Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 20-05-2014 04:30
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello Dear Chess Friends !
Yes...SCCT Book Championship I is over !
My BIG Congratulations to Top 3 Places !!!
First Place: DieHard
Second Place (3 books!): The King of Legend / Comet / Laguna II
Third Place (3 books !): The Rock / Skipanda / Shocker 1.2
*Note: A such exiting and interesting book ranking for the first time happens...)) !
I'd like to say many thanks to all..., for your interest and participating in SCCT!
And I hope to see you all in the next book competition too !
Best Wishes,
For Full Standings:
For More Details (Ranking by EloStat / Individual Statistics…):
Games: |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 10-06-2014 01:40
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
New: SCCT Book ChampionShip II
Hello Chess Friends !
Due to many requests... I am pleased to announce:
-I plan to organize the next SCCT Book ChampionShip II
The next book tour is planning to be started around:
Opening Book Registrations: July 01-05 2014
Tournament Start Date : July 06 2014
For More Details:
Be ready for the real Arena !!
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 10-06-2014 01:41 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 10-06-2014 15:03
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
I am looking for data (name, country) about the below Authors
58 (of 183 Book Authors) are missing...
So if anybody knows those Authors, please post here or contact Me:
КодOpening Book Book Author Country
2750test1 Daniel Charles ???
Amchess ??? ???
Batatas ??? ???
Bertran long ??? ???
Bombastic S.B.K. ???
BomBook ??? ???
Bouddha ??? Switzerland
Comet Mike Nielsen ???
Confusion ??? ???
Corman1 ??? ???
Death of Chess ??? ???
DeepUCI2014 Torbjorn R.Johansen ???
Dominator ??? ???
DoomD4b Nikisharma ???
Dumdum Digadiga ??? ???
Durex ??? ???
Eagle ??? Bulgaria
Eivissa Armando Eivissa ???
Engine Norm Pruitt ???
Etimo ??? ???
Exadeath ??? ???
Famine ??? ???
Fantasy Americo Moreira ???
FlyOrDie ??? ???
Future ??? ???
Gen18 Norm Pollock ???
Heretic ??? ???
HitorMiss John Burchill ???
Hornets ??? ???
Hya X2 ??? ???
Jaspion ??? ???
Jonas ??? ???
KnightsFerry ??? ???
Laguna Baboy ???
Magnum ??? ???
Manualbook2 ??? ???
Moheevi60 ??? ???
Monks Rolando Acosta ???
Newbook ??? ???
Oro ??? ???
Over ??? ???
P.Book07-Strong ??? ???
Pinoy ??? ???
PlayHamster Gabor Komaromi ???
Poker ??? ???
RugonParagonExile ??? ???
Shah ??? ???
SheWolf ??? ???
StrongMoves ??? ???
SuperSonic ??? ???
Taormina1 ??? ???
Tatham Chris Tatham ???
The Rock Dean Sprouse ???
Tourbook ??? ???
Traps ??? ???
Troy ??? ???
Veni Vidi Vici ??? ???
WeakBook ??? ???
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 10-06-2014 22:59

Сообщений: 7901
Зарегистрирован: 07.10.08
В 2009 г. я отправлял на тестирование маленькую экспериментальную книжечку под таким названием.
Автор, по моему, Overall (Александр Истомин).
Здесь можно посмотреть информацию: http://pionerches...page_id=14
Изменил(а) Zunkor, 10-06-2014 23:46 |
kosmodrom |
Опубликовано 11-06-2014 10:57

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08
Уважаемый Седат, я не приеду к тебе в Анталию! Я улечу к Олегу в Крым! Данное сообщение прошу считать официальным, и на него ориентироваться. |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 11-06-2014 17:11
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Spasiba za informatsiyu uvajaemiy Viktor
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 11-06-2014 17:11 |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 11-06-2014 17:12
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
kosmodrom написал:
Уважаемый Седат, я не приеду к тебе в Анталию! Я улечу к Олегу в Крым! Данное сообщение прошу считать официальным, и на него ориентироваться.
Uvajaemy Yuriy,
Jelayu horosheva otdiyha ) ! |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 11-06-2014 17:15
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
New Update:
-Mostly of the SCCT participated books are private (not available for downloading)
-The overall participant list includes only 1 (one) opening book version per Author
-Since 2007, so far 206 (two hundred and six) Authors are participated in SCCT
-Exception a few Authors, almost all were as registered opening book participants
-And probably more than 1000 (one thousand) different books I have tested so far
Note also that for each book version preparation (downloading,configurations etc...),
I spend manually approx. 30 minutes, even I don't count the CPU time... !
SCCT Book Tournaments – List of previous Participants:
КодOpening Book Book Author Country
1337chess Michael Wagner USA
2750test1 Daniel Charles ???
A-Runge Andreas Runge Germany
Aerodrom ??? ???
Al7ob Al5ald Van Hoedem S.Arabia
Alfil ??? ???
AlvinsAngels ??? ???
Amazing Bobby Casey USA
Amchess ??? ???
Amfetaminpro ??? ???
AMos 4EvEr Marco Zerbinati Italy
AracMonT Aracelis Montilla Venezuela
Arilovsu Arijit Guha India
Arnos Evil Swami Rai India
ASLevels ??? ???
Atlantis Oleg Uskov Ukraine
Attacker Adriean Costinescu Romania
Awesome Roger E. Zibell USA
B95 ??? ???
Babban ki Kitab Babban Singh India
Batatas ??? ???
Beagle Nick Carlin England
Bertran long ??? ???
BestTeam ??? ???
Bkv Damir Desevac Denmark
BlackZone Thomas Tommy Indonesia
Blade Akrura Patel India
Blade Jitan Stribal Japan
Blitz Tsvetan Milchev Bulgaria
Bolero Sami Mbreti Switzerland
Bombastic S.B.K. ???
Bouddha Bouddha Switzerland
BookNewSD ??? ???
Bullseye Clemens Keck Germany
Bulbul8X ??? ???
CaudineForks Antony Rossetti Italy
ChessmotorAttack Evgeny Timoshchuk Russia
ChessStars-Light Klaus Ritter Germany
CoLdFiRe Chris Cheek USA
Comet Mike Nielsen ???
CompMaster Servet Kultur Turkey
Confusion ??? ???
Corbit Dann Corbit USA
Crawly Ruben Comes Argentina
Dark Angel Josias Mauricio Brasil
Death of Chess Chess Professional ???
DeepUCI2014 Torbjorn R.Johansen ???
DieHard Randy Sands USA
Domination ??? ???
Dominator ??? ???
Don Vasid Chouhan India
DoomD4b Nikisharma ???
Dumdum Digadiga ??? ???
Durex Alexander Goma Australia
Eagle ??? Bulgaria
Eivissa Armando Eivissa ???
ElDiablo ??? ???
Emrebey Emre Ozgur Turkey
Engine Norm Pruitt USA
EyeOfSauron ??? ???
Fantasy Americo Moreira ???
FaTaL M0vE ??? ???
FilthySanchez Mark Sabu USA
FICSTop ??? ???
FireBlade ??? ???
FlyOrDie ??? ???
Fritz11 Alex Kure Austria
FX Marcos Alexandre Brasil
GameOfTrones Pawel Sekowski Poland
Gen18 Norm Pollock USA
General ChessBase Germany
Guardian Angel Giuseppe Petruccelli Italy
Hiarcs Hiarcs Team England
Hitman Eduardo Koji Japan
HitorMiss John Burchill ???
Horcrux ??? ???
Hornets Carlos Hobbs USA
Hurnavich Ianski Hurnavich England
Hurricane Nikolay Bartenev Russia
I7 Extreeme Shkupi Macedonia
Il Konte Edmond Dantes Italy
Ilokano ??? ???
Istanbul Mustafa Gül Turkey
Incessant Violence Vladimir Tkachev Russia
Jakal Hasan Kusçu Turkey
Jalisco Javier Munoz Spain
JapanTopTeam Marcos K. Matsuda Japan
Jaspion Alex Yudi Japan
Jeandis Jean Disquin Venezuela
Jihad Atia Abdelkader France
Jonas Jonas Austria
Junior Boris Altermam Israel
Kadava ??? ???
Kerch Oleg Seryakov Ukraine
KhrONiK Colby Jaxon USA
King Aleksander Bilinski Ukraine
KingGambit Pavel Hase Poland
Klaus Siddhartha Bakshi India
Knife Siddharth Bakshi India
KrakenGT Frank Karl Werner Sweden
Laguna Baboy ???
LastPlaceFun ??? ???
LittleMaste ??? ???
Macedonia Alberto Gueci Italy
MadJackal ??? ???
Magic Andrei Markov Russia
Magister Sigmund Stef Germany
Magnificent Swapna Sinha India
Magnum Ivaylo Mateev Bulgaria
Moheevi ??? ???
Monks Rolando Acosta Philippines
Muntaqim Amir Zebedi UAE
Mybook Yuriy Gudzatoviy Russia
Nano Gabriel Nathans USA
Neapus Alexander Neapus Russia
Newbook Viktor Zunkor Russia
Om Best Om Prakash India
Oro Carmelo Villa Spain
Over Alex Istomin Russia
P.Book07-Strong ??? ???
Paradigm Wael Deeb Bulgaria
Perfect Sedat Canbaz Turkey
Petroff Sasha Petroff Russia
Phantom ??? ???
Pinoy ??? ???
Playbook Oleg Palamarchuk Ukraine
PlayHamster Gabor Komaromi Austria
Poker ??? ???
Power07 ChessBase Germany
Pride Alexssander Shirado Brasil
Prodigy Maurice Chac Indonesia
Puissance Fabian Loris France
Punch Varun Gupta India
Quantum Gabriel Nathans USA
Ramses ??? ???
Razor Jitan Stribal Japan
Remis Gerhard Sonnabend Germany
RiojaJovenyFresco Jose M. Velasco Spain
Rodent Pawel Koziol Poland
Rompecoco Girolamo Randazzo Venezuela
RpC-Needle Aleksandr Shvachko Russia
RSTChess Jorge Ruiz Centelles Spain
RugonParagonExile ??? ???
Rybka Harry Schnapp Germany
Rybka3 Jeroen Noomen Netherlands
Rybka4 Jiri Dufek Czech R.
S.W.Y.D Tiago Alves Brasil
Salvo Salvo Spitaleri Italy
Sambuca Kenny Esteves Venezuela
Savelli Giorgio Savelli Italy
Shah ??? ???
Sheerbar Aung Thura South Korea
Shocker Jorge Martinez Spain
Shredder ET Evgeny Timoshchuk Russia
Shredder11 Sandro Necci Italy
Sicario Eddy Torres Lemus Cuba
Sicilian Finale Munish Gupta India
SicilianRush Brandon Italian81 USA
Sirena ??? ???
Skipanda Eros Riccio Italy
Solidipus Sebastian Böhme Germany
Sparky ??? ???
Spartacus Robert Johnson USA
Spirit Maurizio Platino Italy
Stockfish Peter Cannici Italy
Spook Kevin Frayer USA
Steroids Alvin Alcala Philippines
Stimulus Package John Sabu Canada
Stocco Ermanno Sicurezza ???
Storm Nikita Guskov Russia
Strelnikov Nelson Hernandez USA
StrongMoves ??? ???
SweetDreams ??? ???
TH Smita Singh India
Takker2008 William Fuller USA
Tatham Chris Tatham USA
Tedhi Chal Aman Sharma India
Terminator ??? ???
The King of Legend Baabu Hatela India
The Rock Dean Sprouse ???
The War R.Bhattacharjee Cyprus
The Winner Murat Guler Germany
TheTurk Djordje Vidanovic Serbia
Titielmago Titi Elmago ???
Top Alfred Rulani Sweeden
TopTier Audy Arandela USA
Tornado Samosa India
Traps ??? ???
Troy ??? ???
Tsunami Alex Schmid Germany
TwoAmazing Bobby Casey USA
Uptown BrandonSi USA
Veni Vidi Vici ??? ???
Volatile ??? ???
Warrior Tony Scott USA
WeakBook ??? ???
WinOnly Absimaldata India
WladNny ??? ???
WSO309 ??? ???
Xmas2640-12 Michael Scheidl Germany
Xsupx Waldemar Uliana Brazil
Yograj Sunny India
Zap!Chess ChessBase Germany
Zeeman Sergei Krets Russia
Zenix Julien Durand France
Kind Regards,
Sedat Canbaz |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 11-06-2014 18:40
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
SCCT's Book Tournament Champions (2007-2014):
SCCT I Book Tournament - Perfect 13 book by Sedat Canbaz
SCCT II Book Tournament - Compmaster 1.0b book by Servet Kultur
SCCT Arena Book Tournament - Xmas2640 by Michael Scheidl
SCCT III Book Tournament - Rybka3 book by Jeroen Noomen
SCCT IV Book Tournament - Mybook 13 book by Yuriy Gudzatoviy
SCCT IV Book Rating - Ultra Blitz 3 book by Tsvetan Milchev
SCCT I Book Competition - TwoAmazing book by Bobby Casey
SCCT II Book Competition - Experimental book by Jean Disquin
SCCT III Book Competition - Om book by Om Prakash
SCCT IV Book Competition - Yograj book by Sunny
SCCT V Book Tournament - Hurricane book by Nikolay Bartenev
SCCT 2010 Book Tournament - Dark Angel book by Josias Mauricio
SCCT Prize I Book Tournament - Attacker 3 by Adriean Costinescu
SCCT Prize II Book Tournament - Attacker 4 by Adriean Costinescu
SCCT VI Book Tournament - Don 9 book by Vasid Chouhan
SCCT VII Book Tournament - Hitman 5.2 book by Eduardo Koji
SCCT VIII Book Tournament - Hitman book by Eduardo Koji
SCCT IX Book Tournament - JapanTopTeam by Marcos K. Matsuda
SCCT Super Book League I - Prodigy 12 book by Maurice Chac
SCCT Super Book League II - JapanTopTeam by Marcos K. Matsuda
SCCT Super Book League III - Guardian Angel book by Giuseppe Petruccell
SCCT Book ChampionShip I - DieHard book by Randy Sands
SCCT Book ChampionShip II - ??? |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 12-06-2014 01:34
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
There is a lot of interest about SCCT to be in LIVE,
So I decided to look and check more carefully over this issue...
I know very well that providing the games directly in LIVE is very exiting and interesting...
But however,
Unfortunately there will be no SCCT LIVE, due to I am very disappointed from the below results:
Fritz Benchmark:
Hardware-Processor Speed Cores kN/s LIVE Tool
Intel Core i7 980X 3.33 GHz 6 14744 OFF
Intel Core i7 980X 3.33 GHz 6 11144 ON
Stockfish Benchmark:
kN/s Cores EXE Processors Speed LIVE Tool
8394 6 x64 Intel Core i7-980X 3.33GHz OFF
6525 6 x64 Intel Core i7-980X 3.33GHz ON
Note: The LIVE tool bench speed comparison is done via YouTube LIVE + Firefox Browser
As I expected, very low values! and as we see the chess speed difference is approx. 25 %
Plus we can't be sure how much the chess engines are affecting from those LIVE tools?!
Note also that for maximum performance and strength,
All previous SCCT LIVE tournaments are provided via external PC
Nowadays, I have only 2 tournament PCs (no external 3rd computer in the same room)
And I strongly believe in that (for better strength and more quality games),
The LIVE Broadcasting should be done via external PC
I mean, the LIVE tool should not be broadcasting from the same tournament PC !
In other words,
I don't want to loose the quality of SCCT played games....
And instead of beauty...we should concentrate on performance and strength!!
Sedat |
AntiMaster |
Опубликовано 12-06-2014 02:09


Сообщений: 5613
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.10
Седат, про что речь?? |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 12-06-2014 03:06
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
AntiMaster написал:
Седат, про что речь??
Vova, nashet priamoi translatsii... |
Zunkor |
Опубликовано 12-06-2014 17:37

Сообщений: 7901
Зарегистрирован: 07.10.08
Sedat Canbaz написал:
SCCT Book Tournaments – List of previous Participants:
Изменил(а) Zunkor, 12-06-2014 17:38 |
AntiMaster |
Опубликовано 12-06-2014 23:28


Сообщений: 5613
Зарегистрирован: 17.01.10
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Vova, nashet priamoi translatsii...
Тогда причём тут разные скорости процессоров с каким-то "live"? |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-06-2014 03:26
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Spasiba! |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-06-2014 03:28
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
AntiMaster написал:
Sedat Canbaz написал:
Vova, nashet priamoi translatsii...
Тогда причём тут разные скорости процессоров с каким-то "live"? 
Vot i imenno raznitsa bolshaia...i poetomu peredumal, karoche ne budet live |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 14-06-2014 03:29
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello Dear Chess Friends!
I've just published 2 new videos on YouTube, regarding some of my chess activities!
1)SedatChess Activities's video on YouTube:
2)SCCT - 24 Hour Game: Komodo 6c vs Stockfish 1c:
Note that here are not all of my chess activities,
unfortunately mostly of them are missing...
Thank you for watching!
Have fun,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 16-06-2014 02:21
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Dear Chess Friends!
This time I decided to run a new competition,
which is based on Top 20 open-source chess engines!
Tournament Conditions:
Hardwares: i7 980X / i7 970
Hyper-Treading: OFF
Large Pages: OFF
GUI: Arena 3.0
TC:3 min + 2 sec
Engine Threads: 1 core
Pondering: ON
Perfect 2014t book
Hashrtable Size: 128 MB
General Rules:
•Each participant must be an open-source chess engine and original work
•Only ‘top 20 open source chess engines’ are planing to be as participants
•It’s allowed only 1 (one) participant per chess engine programmer
•In case of often bugs (loose on time,no ponder) the engine will be changed
•Adjudication of draw games is allowed by tournament director
And here are the current participants:
Arasan 17.2 x64
Bison 9.11 x64
Bobcat 3.25 x64
Booot 5.2.0 x64
Cheng4 0.36c x64
Crafty 24 x64
Cyrano 0.6b17 x64
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64
EXchess v7.26a
Gull 3 x64
MinkoChess 1.3 x64
Octochess r5190 x64 (this engine did not play on Windows XP x64, but it plays on Windows 8)
Pawny 1.0 x64
Protector 1.6.0 x64
Redqueen 1.1.97 x64
Rodent 1.4 x64 (the 64-bit engine did not play on Windows XP x64, but no problems on Windows 8)
Scorpio 2.7.7 (each game forfeits on time on Windows XP x64, but on Windows 8 no problems so far)
Senpai 1.0 x64
Stockfish 140614 x64
Texel 1.04 x64
*Engines, which have ponder bugs (the below both engines don't ponder):
Tucano 4.00 x64
Vajolet2 1.28 x64
Note: Only those engines will be tested, which are capable to play when pondering is enabled !
More info coming soon...
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 17-06-2014 19:58
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
New Video Update:
The latest SedatChess's video includes:
55 (fifty-five) Engine Competitions (2002-2014)
29 (twenty-nine) Book Competitions (2007-2014)
7 (seven) Chess Benchmark Lists (2003-2014)
Also it includes different Chess activities of mine
Total: 103 (one hundred and three) screenshots!!
But however even with this new update,
Unfortunately still mostly of my chess activities are missing...
Btw, I hope to see a such calculation utility,
where we will have possibility to calculate all my work over Computer Chess ))
And then I wonder a lot what will be my position vs ... ))?!
Best Wishes,
Sedat |
Sedat Canbaz |
Опубликовано 18-06-2014 20:06
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11
Hello there,
I like a lot the current tournament and here are the 1st results:
1 Stockfish 140614 x64 : 3359.9 284.5 312 91.2%
2 Gull 3 x64 : 3350.0 282.0 311 90.7%
3 Texel 1.04 x64 : 3068.5 221.0 312 70.8%
4 Senpai1.0 x64 : 3065.8 219.5 312 70.4%
5 Protector 1.6.0 x64 : 3035.7 208.5 309 67.5%
6 DiscoCheck 5.2 64 : 2966.9 186.0 310 60.0%
7 Booot 5.2.0 x64 : 2918.1 170.0 312 54.5%
8 Crafty 24 x64 : 2888.3 157.5 310 50.8%
9 MinkoChess 1.3 x64 : 2841.9 70.0 155 45.2%
10 EXchess_v7.26a : 2822.8 135.0 312 43.3%
11 Scorpio 2.7.7 x64 : 2802.8 127.5 312 40.9%
12 Arasan 17.2 x64 : 2799.6 125.0 313 39.9%
13 Cheng4 0.36c x64 : 2794.3 122.5 311 39.4%
14 Rodent 1.4 x64 : 2731.1 100.5 311 32.3%
15 Bison 9.11 x64 : 2725.4 100.0 313 31.9%
16 Bobcat 3.25 x64 : 2725.3 98.5 312 31.6%
17 Cyrano 0.6b17 x64 : 2696.3 45.5 156 29.2%
18 Pawny 1.0 x64 : 2662.6 76.0 308 24.7%
19 Redqueen 1.1.97 x64 : 2640.7 71.5 311 23.0%
More Details:
It is very interesting to note that,
Still is not clear which chess engine will be the champion of this competition: Gull or Stockfish ))!!
Also another very interesting note is that...
Which participant will take the 3rd place: Senpai or Protector or Texel ?! ))
Let't see after 1000 games per player, what will be the standings...
Right now we have 51 games lost on time (based on 2801 games played out):
Scorpio = 24 (all Scorpio's games are played on Windows 8.1 64-bit)
Booot = 10
Bison = 5
Rodent = 4
Redqueen = 3
Cheng = 2
Protector= 1
Gull = 1
Bobcat = 1
Note: the time loses issue is very important, especially for creating ratings
I mean weaker participants (which never loose on time) are getting very high elo points
And those bugs lead to missundestanding Elo calculations...
As we see, Scorpio has the highest number of time loses
And now I've set the default hashtable size (64MB) and WB1 for Scorpio
I hope with this configuration to solve the time issue
Otherwise, Scorpio will be changed with another participant
Also Booot seems to be buggy too...
And probably I will replay those games, which are lost on time
But only those engine's time lost games, which forfeit not very often
For example,
if X engine has up to 20 games lost on time of 1000 game played out
Sedat |