Прислано Sedat Canbaz 06-11-2015 16:00
Hello Chess Friends,
I've decided to create a new blitz rating list by some of the top engines...
As we see, Stockfish is the current leader - my congratulations to Sockfish team !!
SCCT (3 Minutes + 0.3 Seconds) Blitz Rating List:
Download Games:
Note that the rating database includes 3000 games, where 9 games are lost on time
For example here are the chess engines, which have lost on time:
Komodo: 4 games
Stockfish: 2 games
Fire: 2 game
Houdini: 1 game
Rybka and Gull have no any game lost on time !
It looks like some engines are weaker, but more stable under current conditions !)
Note also that I've played a new duel match: Stockfish vs Komodo
2 games at very slow time control: 600 Min + 30 Sec
Engines are used 6 cores, Ponder OFF, No tablebases
Yes...the both Titans could not beat each other and the games are ended as Draw:
[Event "SCCT"]
[Site "Antalya/Turkey"]
[Date "2015.11.02"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Stockfish 311015 x64 6c"]
[Black "Komodo 9.2 x64 6c"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B31"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Time "06:55:00"]
[Variation "Rossolimo, 3...g6 4.O-O Bg7 5.Re1 Nf6"]
[TimeControl "36000+30"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "43"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 {+0.27/32 576} Nc6 {-0.10/35 1393} 3. Nc3 {+0.19/34 578} g6
{+0.01/34 749} 4. Bb5 {+0.08/33 931} Bg7 {0.00/35 782} 5. O-O {+0.13/31 70}
d6 {0.00/36 407} 6. Bxc6+ {+0.13/34 745} bxc6 {0.00/33 337} 7. e5 {+0.08/34
534} dxe5 {+0.06/33 306} 8. Re1 {+0.21/30 56} Qc7 {0.00/34 291} 9. d3
{+0.13/36 756} c4 {-0.13/36 1481} 10. h3 {+0.16/32 105} Be6 {0.00/32 593}
11. Qe2 {+0.06/38 730} cxd3 {-0.04/34 640} 12. cxd3 {+0.06/33 61} Nf6
{-0.06/33 268} 13. Nxe5 {+0.07/36 592} O-O {-0.02/33 263} 14. Bd2 {+0.12/33
601} c5 {0.00/36 845} 15. Rac1 {0.00/38 600} Rac8 {0.00/39 2141} 16. b3
{0.00/40 417} Rfd8 {0.00/36 308} 17. Na4 {0.00/41 518} Qd6 {0.00/38 284}
18. Nf3 {0.00/40 422} Bd7 {0.00/35 393} 19. Qxe7 {0.00/42 498} Bxa4
{0.00/39 487} 20. bxa4 {0.00/40 586} Qxd3 {0.00/38 409} 21. Qxa7 {0.00/41
429} Ne4 {0.00/39 484} 22. Bf4 {0.00/42 432} ... {½-½ User Adjudication}
[Event "SCCT"]
[Site "Antalya/Turkey"]
[Date "2015.11.02"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Komodo 9.2 x64 6c"]
[Black "Stockfish 311015 x64 6c"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B82"]
[Opening "Sicilian"]
[Time "13:22:16"]
[Variation "Scheveningen, 6.f4 Be7"]
[TimeControl "36000+30"]
[Termination "adjudication"]
[PlyCount "162"]
[WhiteType "program"]
[BlackType "program"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 {+0.35/32 643} e6 {-0.19/34 908} 3. d4 {+0.35/33 811} cxd4
{-0.22/35 401} 4. Nxd4 {+0.34/32 460} Nf6 {-0.31/34 1473} 5. Nc3 {+0.36/32
432} d6 {-0.18/33 1723} 6. Be2 {+0.31/34 2158} Be7 {-0.15/33 1193} 7. Be3
{+0.30/33 1653} O-O {-0.19/34 1075} 8. Qd3 {+0.27/34 717} Na6 {-0.03/34
499} 9. Qd2 {+0.27/31 628} e5 {0.00/33 55} 10. Nb3 {+0.24/33 583} Nc7
{-0.08/32 676} 11. O-O {+0.23/33 472} b6 {0.00/33 616} 12. Bg5 {+0.21/34
653} Bb7 {0.00/35 79} 13. Bxf6 {+0.16/32 440} Bxf6 {0.00/39 583} 14. Rad1
{+0.16/31 630} Be7 {0.00/33 520} 15. Bc4 {+0.15/33 998} Rc8 {0.00/38 401}
16. Qe2 {+0.13/32 1172} Qd7 {0.00/35 401} 17. f4 {+0.35/30 301} Bf6
{0.00/36 598} 18. f5 {+0.33/29 303} Rfd8 {0.00/35 85} 19. a3 {+0.39/31 793}
a5 {0.00/35 634} 20. Rf3 {+0.33/31 357} Bg5 {0.00/38 432} 21. a4 {+0.32/32
459} Qe7 {-0.09/34 1186} 22. g3 {+0.30/33 266} d5 {-0.08/37 550} 23. exd5
{+0.19/31 198} Qb4 {-0.02/32 68} 24. h4 {+0.29/34 450} Bh6 {-0.12/36 890}
25. Kg2 {+0.39/35 396} Ne8 {-0.10/39 2417} 26. Bb5 {+0.35/32 254} f6
{-0.15/42 738} 27. Kh3 {+0.30/34 631} Nd6 {-0.25/36 505} 28. Bc6 {+0.46/32
372} Rc7 {-0.31/33 91} 29. Nb5 {+0.20/36 1916} Ba6 {0.00/38 539} 30. Qf2
{+0.13/33 353} Bxb5 {0.00/33 96} 31. axb5 {+0.08/33 947} Rb8 {0.00/38 510}
32. Qe1 {+0.11/35 366} Qc4 {0.00/39 86} 33. Na1 {+0.31/37 952} Nxb5
{0.00/40 608} 34. b3 {+0.14/36 485} Qc5 {0.00/41 335} 35. Bxb5 {+0.30/33
194} Qxb5 {0.00/43 332} 36. c4 {+0.29/38 1296} Qc5 {0.00/42 328} 37. Nc2
{+0.18/35 573} Qd6 {0.00/41 325} 38. Qe2 {+0.33/34 829} b5 {-0.02/41 1594}
39. Ra1 {+0.57/32 332} bxc4 {0.00/38 72} 40. bxc4 {+0.41/32 243} Rc5
{-0.09/36 404} 41. Na3 {+0.62/30 176} Rcc8 {-0.07/37 2383} 42. Rd1
{+0.72/33 389} a4 {-0.43/37 1331} 43. Qe4 {+0.62/34 568} Kh8 {-0.36/36 596}
44. Rc3 {+0.36/35 418} g6 {-0.05/35 322} 45. fxg6 {+0.37/35 560} Qd7+
{-0.05/30 39} 46. Qg4 {+0.33/35 155} f5 {-0.05/36 284} 47. Qh5 {+0.36/34
141} f4+ {-0.04/32 31} 48. Qg4 {+0.41/34 305} Qxg4+ {-0.04/36 194} 49. Kxg4
{+0.32/34 129} Rg8 {-0.21/36 862} 50. Kf5 {+0.31/36 369} e4 {0.00/33 332}
51. Nb5 {0.00/32 260} Rxg6 {0.00/37 196} 52. g4 {0.00/36 224} e3 {0.00/38
165} 53. g5 {0.00/38 184} Bf8 {0.00/40 363} 54. d6 {0.00/40 395} e2
{0.00/41 156} 55. Re1 {0.00/41 152} Bxd6 {0.00/42 220} 56. Nxd6 {0.00/42
267} Rf8+ {0.00/40 150} 57. Kg4 {0.00/44 304} Rxd6 {0.00/45 150} 58. Rxe2
{0.00/45 262} f3 {0.00/46 145} 59. Rf2 {0.00/47 485} Rd4+ {0.00/47 145} 60.
Kg3 {0.00/42 91} Rff4 {0.00/47 141} 61. c5 {0.00/46 309} Rg4+ {0.00/45 175}
62. Kxf3 {0.00/44 87} Rxh4 {0.00/46 229} 63. Rfc2 {0.00/46 309} Rhf4+
{0.00/44 251} 64. Kg2 {0.00/46 107} Kg7 {0.00/47 209} 65. c6 {0.00/49 290}
Rg4+ {0.00/49 82} 66. Kf2 {0.00/48 85} Rd8 {0.00/42 123} 67. Re3 {0.00/42
384} Rxg5 {0.00/43 121} 68. Re7+ {+0.03/39 146} Kf6 {0.00/44 120} 69. Rxh7
{+0.03/40 137} Rf5+ {0.00/44 144} 70. Kg3 {+0.03/43 171} a3 {0.00/42 115}
71. c7 {+0.03/41 143} Rg8+ {0.00/43 113} 72. Kh2 {+0.03/44 201} Rc8
{0.00/46 112} 73. Rc6+ {+0.03/40 94} Ke5 {0.00/54 110} 74. Ra6 {+0.03/44
232} Rf2+ {0.00/48 108} 75. Kg3 {+0.03/42 135} Rc2 {0.00/48 107} 76. Re7+
{+0.03/44 153} Kd4 {0.00/51 105} 77. Rd7+ {+0.03/44 216} Kc3 {0.00/50 104}
78. Rxa3+ {+0.03/41 97} Kc4 {0.00/50 107} 79. Rh7 {+0.03/43 116} Kc5
{0.00/53 101} 80. Kf3 {+0.03/44 122} Kc6 {0.00/54 99} 81. Rg7 {+0.03/46
189} Rxc7 {0.00/68 99} 82. ... {½-½ User Adjudication} 1/2-1/2
Best Regards,
Редактировал Sedat Canbaz 06-11-2015 16:01