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Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 20-06-2014 19:19
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello there,

Last update:
Octochess - played as WB

While we are talking about Stockfish... Gull is the new Leader of SCCT's Rating list !!
Probably Stockfish's performance suffers with one core or due to Arena's hashtable bug ?!

Note also that sometimes mostly of the UCI engines use default hashtables under Arena 3.0

So I have a wish from Arena team:
- I will be very glad if those hashtable bugs will be fixed in the next release
Note: I sent (informed about those hashtable bugs) several time mails to Arena team....

Or if not...then I have a wish from the open source Engine Authors:
- It will be great if you release your UCI engine, where the default hashtable size to be minimum 64 MB or 128 MB

Well-done to Fabien's engine, currently Senpai is 3rd !




Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 20-06-2014 19:20
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 21-06-2014 16:48
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

With the useful recommendation by Antares:

[i]What you can do is a) DISABLE the "Engines->Manage...:UCI->Common hashtable size" and Cool ENABLE individually for all engines "Engines->Manage...:Details->Special->Init-String" where you enter a UCI-command like "setoption name Hash value 128". [/i]

Right now all UCI engines are started to use 128 MB hashtable size and now Arena 3 is almost a perfect GUI !!

The latest Stockfish 210614 x64 engine will be tested soon...

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 21-06-2014 16:49
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 23-06-2014 13:36
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

I've just calculated the current played games with 4 different calculation programs
Note: Crafty 24 x64 is fixed to 2900 Elo points

And as we see not only the chess engines,
even the calculation programs are different to each other... ))

And now I have a question to all:
- Which is the most accurate rating list ??

And under the current conditions, which chess engine is stronger:
- Gull or Stockfish ??

Btw, all games are available for downloading:

Загрузить источник  Код
A) Ordo 0.8 Calculation:

   # PLAYER                  : RATING    POINTS  PLAYED    (%)

   1 Gull 3 x64              : 3387.1     593.5     660   89.9%
   2 Stockfish 210614 x64    : 3385.2     577.5     631   91.5%
   3 Stockfish 140614 x64    : 3375.0     482.0     530   90.9%
   4 Senpai 1.0 x64          : 3096.8     456.5     661   69.1%
   5 Texel 1.04 x64          : 3095.1     455.0     657   69.3%
   6 Protector 1.6.0 x64     : 3071.9     443.0     663   66.8%
   7 DiscoCheck 5.2 64       : 2996.3     386.5     662   58.4%
   8 Booot 5.2.0 x64         : 2956.8     356.0     660   53.9%
   9 MinkoChess 1.3 x64      : 2913.7     326.5     661   49.4%
  10 Crafty 24 x64           : 2900.0     314.5     661   47.6%
  11 Scorpio 2.7.7 x64       : 2863.5     285.5     658   43.4%
  12 EXchess_v7.26a          : 2848.5     272.5     660   41.3%
  13 Arasan 17.2 x64         : 2845.4     271.5     665   40.8%
  14 Octochess r5190 x64     : 2839.4     266.5     659   40.4%
  15 Cheng4 0.36c x64        : 2838.7     265.0     662   40.0%
  16 Rodent 1.4 x64          : 2789.6     228.5     660   34.6%
  17 Bobcat 3.25 x64         : 2762.5     210.5     658   32.0%
  18 Bison 9.11 x64          : 2752.7     201.5     661   30.5%
  19 Redqueen 1.1.97 x64     : 2691.9     161.0     662   24.3%
  20 Cyrano 0.6b17 x64       : 2681.6     153.5     660   23.3%
  21 Pawny 1.0 x64           : 2673.8     149.0     661   22.5%


B) Bayeselo 0056 Calculation (mm 1 1):

Rank Name                   Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws
   1 Gull 3 x64            3331   33   31   660   90%  2910   13%
   2 Stockfish 210614 x64  3323   34   32   631   92%  2892   13%
   3 Stockfish 140614 x64  3321   37   34   530   91%  2894   14%
   4 Senpai 1.0 x64        3080   23   23   661   69%  2924   24%
   5 Texel 1.04 x64        3080   23   23   657   69%  2921   26%
   6 Protector 1.6.0 x64   3056   23   22   663   67%  2923   27%
   7 DiscoCheck 5.2 64     2993   22   22   662   58%  2930   27%
   8 Booot 5.2.0 x64       2954   22   22   660   54%  2932   28%
   9 MinkoChess 1.3 x64    2914   22   22   661   49%  2931   30%
  10 Crafty 24 x64         2900   22   22   661   48%  2934   31%
  11 Scorpio 2.7.7 x64     2868   22   22   658   43%  2933   27%
  12 EXchess_v7.26a        2853   22   22   660   41%  2937   27%
  13 Arasan 17.2 x64       2849   22   22   665   41%  2939   29%
  14 Octochess r5190 x64   2846   22   22   659   40%  2936   31%
  15 Cheng4 0.36c x64      2846   22   22   662   40%  2939   29%
  16 Rodent 1.4 x64        2798   22   23   660   35%  2938   26%
  17 Bobcat 3.25 x64       2771   23   23   658   32%  2936   25%
  18 Bison 9.11 x64        2758   23   23   661   30%  2944   22%
  19 Redqueen 1.1.97 x64   2702   24   24   662   24%  2943   21%
  20 Cyrano 0.6b17 x64     2694   24   24   660   23%  2944   22%
  21 Pawny 1.0 x64         2687   24   25   661   23%  2943   21%


C) Elostat 1.3 Calculation

    Program                          Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws

  1 Stockfish 210614 x64           : 3293   37  36   631    91.5 %   2879   13.5 %
  2 Stockfish 140614 x64           : 3281   40  39   530    90.9 %   2881   13.6 %
  3 Gull 3 x64                     : 3277   35  35   660    89.9 %   2896   13.5 %
  4 Senpai 1.0 x64                 : 3049   24  24   661    69.1 %   2909   23.8 %
  5 Texel 1.04 x64                 : 3047   24  24   657    69.3 %   2906   25.6 %
  6 Protector 1.6.0 x64            : 3030   24  23   663    66.8 %   2909   27.1 %
  7 DiscoCheck 5.2 64              : 2973   23  23   662    58.4 %   2914   27.3 %
  8 Booot 5.2.0 x64                : 2943   23  23   660    53.9 %   2916   27.9 %
  9 MinkoChess 1.3 x64             : 2910   22  22   661    49.4 %   2915   30.4 %
 10 Crafty 24 x64                  : 2900   22  22   661    47.6 %   2917   30.7 %
 11 Scorpio 2.7.7 x64              : 2870   23  23   658    43.4 %   2917   26.9 %
 12 EXchess_v7.26a                 : 2859   23  23   660    41.3 %   2921   27.4 %
 13 Arasan 17.2 x64                : 2857   22  22   665    40.8 %   2922   29.3 %
 14 Octochess r5190 x64            : 2852   22  22   659    40.4 %   2919   31.4 %
 15 Cheng4 0.36c x64               : 2851   23  23   662    40.0 %   2922   28.7 %
 16 Rodent 1.4 x64                 : 2810   24  24   660    34.6 %   2921   25.6 %
 17 Bobcat 3.25 x64                : 2788   24  24   658    32.0 %   2919   25.1 %
 18 Bison 9.11 x64                 : 2782   25  25   661    30.5 %   2926   22.2 %
 19 Redqueen 1.1.97 x64            : 2728   26  26   662    24.3 %   2925   20.8 %
 20 Cyrano 0.6b17 x64              : 2719   26  26   660    23.3 %   2927   21.7 %
 21 Pawny 1.0 x64                  : 2711   26  27   661    22.5 %   2925   20.6 %


D) Fritz 12 GUI Calculation:

 1   Stockfish 210614 x64    3290   
 2   Stockfish 140614 x64    3279   
 3   Gull 3 x64              3274   
 4   Senpai 1.0 x64          3047   
 5   Texel 1.04 x64          3046   
 6   Protector 1.6.0 x64     3029   
 7   DiscoCheck 5.2 64       2972   
 8   Booot 5.2.0 x64         2942   
 9   MinkoChess 1.3 x64      2910   
10   Crafty 24 x64           2900   
11   Scorpio 2.7.7 x64       2870   
12   EXchess_v7.26a          2859   
13   Arasan 17.2 x64         2857   
14   Octochess r5190 x64     2852   
15   Cheng4 0.36c x64        2851   
16   Rodent 1.4 x64          2810   
17   Bobcat 3.25 x64         2788   
18   Bison 9.11 x64          2782   
19   Redqueen 1.1.97 x64     2728   
20   Cyrano 0.6b17 x64       2720   
21   Pawny 1.0 x64           2711

And here is the Round-Robin table:
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 23-06-2014 13:38
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 24-06-2014 17:33
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Finely (after 736 games),
Stockfish started to lead...!, even with all calculation programs !
Well-done to Stockfish team!

Gull's performance is superior too (his Elo points are very close to Stockfish)
Due to many of the opponents of Gull and Stockfish are approx. 500-600 Elo weaker...

For Full Standings:

Note: Latest played games (with annotations) are available too...

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 24-06-2014 17:33
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 26-06-2014 18:21
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

There was a question (in CSS forum) about why I've created a such video...

So I've decided to publish my posting here too:

In shortly,
The idea of creating a such video is born due to some people,
who have seriuosly problems with my chess activities...

I don't really know why all this happens over my free work
Maybe due to jealousy, envy...?! perhaps you know ?

Maybe someone's will understand me what I am meaning exactly, if he/she will read the below threads:
In other words,
My previous message and current video is a very small response (Contra Attack) to those guys ))

Btw, I uploaded a new decent video:

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 26-06-2014 18:22
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 30-06-2014 13:10
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

New Update

Daydreamer 1.75 x64 is participated, for full standings:

Note: the current open-source competition is going to be paused...
Due to very soon SCCT Book ChampionShip II will be scheduled !

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 30-06-2014 14:13
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Latest News

Just I'd like to mention once more,
SCCT Book ChampionShip is going to be started very soon!

The current book tour is planning to be scheduled:
Opening Book Registrations: July 01-05 2014
Tournament Start Date : July 06 2014

Note also that,
I've received a few mails regarding the current book competition

And I am pleased to announce some famous authors:

Nikolay Bartenev (the author of super strong Hurricane book series) is planning to participate!
Note: Hurricane was the champion of SCCT V (16 minute game) and many times was at one of the top SCCT places

Eros Riccio (the author of Skipanda,which was 3rd in the previous tour) is planning to participate too!
Eros's books were always at one of the top SCCT places, a great talent in book making too!

Plus several mails more from different book makers...

Note also that Mr. Jatt promised to give a prize to:
- The Winner of this tournament (Playchess Serial No for 1 Year)

The next book tour (after this one) is planning to be on December 2014!

Don't miss the current event...

And I hope to see much more many book participants too

For More Details:

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 02-07-2014 12:43
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

I've just calculated: open-source vs closed-source engines!

And as we see,
Open - source engines are stronger with more than 60 Elo points !!!
My BIG congratulations to open - source chess engine authors !!

ORDO Calculation:

Загрузить источник  Код
   # PLAYER             : RATING    POINTS   GAMES    (%)
   1 Open - Source      : 3264.6    2659.0    4500   59.1%
   2 Closed - Source    : 3200.0    1841.0    4500   40.9%

EloStat Calculation:

Загрузить источник  Код
    Program                          Elo    +   -   Games   Score   Av.Op.  Draws

  1 Open - Source                  : 3264    8   8  4500    59.1 %   3200   34.4 %
  2 Closed - Source                : 3200    8   8  4500    40.9 %   3264   34.4 %

More Details:
The ranking does not include open vs open or closed vs closed matches
The Elo comparing is based on games played at SCCT (3m+2s) MP Rating

Have fun,
Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 02-07-2014 12:55
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 03-07-2014 15:15
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello there,

This time,
I decided to replay the rest played games by Gull 3 too
Note: before Gull is replayed only against the Top 9 participants

And once more I'd like to mention about the reason:

- Gull 3's default hashtable size was higher during up to 400-500 games per player
- Yesterday I noticed also that Gull 3 sometimes is using 6 cores (due to Arena's bug)

Note also,
Gull's Elo difference between wrong and accurate testing is approx. 70-80 Elo
I mean for before, Gull was rated almost on same level strength as Stockfish

And now, (after the useful recommendations by Anton),
All engines are started to play at full performance under Arena 3 GUI
And of course the current standings are become more accurate...!!))

For Latest Standings:

Изменил(а) Sedat Canbaz, 03-07-2014 15:18
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 06-07-2014 17:14
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Latest News

SCCT Book ChampionShip II is still not started, due to several reasons...
But probably tomorrow I will start it!

Note that currently we have 26 registered book participants !

To be honest,
I expected to see more book registrations...
Perhaps the tournament start date is not very suitable...
Summertime, Holidays, the 2014 FIFA World Cup etc...

This number is quite ok for me, at least much less efforts I will spend... )!
Because I remember those days, when I received more than 100 registrations per tour))

But however without not mention this I can't,
The 26 book participants are real 'Gladiators', no fear to fight... !!
Actually all previous SCCT Book Authors are real Gladiators too !

Good luck to all,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 07-07-2014 22:07
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

I am pleased to publish the first results!

For right now,
Guardian Angel II book leads... Congratulations to Giuseppe Petruccelli !
And I am not much surprised...Guardian Angel is the Champion of SCCT Super League III
Note that Giuseppe Petruccelli's book has no any single defeat so far, well-done!

And so far,
There is no any single defeat by Rocket X book too, well done to Dean Sprouse too !

Note also there was one book corrupted, that's why instead of 26 , we see 25 participants !

For SCCT CS 2 full standings (after 440 games):

Have fun,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-07-2014 14:42
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New Standings!

The Current Leader: Rocket X book - Congrats to Dean Sprouse !
This is a record! Dean Sprouse's book still has no any defeat!!

For right now,
Guardian Angel II book is 2nd and 2Xtreme book is 3rd !

Of course, its too early, we need more games...
Everything can happen in the next hours, days...
And still there is possibility to see another new leader/s...

Note also that I replayed 26 games played by SWYD V6 opening book
This issue happened due to my finger mistake, I am really sorry for that...
In other words, instead of selecting Swyd book, I selected Sugar book
Yes...I was afraid from that and finely I've made a such mistake
Note also that never happened before..., this is also a record)) !
I've tested probably more than 1000 books and in the end it happened...
But however,
Now the table is clean, thanks to Tiago Alves for reporting this out!

More Details:
-SedatChess's main site was not accessible from many countries (during registrations)
*Probably this could be another reason about why we see less book participants!?
-Rolando Acosta's book will be entered(very soon it will be tested in a gauntlet mode)
-Note also almost 50 % of the tour is over, the next update will be with final rankings!

For the latest standings (after 911 games):

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 10-07-2014 02:38
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Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11


SCCT Book Championship is over !

1st. Rocket X by Dean Sprouse
2nd. Guardian Angel II by Giuseppe Petruccelli / 2Xtreme by John Burchill
3rd. SKIPanda Plus by Eros Riccio

And BIG thanks as usual to all,
who participated in this exciting tournament!

SCCT Book Championship II FINAL Standings:

Best Wishes,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 10-07-2014 02:55
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

SCCT CS II's participant list:

Загрузить источник  Код
Opening Book         Book Author             Country
2Xtreme              John Burchill           ???
B2600w               Clemens Keck            Germany
CaudineForks V2      Antony Rossetti         Italy
Fantasy              Americo Moreira         Portugal
Farscape             Angelo  Moreira         Portugal
Babban ki Kitab      Babban Singh            India
Beagle II            Nick Carlin             England
DieHard              Randy Sands             USA
Doom Re-Visited      Nikisharma              India
Freddieboy           Rolando Acosta          Philippines
GameOfTrones 2       Pawel Sekowski          Poland
Guardian Angel II    Giuseppe Petruccelli    Italy
Hurricine 3D         Nikolay Bartenev        Russia
JE114                Jean Disquin            Venezuela
Klaus II             Siddhartha Bakshi       India
KrakenGTisb          Frank Karl WERNER       Sweden
Manuchess v1         Emmanuel Dauwe          France
Needle 5.1.5         Aleksandr Shvachko      Russia
Oops-02              Waldemar G Uliana       Brazil
Rocket X             Dean Sprouse            ???
Shocker 3.0          Jorge Martinez          ???
SKIPanda Plus        Eros Riccio             Italy
StockBook            Mike Nielsen            ???
SuGaR II+++          Marco Zerbinati         Italy
SWYD V6              Tiago Alves             Brasil
Zenix 3.7            Julien Durand           France

Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 30-07-2014 17:22
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends!

I am pleased to announce the release of Perfect 2014 books!

Note that there are 8 (eight) opening book formats in the full package!

Perfect 2014 Final is compatible only for:
Shredder Classic

Note also that due to no much free time,
Sorry that I could not manage to create for the rest Chess GUIs...

But however there is a possibility to use my latest books,
For example, if you use the above mentioned Chess GUIs !)

Download Perfect 2014 Final (Full Package):

Enjoy and Happy Testings!

Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 07-08-2014 14:32
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Hello there :)

Last Updates:

Загрузить источник  Код

kN/s  Cores  EXE  Processors              Speed   Hardware Users
12459  12  x64  2x Intel Xeon X5650     @2.92GHz  Leto Atreides
9787    6  x64  Intel Core i7-4930K      3.40GHz  Torbjorn Johansen
8750    8  x64  AMD FX-8350             @4.50GHz  Andreas Strangmüller
8614    8  x64  AMD FX-8350             @4.40GHz  Felix Fernandez
8434    4  x64  Intel Core i5-4670K     @4.50GHz  Dark_wizzie
7877    4  x64  Intel Core i7-4770K     @4.30GHz  Frank Quisinsky
6992    6  x64  AMD Phenom II X6 1100T  @3.60GHz  Raymond Banks
4821    4  x64  Intel i7-4700QM          2.40GHz  Andreas Strangmüller
3720    4  x64  Intel Core i7-2670QM     2.20GHz  Seaman
2083    1  x64  Intel Core i7-4770K     @4.30GHz  Frank Quisinsky
1551    4  w32  AMD A-Series A8-4500M    1.90GHz  Fauzi Dabat
1066    4  w32  Intel Atom Z3740         1.33GHz  H Tsang
202     1  w32  Intel Atom N270          1.60GHz  Dark Wizzie
473     4  w32  Lenovo A3000 Quad Core   1.20GHz  Souvik Chakraborty

For Full List of Stockfish Chess Benchmarks:

And once more I'd like to say:
- BIG thanks to all chess friends who sent me benchmarks so far!!

Опубликовано 08-08-2014 15:08

Сообщений: 8371
Зарегистрирован: 05.10.08

Прости, уважаемый Седат, по пьянке говорю тебе всякую ерунду.
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 08-08-2014 19:17
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Vse ok, ne perejivai uvajaemiy Yurir, u nas biyl priatniy tel razgovor
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 16-08-2014 20:23
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Vajolet2 1.45 x64

Well done to Marco Belli, currently Vajolet's rank is 8th place !

TOP 20:




This current rating is one of most original rating lists that I have ever seen !

Have a nice weekend,
Sedat Canbaz
Опубликовано 25-08-2014 13:30
Мастер ФИДЕ

Сообщений: 410
Зарегистрирован: 11.01.11

Dear Chess Friends,

I started a new handicapped test: Rybka 3 + book vs Stockfish 5 + without book

And I created a new poll:

So I wonder (with the current conditions),
Can we say Rybka is still King ?!

i7 980X 3.33 GHz / i7 970 3.20 GHz
Time control: 3 Minutes per game
MP testing (6 cores)
Ponder OFF
512 MB Hash
Tablebases OFF

More Details:
The current used book (for Rybka) is completely a new creation (based mainly on SCCT/Playchess games)
To be honest, I spent only a few hours for the optimization of the current used opening book lines
I preferred Blitz time control, due to we will have possibility to see more played games
And more games that means more accurate standings... !
Note also that the difference between blitz and slow time control is approx. 50 Elo
With neutral short books, the Elo difference between Rybka 3 vs Stockfish 5 is approx. 200 Elo
And very soon I plan to publish the first played results of this exiting duel...

Thanks in advance for your voting !

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