 MP x64 (based on Fruit) is another qualified participant too...
• Probably in a few hours one of my grandest engine tours: WSET will be started!
WSET is already started on Monday 17 Aug 2015, at around 19.00 PM Antalya Time
And very soon I plan to publish the 1st played games
Note that Dirty 10APR2015 is out, due to bugs
So Pharaon 3.5.1 MP will be as participant...
I am getting very excited about what will be the results, which are more near in strength !)
For example, here are some of them:
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 vs Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
ProDeo 1.87 vs Godel 3.4.9 x64
Atlas 3.80 x64 vs The King 3.50 MP x64
Crafty 24.1 MP x64 vs Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64 vs Hiarcs 14 MP
Pedone 1.2 MP x64 vs Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64 vs Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
Spike 1.4 MP vs Cheng 4.39 MP x64
And here are the full WSET's knockout pairings of the first round Note: The players are added into the tour in alphabetical order
Alfil 15.07 MP x64 vs Zappa Mexico II MP x64
Komodo 9.01 MP x64 vs Junior 13.3 MP x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64 vs Scorpio 2.77 MP x64
Senpai 1.0 MP x64 vs DisasterArea 1.54 x64
BugChess2 V19 MP x64 Stockfish 170815 MP x64
ProDeo 1.87 vs Godel 3.4.9 x64
Gull 3 MP x64 vs Pharaon 3.5.1 MP
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 vs Booot 5.2.0 x64
Atlas 3.80 x64 vs The King 3.50 MP x64
Nirvana 2.1c MP x64 vs Hiarcs 14 MP
Frenzee v3.5.19 x64 vs RedQueen 1.1.97 MP x64
SmarThink 1.70 x64 vs Chiron 2 MP x64
Crafty 24.1 MP x64 vs Sjeng WC2008 MP x64
Rhetoric 1.4 x64 vs Fizbo 1.5 MP x64
Houdini 4 MP x64 vs Nemo 1.0.1b x64
Toga II 280513 MP x64 vs Arminius 060815 MP x64
Arasan 18.0 MP x64 Tornado 5.0 MP x64
MinkoChess 1.3 x64 vs iCE 2.0 v2240 x64
Fire 4 MP x64 Rodent 1.7 x64
Shredder 12 MP x64 vs Fritz 10.1 MP
Chess Tiger 2007.1 vs Spark 1.0 MP x64
Quazar 0.4 x64 vs Gaviota 1.0 MP x64
Hannibal 1.5 MP x64 vs Octochess 5190 MP x64
The Baron 3.29 MP x64 vs Bison 9.11 x64
Bobcat 6.4b MP x64 vs Texel 1.05 MP x64
Pedone 1.2 MP x64 vs Hakkapeliitta 3.0 x64
Ginkgo 1.0e MP x64 vs Protector 1.8.0 MP x64
Spike 1.4 MP vs Cheng 4.39 MP x64
Deuterium v14.3 vs Shark150815 MP x64
Rybka 4.1 MP x64 vs EXchess v7.71b MP x64
Jonny 4.00 MP x64 vs Ktulu 9
Vajolet2 2.0 x64 vs Andscacs 0.82 MP x64
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 18-08-2015 17:59
WSET's Match System for Octa-Final, Semi-Final, Final Round/s:
The knockout rounds will consist of 1 game (per match), but in case of draw game:
A match of 1 game will be played (with same slow time control and reversed colors)
If the 2nd game will be ended draw, a match of 4 games will be played with 15 Min + 10 Sec
In case of the result is still drawn, a match of 2 games will be played with 3 Min + 2 Sec
So whoever performs with more points (in the Final), will be crowned as WSET Champion of 2015!
One thing more,
I see WSET Championship 2015 to be similar as World Boxing Council (WBC)
With Knockout, if you make a single mistake, that's it; game is over !)
Just 'd like to point out regarding WSET's match system for the first rounds;
The 1st rounds will consist of 1 game (per match), but in case of draw game:
A match of 1 game will be played more (with same slow time control)
If the 2nd game will be ended as draw, a match of 4 games will be played with 3 Min + 2 Sec
In case of the result is still drawn, a match of 2 games will be played with 3 Min + 2 Sec etc...
So whoever performs with more points, will be qualified into the next round (level)
More Details,
So far, there are 10 games, which are ended as draw, that means 31 %
Atlas 3.80 x64 1 core vs The King 3.50 x64 6 cores (1-0)
SmarThink 1.70 x64 1 core vs Chiron 2 x64 6 cores (draw)
Quazar 0.4 x64 1 core vs Gaviota 1.0 x64 6 cores (1-0)
Jonny 4.00 x64 6 cores vs Ktulu 9 1 core (draw)
*Sometimes, more cores do not mean stronger... !)
Surprisingly, Arasan 18 x64 6 cores vs Tornado 5 x64 6 cores (0-1)
As I expected, Ginkgo 1.0e x64 6 cores vs Protector 1.8.0 x64 6 cores (draw)
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 19-08-2015 19:10
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 19-08-2015 19:34
And here are the full 1st round knockout results (generated by Scid 4.3):
A few notes about the round 1.1,
Here my credits are going especially for Hakkapeliitta's author
It is not so easy as it looks to win with 1 core over 6 cores
Actually this is known issue, e.g many mp engines suffer with more cores
*Especially with 12 cores and above...
However...I hope to see all engines as MP, but with a good scaling !)
Because usually more cores + slower time controls perform better...!
More details about round 2,
Again...Atlas 3.80 x64 1 core (even as Blacks) defeated Nirvana 2.1c x64 6 cores
Special congratulations to Atlas's author...impressive..!!
Not bad performance by Tornado 5 MP x64 so far...
*Very sad that Engin Ustun canceled working over Tornado's project
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 seems to be a serious candidate to be as champion
Surprisingly, Protector 1.8.0 MP x64 lost (against Spike 1.4 MP)...I expected just opposite
No surprise that Rybka 4.1 MP x64 was eliminated by Shark 150815 MP x64
Note that Shark 150815 is highly based on latest releases of Stockfish
Yes...my congratulations to all qualified participants !
But however, Win or Lose:
It's not so important, it's how many people remember you efforts for chess !
More Details:
Atlas wins 3 times already with 1 core over 6 cores, amazing...bravo to A. Manzanares
Andscacs managed to eliminate one the Top engines: Chiron, well-done to D. Queralto
Texel, Hannibal are another qualified Top engines, which perform very good too ...
And so far, a superior performance by Houdini, Stockfish, Komodo, Synapse
Note also that the next Round 4 (Octa-Final) will be played at 150 Min +30 Sec
Later, the Semi-Final is planning to be played at 300 Min + 30 Sec
And only a few days are left to the biggest FINAL, which will be at 600 Min + 30 Sec
More Details:
First of all, I'd like to congratulate all players...!!
No BIG surprise that the current four engines are qualified to the semi-finals
Note that finely, Atlas is eliminated by Komodo, but however even with 1 core:
Atlas managed to draw the 1st game over K91 6 cores, plus if we compare the Elo of both engines
And to be honest, that means a lot for me...!
Yes..really I wonder a lot, who will be WSET champion, very hard to guess, let's see...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 23-08-2015 15:04
Hello there,
Houdini is eliminated, so Komodo is the qualified player for the FINAL !
My special congratulations to Komodo team !!
About Stockfish vs Synapse match,
The semi-final's result is still not clear...
The 1st game ended as draw, 2nd game is still active...
Note that both engines are using the same opening (reversed colors)
Breaking News:
Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 eliminates Stockfish 170815 MP x64
Special Congratulations to Alejandro Torres too !
More Details:
Synapse won with a score 4.5 - 3.5 (on extra games)
Firstly a match of 2 games are played (300 Min +30 Sec with reversed colors),
Where both games are ended as draw, later a match of 4 games are played (15 Min + 10 Sec with reversed colors),
The results were still drawn, finely Synapse won in a match of 2 games (3 Min + 2 Sec with reversed colors)
Unfortunately, this time the reigning WSET Champion 2014 (Stockfish) lost its title...
To be honest, since a long time, I have never seen such exiting engine tournament!
And very soon I plan to start WSET 2015's Final : Komodo vs Synapse
FINAL (600 Min +30 Sec) - The Current Position after 12 Moves
The semi-finalists, finalist used to play under Arena 3 GUI, due to I set giant slow time controls
In this way, e.g in case of power cut: I can resume the game, exactly at that position...
Because Arena GUI has a superior option: it saves current game after every played move
Also I have another possibility, to copy/paste and to publish the current position over chess forums
I set openings (based on Perfect 2015x book) mainly up to 5-6 moves for the quarter-finals, final
Probably the current game will take approx. 1 (one) day...
And depending on my free time...I plan to make often updates
Good luck to both engine teams !)
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 24-08-2015 08:14
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 24-08-2015 15:42
FINAL (600 Min +30 Sec) - The 1st game ended as draw after 33 moves
Well, the first final game is ended earlier than expected...
The opening is D43 Semi-Slav (e.g Komodo preferred 6.h6)
About the second final game,
Synapse preferred D44 Semi-Slav ( 6. dxc4), so this time I expect to see a different game...
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 24-08-2015 15:43
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 24-08-2015 15:43
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 24-08-2015 21:24
WSET 2015's Final (600 Min + 30 Sec) - Komodo vs Synapse
It seems,
Komodo has really a very BIG chance to be the champion !
According to my experience,
Usually the latest top engines suffer (as Blacks) with D44 Semi-Slav
That's why D44 is not allowing for playing in Perfect 2015 books
Note that I set a short line: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 c6
So..I am not the reason about why Synapse preferred D44 Semi-Slav
For example, Komodo preferred D43 with playing 6.h6 (during his turn)
And after all,
I am not much surprised that the current score is in favor for Komodo
Here is the current position after 23 moves:
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 24-08-2015 21:26
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 26-08-2015 01:54
Hello )
I am pleased to announce:
Komodo crowned WSET 2015 champion !
BIG Congratulations to Komodo team !!
As I expected,
Komodo managed to win the second game...
Final score 1.5 - 0.5
Also I'd like to congratulate Synapse team too !
It is not so easy as it looks to qualify from 64 Top participants and to play final...
The Shortest Wins:
1)Rhetoric 1.4 x64 vs Fizbo 1.5 MP x64 0-1 (Fizbo as Blacks wins after 29 moves)
*The opening is A34 English: it is too risky and dangerous for both sides
2)Komodo 9.1 MP x64 vs Senpai 1.0 MP x64 1-0 (Komodo as Whites wins after 34 moves)
*The opening is D47: Semi Slav (well-balanced for both sides, in case of near Elo strength)
* And I think that the power of Komodo played the biggest role
3)Komodo 9.1 MP x64 vs Atlas 3.80 x64 1-0 (Komodo as Whites wins after 34 moves)
*The opening is A33 English: In my opinion it is a strong opening for both sides
*I noticed that, Atlas missed to play 10.Bc5, this is the reason about why Atlas lost in short moves...
The Longest Wins:
1)Andscacs 0.82 MP x64 vs Chiron 2 MP x64 1-0 (Andscacs as Whites wins after 243 moves)
*The opening is B67...sometime some Top engines (as Blacks) suffer with this opening
2)Synapse RZ4 WSET MP x64 vs Stockfish 170815 MP x64 1-0 (Synapse as Whites wins after 136 moves)
The opening is C11: French, it is risky opening (e.g similar to be risky as B67 Sicilan)
Both engines are tested twice with the same opening C11, where Synapse managed to draw...
3)Hannibal 1.5 MP x64 vs Octochess 5190 MP x64 1-0 (Hannibal as Whites wins after 109 moves)
The opening is E59: Nimzo-Indian (balanced opening for both sides, in case of near Elo strength)
*And I think that here the strength of Hannibal played the main role about why...
Games : 116 (finished)
White Wins : 47 (40.5 %)
Black Wins : 22 (19.0 %)
Draws : 47 (40.5 %)
Unfinished : 0
White Perf. : 60.8 %
Black Perf. : 39.2 %
ECO A = 12 Games (10.3 %)
ECO B = 31 Games (26.7 %)
ECO C = 29 Games (25.0 %)
ECO D = 38 Games (32.8 %)
ECO E = 6 Games ( 5.2 %)
The overall draw percentage is approx. 40%
And who said that Perfect book's opening lines are too drawish ?)
The number of draws percentage looks good...of course it is due to the Elo differences...
More Details
TTs official ranking includes only (since 30.08.2015):
1) Public and strongest versions
2) Engines, which are up to 55% similarity (+56% out)
* Exception there will be for:
- Private engine, in case of better performance than the leader (Houdini 4 tactical)
- For derivative engines: in case of +20 points better than based original engine
- For clone engines: in case of +100 points better than based original engine
* Houdini 4 Tactical (based mainly on Rybka) managed to do that...why not other engine?!
* Otherwise, TTs rankings will be based mainly on Stockfish/Rybka derivatives or clones
* Thanks for your understanding !
A few notes more,
Stockfish 170815 performed better than all previous SF development versions
*But however, even this new SF release could not do better than Stockfish 6
Synapse RZ4 WSET Tactical x64 has been tested with 'Tactical mode' enabled
Ginko 1.2 x64 performed 14 points better than previous Ginkgo 1.0e x64
Giraffe 280815 x64 performed 29 points better than Giraffe 010815 x64
Congrats to all engine authors who managed to improve their engines...
Unexpected and disappointed tactical results by some newer versions:
- Komodo 9.2 x64 (17 points less than Komodo 9.01 x64)
- Tornado 7 x64 (12 points less than Tornado 5 x64)
- Andscacs 0.82 x64 (8 points less than Andscacs 0.81 x64)
- Arminius 060815 x64 (1 point less than Arminius 2014 x64)
Some new engines which have analyze bugs:
Alfil 15.8 and Fizbo 1.5 have the same analyze bug as Protector 1.8 and Stockfish 5
I don't know exactly, but it seems some authors copy or study also the bad parts...
Also since today,
I will not use any polyglot adapter for those buggy UCI engines, due to we are in 2015
And I hope the newer versions can analyze and to be better in tactics !)
Note that I decided to work completely new...
Just because the latest SF version supports up to 128 cores
Plus I expect to see better MP scaling by the current version...
Yes...now it's your turn...and I hope to see many new SF benchmarks !)
More Details,
-Houdini 3 Tact performed incredible strong, slightly weaker than Houdini 4 Tact
-StockfishTS 240915: best performance so far, comparing with other SF versions
Some engines, which crashed on my systems:
Embla 0.5, Neurone XXIII
SCCT - TTs (3 seconds per position) - All Versions:
After some hot discussions...!)
I've decided to run a new hardware speed test !
And here are the results:
1st Hardware Speed Test
Intel Core i7-980X
Hyper-Threading OFF
Large Pages OFF
Arena 2.01 Chess GUI
Stockfish 290815 x64 modern
3 Seconds per move
128 MB hashtable size
600 Tactical positions
kN/s values are based on WSET 2015's bench position
Intel Core i5-3210M 2.50GHz
Hyper-Threading ON
Large Pages OFF
Arena 2.01 Chess GUI
Stockfish 290815 x64 modern
3 Seconds per move
128 MB hashtable size
600 Tactical positions
kN/s values are based on WSET 2015's bench position
This hardware speed testing is different than all, never played before !)
The goal of this test is that: the kN/s values are quite useful for measuring...
Note also Stockfish 290815 breakes the formula rules under the current conditions !)
As we see, Stockfish 2.01GHz 2 core performed better than Stockfish 4.02GHz 1 core
More Details,
Some experts have different views, but I hope after checking the current results:
- They will change their opinions... because we are in 2015 !)
For any questions about the current test, please feel free to ask...
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-09-2015 00:34
Dear Chess Friends,
Very soon I plan to run another speed testing !
In shortly,
I will test Stockfish 290815, 1 core, with same 600 positions, on i7-980X 3.33GHz
But this time, I will set Time Control: 11 seconds per move
Really I wonder a lot about what will be the results...
And what is your estimation ?)
SF 1 core 11 sec/move will be performed stronger than SF 4 core 3 sec/move ?)
Note: SF 4 core 3 sec/move i7 980X 3.33 GHz managed to get: 374 points
Have fun,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-09-2015 11:03
The speed hardware test has been completed, so here is the final result:
Stockfish 290815 x64 1 core 11 sec/move i7 980X 3.33 GHz: 395 points
What I can say more,
This time, SF 1 core 11 sec/move performed clearly better than SF 4 core 3 sec/move
For example, SF 1 core 11 sec/move's performance is very close to SF 6 core 3 sec/move
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 01-10-2015 11:35
Here is new test and here are the results:
Intel Core i7-980X 3.33GHz
Hyper-Threading OFF
Large Pages OFF
Arena 2.01 Chess GUI
512 MB hashtable size
132 Tactical positions
More Details,
Used unsolved positions in 3 sec/move 1 core by the current chess engine versions
Note that (for better comparing) I decided to test Houdini 4 6 core 6 sec/move too
As I expected, SF 6 cores 6sec/move performed very close to 1 core 30 sec/move
Note also that,
I tested SF 6c 6sec/move with 128 MB hash too: 43/132
Also SF 6c 6sec/move tested with 1024 MB hash: 42/132
What I can say more,
We can not use any right 'formula' in case of comparing the hardware speeds !
It all depends on our used conditions...some engines perform better some worse...
But however (in case of measuring the hardware speeds)
Stockfish 290815's KN/s values seems to be not bad choice...
Of course, one of the best choices is that: running similar test suite positions
Or running engine matches in Auto232 mode or via LAN etc...
Some Notes:
Used unsolved positions in 3 seconds/move, 1 core on i7 980X 3.33GHz
Exception Stockfish and Houdini, Crafty surpassed the formula rules too !)
As we see, the above mentioned engines did not follow the old formula ^0.76
It looks like, Rybka is more near to this old formula, but again in case of comparing the speeds:
- We can not use the strict number ^0.76
or it does not mean if same kN/s values, the playing strength should be same !
But however, the kN/s values are more useful for majority of the chess programs !
For example, I can say the same thing in case of doubling the processor speeds,
It will be wrong, if we use any strict formula ...I mean some engines gain 50 Elo, some 60 Elo etc...
Also it is similar issue, in case of increasing the time controls on same hardware...
For example, as far as I remember in one of my testings:
Rybka 30m+1s started to be stronger over Stockfish 1m+1s
In other words,
As I mentioned before, it all depends on our used conditions
For example here are some main factors, which are playing a very BIG role:
Hardware speeds, engine versions, opening books, time controls, etc..
- Stockfish 251015 (Author: lucasart) performed 13 points less than StockfishTS 240915
- NirvanaChess 2.2 x64 performed 18 points better than NirvanaChess 2.1c x64
- Protector 1.9.0 is bugy as previous its versions (performed much worse: 157 points)
* Protector 1.8.0 is tested via Polyglot adapter, where v1.9.0 as native (UCI)
- The latest Donna 3.1 x64 version does not support analyze mode too
- Pedone 1.3 x64 performed 3 points less than Pedone 1.2 x64
- ProDeo 2.0 w32 performed 5 points less than ProDeo 1.87 w32
- Maverick 1.5 x64 performed 5 points better than Maverick 1.0 x64
- NanoSzachy 4.1 x64 performed 1 points less than NanoSzachy 4 x64
- CyberPagno 2.3 w32 performed 8 points better than CyberPagno 2.2 w32
*CyberPagno, Maverick, NirvanaChess are the only ones in this update,
which managed to scored better than older versions...congrats to their developers !
More Details,
Probably I will publish my used EPD database after when X chess engine will pass Houdini !)
So till to this date, TTs test positions are planning to be kept as private (as before)
And I really wonder: who will be this hero ?) who will be able to add best tactical improvement!
SCCT - TTs Conditions/Rules:
Best Regards,
Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-11-2015 16:00
Hello Chess Friends,
I've decided to create a new blitz rating list by some of the top engines...
As we see, Stockfish is the current leader - my congratulations to Sockfish team !!
Note that the rating database includes 3000 games, where 9 games are lost on time
For example here are the chess engines, which have lost on time:
Komodo: 4 games
Stockfish: 2 games
Fire: 2 game
Houdini: 1 game
Rybka and Gull have no any game lost on time !
It looks like some engines are weaker, but more stable under current conditions !)
Note also that I've played a new duel match: Stockfish vs Komodo
2 games at very slow time control: 600 Min + 30 Sec
Engines are used 6 cores, Ponder OFF, No tablebases
Yes...the both Titans could not beat each other and the games are ended as Draw:
Я вот думал, куда пропал уважаемый Седат, мой большой товарищ! Он размещает фото в интернете. Надо будет ему позвонить, как вспомню номер турецкий. У меня накрылся телефон недавно, полетели медным тазом все номера, в том числе и номер телефона Седата. Может в личных сообщениях на сайте найду, он ведь должен мне писать, правда у меня личных сообщений более тысячи, долго искать.