Тема: Шахматы: шахматы для компьютера скачать бесплатно, шахматы онлайн играть с компьютером. Новости шахмат. Статьи о шахматах. :: Sedatchess

Прислано Sedat Canbaz 30-01-2015 14:19

Last Updates:
Stockfish 6 ARM
Phalanx XXIV
Texel 1.05 ARM

SCCT has a new Leader: Stockfish 6 - My BIG Congratulations to Stockfish team !

SCCT - All Versions:[url]

SCCT - Top 20:

Note that since today,
Android engine names are changed from Droid to ARM

A few details more about the current chess engine participants:
-CM9 Natalie 2319 = A Chessmaster 9000's personality called 'Natalie' which is rated at 2319 Elo
-Rybka 4.1 WP x64 = Rybka is played without full pawn (- 205 Elo weaker than default) !
-Houdini 2.0c Kayra2 x64 = Very strong setting by Mehmet Karaman (+ 28 Elo stronger than default) !


Yes...once more we noticed that X engine can be improved to play stronger than default )!

Let me say a few words for the below Top chess engines:
Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini, Rybka, Fruit, Shredder etc...
Do you know why the mentioned Top engines are/were as LEADERS (during 2000 - 2015)?
I think the answer of this question can be found in my saying:
-You can not be on Top by the work of others !)
